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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. Yes, there is something going around....and it will take weeks for your body to get rid of it.
  2. Not sure why they want to come here? Can they go to another European country that will welcome them?
  3. This is not complicated. Why is this news? Simple solution. Come to Thailand, stay for the duration that they give you generously and then leave. YOU ARE A GUEST IN THIS COUNTRY! GET USE TO IT. YOU WANT TO STAY LONGER, THERE ARE OTHER VISA OPTIONS, WITH THE BEST BEING THAI ELITE IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT. Keep up the pressure Thai Immigration peeps....show them that you are not as stupid as the Americans, who let anyone in to their country.
  4. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the IDC hell on earth? Why is he complaining?
  5. God, how many times were we warned to stay away from drugs in this country? Why take the risk? Can't folks take a break from getting high on illegal drugs? Weed is legal!!!!!!! The Thai people do not like when you insult their laws!!!! Take a BREAk!!!!!!
  6. Tell her there are many job opportunities at the Coconut Bar in Pattaya. Always hiring. Great opportunity to meet folks from all over India, Pakistan, Korea and China. Reasonable salary with benefits.
  7. True, very true. Two incidents I have been involved with here in Patts: 1. My friend insulted the Taxi driver when he was asking for a high price to take us to a club. I begged him to apologize. He refused. The Taxi guy got out with baton and was ready to beat his brains out. I defused the situation and it was fine. 2. This young black with kid with is Russia GF bumped my motor bike taxi and words were exchanged, the black guy twice came to argue with the motorbike guy. Twice I begged him to let it go and the motorbike guy was also mellow. After the second argument, he went to the compartment and got his gun out and was waiting for idiot black guy to come back. I said do it, I have no problems with you taking care of business. Luckily he went home with his Euro babe. My only worry was that I would have to explain what happened, and I would tell the cops the truth, he deserved it. Do not mess with the Thais here. It is their country and this country is a thousands of years older than us. Life is cheap. I can fight (Jujitsu), but I cannot take on more than 1 man at a time. Learn how to de-escalate. Those Brits are dumb. Sorry, but it is the truth. Arrogant and no ability to apply critical thinking skills.
  8. Does this explain the rise in Knife fights in the UK. In the states we are used to gang members shooting and it is normal, but we have few knife fights. I do note that a lot of young UK kids are knife to death in the UK.
  9. Better yet, there are many black Americans here in Patts and Phuket...go up to them and say what you submitted and ask for a friendly fight and then tell me how that turns out. You have never lived in America.
  10. First, these guys were Brits, second, try telling that to American from LA, Oakland, Detroit, Baltimore, Chi Town and see what happens key board tough guy. I would not ever get into a fight with an American, especially those from the Southern States (start with Kentucky)...they are bred to fight. Why do you think we go to wars...for fun?
  11. Once the finger is pointed at you,...it is game over....Cancel Christmas....555555. Mor*ns
  12. There is a simple solution to this problem when he gets to the big house. I would say not more that 30,000 THB. Maybe even less.
  13. Excuse me, those meat on a stick are not increasing calories...actually, they should eat more meat on the stick with vegetables and avoid the carbs.
  14. Let met tell you what the future is...Thailand will end up like Americans...Obese, Diabetic, Heart Disease and other health issues. Primary cause is the massive increase of eating Process junk crap food from the states...like Lays Potato Chips, Burgers wit shakes, the crap food in the malls,,,,those pretzels sticks with chemical laced flavors, Taco Bell, Burger King, McDs...etc. I have seen an increase in the body shape of Thai women compared to the old days and I know the future and it is FAT! STOP EATING AMERICAN PROCESSED FOOD AND AMERICAN DIET OF BURGERS AND OTHER CRAP. Go back to your great and healthy diet.
  15. Hey J&&K....we have more patents issued over every other country on the planet....not bat for Dimwits huh?
  16. 55555555555555555555555555555555555 Honest to God, I am not sure the Thai babes know that there is war going on the planet in Europe....
  17. I have my 90 day reporting stapled in my passport and have no issues going back and forth to America or through connecting countries.
  18. Glad to see our Sailors getting a break and having a good time. Met a few of those young men and they all seemed to be having a fun time. God, I hope they did not fall in love with any babe from Soi 6 or WS.
  19. My reservation at that hotel is still okay right? Just checking. I deposited 50,000 THB as instructed. 55555.
  20. What is the purpose of these submarines? They will not last two minutes if the shooting starts....especially with a first class Naval power.
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