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Posts posted by jcgodber

  1. You seem to now have changed the web site format. The way it was before worked very well.

    I am confused. When I go to a posting such as -http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=98545&view=findpost&p=1049990

    I am told that there have been something like 21 replies yet I can only find the first 4 . Either I am doing something wrong or ???

    Jim Godber

  2. 30 December 2006


    I too have done the same. A few years ago I moved from California to Sa Kaeo here in Thailand. You are correct about the wife being allowed to bring all of her acquired household goods back to Thailand duty free, just once.

    Before I had made the move I was advised to ship just as much as possible. This is good advice. I loaded a container with absolutely everything I owned except for my car and my electric golf cart.

    My container took just about 30 days to make the trip to my front door here in Sa Kaeo. The container was never even opened by customs. I did submit a COMPLETE list of contents of all that I shipped to my shipping agent. In retrospect, I should have got a 40-foot container and gone out and bought still more stuff to take to Thailand.

    If you like I will P.M. you a complete list of what I shipped.

    Here is a very partial list of the things that I brought.

    Gas BBQ

    All kitchen stuff, dishes, small appliances

    Grandfather clock

    Many wall clocks

    Electric gate opener

    Dinning room furniture

    All furniture- rugs-pictures

    A 220-volt refrigerator (special order in U.S.)

    All clothing

    All my shop tools. Drill press table saw etc

    Power lawn mower

    Quality door locks for all doors all keyed to the same key

    Bathroom fixtures towel bars medicine cabinet wall light

    All table lamps and floor lamps

    Water pumps for the garden water fountains

    Garden water hose and reels, brass water nozzles and faucets

    An alarm system

    All of my computer stuff, fax, printer, scanner

    You mentioned something about not bringing any electrical appliances, Why? You are very lucky to be coming from a 220V country, bring everything and more.

    I even brought many cases of canned goods (food) that were unavailable here in Thailand.

    I hope that this will help you a little please contact me if I can be of any more help.

    Jim Godber

    //email removed//

  3. you don't need a cell phone at all. What works way better here in Thailand is a very small USB device called a Solomon. I have used it fior everal years and it is the way to go. Tghe Solomon has a SIM chip inside and you simply add value to it same as you would a phone.

  4. http://www.garmin.com/

    Hello Buzzer—

    Several years ago I too was looking for a GPS for use here in Thailand.

    While still living back in California I had bought a Garmin V, which was a small dash, mounted GPS with a very small screen. It came loaded with all the software I needed for navigation around the western U.S. and as I remember it also had city select. I wanted to take that old model with me to use in Thailand but discovered that there really was not any maps available for it Except the World map. I went ahead and used it here in Thailand with a world map for a year or 2. I kept writing to Garmin if they would ever sell a map for Thailand. They never did.

    I finally got an answer from Garmin that they had licensed a company here in Thailand to use the Garmin source code and adapt their Thai maps as 3rd party software for all Garmin GPS.

    Without the Thai maps the GPS would not be very useful.

    The name of the company here in Thailand is



    A couple of years ago I bought the GARMIN STREET PILOT 2610 here in Thailand at the ESRI office. Boy am I happy that I did that. I had almost made the mistake of buying the same model back in the states, cheaper BUT with no Thai maps.

    The Garmin Street Pilot I use sits on the dash on a “bean Bag” mount so is portable. For me the most valuable features are-

    Auto routing- you select where you want to go and it will compute the route.

    Voice directions.

    Touch screen-

    Color screen

    ESRI has all the maps for Thailand Plus all the gas stations, restaurants, shops government buildings etc, etc.

    Every year or so I take the unit back to ESRI and get my map software UPDATED. This is useful as many new roads are being built here in the kingdom.

    I have traveled 400,000 kilometers in the past several years and never get lost. I would just hate to go bumbling around Bangkok with no GPS

    The model Garmin I bought cost 50,000 baht

    OK, I know that is a lot of money, but I bought the 10th one that ESRI had adapted for Thailand.

    It is probably the smartest thing I have ever bought. I use it daily.

    I enter many rallies with Isuzu and depend on the Street Pilot.

    I hope this has helped you. I spent a lot of time and emails years ago trying to solve the GPS in Thailand question.

    One final thought, I have found that if you have film mounted on your windshield (windscreen) the signal won’t get thru. You need to use a small external antenna with a magnetic base. ESRI has these.

    The only time I ever use my computer for the Garmin is if I want to copy and save a bunch of waypoints and routes.

    The Street Pilot is stand alone and just plugs into your cigarette lighter. :o

  5. Thaddeus- If you would be so kind, I have a question about your Ipstar use?

    I too have thought about viewing TV via Ipstar but would the hourly usage cost be somewhat expensive?

    At their website the home plan seems to only allow for 2 GB of download per month at a cost of 2500 baht.

    I am thinking that would be less that 1 or 2hours of TV am I wrong about that?

    Any advise much appreciated,

    Jim :o

  6. I finly figured out ( with a whole lot of forum help) how to not get the "out of memory" messages.

    I turned off the 3G as I don't live anywhere near 3G ( to save the battery)

    I turned off history

    I turned off auto bookmarks

    I keep the cashe empty

    I now no longer have a memory problem

    Jim Godber :o

  7. Does anyone here have Google Gmail ?

    I have been trying to sign up with them and have them send me a 6-digit code to my cell phone. There seems to be a problem with the service provide (AIS).

    In desperation I am hoping that someone here would send me the code so I too can use Gmail.

    This is what Google sent to me via email-

    We suggest asking a friend with a mobile phone if you can use his or


    number to receive a code. Each phone number can receive ten codes, so


    can create up to ten accounts per phone number. Also, if you know


    who already has a Gmail account, you can ask him or her to email an

    invitation to you.

    Thanks, Jim Godber :o

  8. Thanks For the input :o

    Tomorrow first thing I will hot foot it over to the nearest Dtac and change service.

    I can get yahoo.com with AIS it is just that when I try to "sign on" I am left with nothing but a blank screen waiting for a page that will never load.

    I am thinking now " I wonder if the girl there in Kabinburi at Dtac shop would know just how to install their service"

    Jim Godber

  9. out of memory”?

    Phone memory

    14 MB memory in use

    32 MB free memory

    5 KB calendar

    38 KB contacts

    100 KB messages

    69 KB images

    0 B sound files

    0 B video clips

    0 B applications

    Memory card 1 GB

    39 MB memory in use

    915 MB free memory

    0 MB calendar

    0 MB contacts

    84 KB messages

    2199 KB images

    3701 KB sound files

    3723 KB video clips

    297 KB documents

    0 KB applications

    I have cleared my cache

    Emptied all most of my messages

    I have turned off the auto bookmarks

    “Content is only partly displayed due to out of memory”

    Question???? Why do I get “ out of memory”?

    Any help much appreciated,

    Jim Godber

    Is there something else that I need to?

  10. I do not “YAHOO” mail with AIS mobile

    For the past week I have been unable to get into the “ my yahoo” page and sign in.

    Yesterday I made the long drive (from Sa Kaeo) to AIS at Future Park in Rangsit.

    I explained my problem to the people there at AIS and was told that-

    Yahoo Mail using mobile is currently unavailable in all Thailand as “something is broke

    Question? Is this true?

    I asked if this was only an AIS problem and was assured that no one here in Thailand is now getting Yahoo Mail mobile regardless of service provider.

    I need good advise,

    Jim Godber :o

  11. Hi Mark: Others here have givin some very good advice. Sometimes a 3rd party standing back and viewing the big picture can see more clearly.

    Firstly, if the wife does not love you any more, there is really not too much that you can do about that. In your post you had mentioned that she does not –

    “Want a loving/sharing/equal relationship.”

    “I don't ask anything from her (affection, sex, sharing of feelings ect) and continue to provide for her (and family) then no probs.”

    It is my gut feeling that she just might have never really loved you and that you were the way to a better life. You mentioned that you are “not a high earner” but I would just bet that what you do earn provides a way higher standard of living than she had back in Thailand.

    You have been a meal ticket for both her and her family, as you send money back home.

    Her talking about “loosing “ you once you are back in Thailand, my, how convenient for her? Again, why are you returning to Thailand? There is nothing for you there. By packing up you family and traveling back to the families door step so to speak, just makes it very easy for your wife to then just dump you and send you off on your way ALONE.

    More gut feelings; I would then guess that she would then once again be in the “market” for a rich falang.

    Most of your money is wrapped up in your home as you are now in the 8th year of your mortgage. You will now have a very nice chunk of money in equity. I would re-finance your home and take just as much money out as you possibly can and “hide” it in a place that she or the law can’t get it.

    I would as previously suggested, gain control of you child’s passport.

    I would then allow her to return to Thailand ALONE. You need to keep very tight control of you money so as he could not buy two plane tickets and try to run off. If she has any credit cards, get them and cut them up.

    Bottom line, Don’t take the trip back to Thailand

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