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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. Blame my Americans for saving them from Iraq. Worst decision last century.
  2. FAFO! He deserved to get smacked around.
  3. Small penis syndrome is an epidemic here.
  4. I am so happy to see that the Cow is okay.
  5. He should be arrested for that Man Bun.
  6. He was looking for the cheap charlie Farang who did not send his monthly payment...5555.
  7. Arrest, have him pay the cop and bolt driver hundreds of thousands of THB and then Deport his useless ass!
  8. Same story, different year. Try telling spoiled, entitled jerks to behave is like pissing in the wind.
  9. As an American, the USA is the last country on the planet that I would take any advice on a "Democratic Process".
  10. I wish my country would MYOFB! We, the USA have not learnt anything from our interference in S. E. Asia. Stay the F**K out of this country's internal politics. Hey, my fellow Americans in the CIA (State Department)...figure out who wanted to take out Trump before making stupid comments about an issue that does not concern you. Ok!
  11. Let them beat each other and then pick up the survivors and deport and black list. Better yet, send them to Iraq.
  12. 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 I guess these More Runs did not read the instructions on what to do in Thailand, before heading to that Island. I do hope they enjoy their stay in prison. I hear the food and AC is the best in S.E. Asia. Where is the GoFund Me page....555555.
  13. So, this is the Final, Final...right...I mean, no more "Flipping the Script"? Because, I wake up and there is always news on the Visa program.... So, this is the end,,,,
  14. Why don't you move here and experience what we are getting everyday genius? These folks are going hurt someone one day. They have no respect for the streets when they are on those bikes...and they are ignorant and disrespect the locals. Leave mongers alone...or are you jealous?
  15. Instead of cracking down on hard working massage parlors, why are they not doing something about these spoiled, entitled more runs? I will never forgive my country for saving them from Iraq back in the day. Waste of American lives. WASTE!
  16. Yes, they are not afraid to put an end to this mess that the cops should have done weeks ago. How many complaints must be filed before action is taken?????
  17. So very happy to see the Thais kicking ass and taking names.... Those Kuwaitis are obnoxious and rude and do not respect this country.
  18. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh Poor baby.
  19. This is a sensitive country....very immature.
  20. This happens in Pattaya also. The Indians are notorious for ignoring the car and motorbike traffic. Honestly, 80% of my motorbike taxi guys curse them and push them out of the way. Something big will happen soon. Education is the key to this issue.
  21. Only More Runs pay attention to polls during the Summer. The media is playing with your minds. Americans will make up their minds around the end of October...that is all. And, those Americans are the ones who finally paid attention. Trump will win. Everyone knows that Kamala is a phony and not respected by world leaders.
  22. In a country like Thailand or England, you must be prepared to have a weapon. There are more knife deaths in the UK right now.
  23. FAFO.... Aussies need to understand that America is a violent country. Everyone I know back there is packing some kind of heat when they go out. Such is life....and alcohol is to blame. Best if they had some Green.
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