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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. Tell him to stop being cheap and pay the agent and relax...money is #1 here.
  2. This is the result of western nations eliminating classes in high school on critical thinking skills. Listen again, for all those who do not study this culture...THAILAND IS VERY CONSERVATIVE! You may think you are getting away with your stupid behavior, but in reality, they are watching you and will strike when they are ready. How many times have we been warned about porn in this country??? God, get a clue More Runs! Enjoy your stay in the BKK Hilton.
  3. Imagine the line to the bathroom....5555?
  4. I was waiting for my invitation to this event.
  5. I do not let them twist my neck ever! If they get too rough, I put a stop to it immediately. Some of these ladies are not qualfied.
  6. That looks fine for me, as I grew up in a large family, my only concern is the farting and snoring.
  7. Easy peasy...not that complicated.
  8. Well, there goes all my "African Homies" on Sukhumvit.....
  9. Yes...it's over Johnny....555555555.
  10. Note to all Cheap Charlies living on Samui...pack your bags and head for the hills or somewhere else...you will be priced out next year. I hoped you enjoyed the Island when you lived there. Those days are gone...Forever! There will be a massive inflow of <deleted> money from America...and everything will be inflated. Such is life. STs will be 7 K min.
  11. Sure, go ahead, us Mongers will be feeling those up as soon as she dumps you.
  12. When will they blame weed on this incident?
  13. I would kill most of them and feed them to the wild animals in the jungle.
  14. Over here in Pattaya, we also have the "Soi Dog Mafia" to deal with. I carry a metal rod, the kind that cops use, to fend off those mafia dogs. I have no problems killing or injuring one or two or three of those dogs...they will learn quickly who the alpha dog is. There is an easy solution to this problem....poison them and thin the herd.
  15. Special message to my peeps locked up due to Jan 6 phony convictions...freedom is coming.
  16. Americans are so exceptional....555555. None of us are surprised by this move. Biden's are what we call White Trash.
  17. Should have agreed to a time...and she was wrong to rush him. Not guilty.
  18. Will they blame weed on this More Run?
  19. And? Who is perfect genius? Tell me and I will move to join them.
  20. Must be a boring day for topics. We Americans are not exceptional ok! Forget what Obama said and move on with your lives. We are just as Eff Up as any other country on this planet. Sorry to burst your bubbles.
  21. In case you have not checked, there are millions of Turks and Arabs in Germany...and they are very fluent in that language...
  22. That is funny, but true, those poor guys get less than 600 THB a day...and God bless them, I hope they sleep good. I use to work Grave Yard and it is a tough job, especially if you have nothing to do but sit.
  23. We all know the Farangs here, some of them, just do not understand how to ride these bikes and tend to speed quite often. I see it everyday. Sad, but then again, this is life.
  24. You are the reason why PT Barnum was right.
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