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Posts posted by jcgodber

  1. I am sure that Vista is very good BUT I was shopping for a new laptop. I found the one that I wanted, an Acer 6231. I asked to first see a demo of the computer working, AH! Really slooow. I was told by the “clerk” that the computer was slow because the Vista software should have more RAM. As it was the Acer only came with 512.

    Bottom line I bought the computer and installed (genuine) Microsoft XP Home sp/2 and am now a very happy camper. I also installed 2.00 GB RAM

    Maybe some day I will install the Vista sp/2 or whatever improvement they come up with.


  2. I have friends, (American husband and wife) that have retired here and have contributed to the Thai economy each month to the tune of around 80,000 to 100,000 baht each and every month for several years. Now the Thai government wants to drive these people out??

    This looks like a giant step backwards for Thailand. Thousands of vendors here depend on foreigners spending their retirement income here in Thailand for goods and services. I strongly suspect that The Thailand government has made an extremely unwise decision. These foreign retirees that are here take nothing and spend, spend, spend and now the government is telling them to go spend somewhere else???

    It is my understanding that Thailand NEEDS dollars brought into the country and now they forcing people to take their dollars and go away????

    My function here is to bring dollars into the country and hurry and spend them so I can bring more in.


  3. post-32989-1187731212_thumb.jpgpost-32989-1187731229_thumb.jpgpost-32989-1187731246_thumb.jpg

    During the rainy season I don’t water at all. Once into the dry season I water twice a day, once in the very early a.m. and again at sundown. I have installed pop up sprinklers and have the systems all on timers. I live in a very small village and use the community water system, but the pressure is very low so I had to first add a ground level stainless water tank (850 liter) and use a pump to give me the needed water pressure for the sprinkler system.


  4. SOON

    I have come to expect very little with the word soon here in Thaland.

    10 years ago TOT told me that they would be running a landline phone service to my home in a small village. I am still waiting. I am sure they will be here soon ! :o

    As for Villa market in Patteya I hope it comes more sooner than later. :D

    Their web site does give a english information phone number that you could check.


  5. I just bought a new Acer 6231 (XP SP2) Laptop computer.

    Problem- I can’t get the microphone to work, either the internal one OR a plug in headset. I tried a second headset with no success. The earphones work but not the Microphone.

    I have tried all the usual fixes, control panel, sound and audio devices etc. I have made sure that microphone is NOT muted but still any joy.

    I took it back to where I bought the laptop at DATA IT at Zeer Rangsit. The people there had no fix.

    Would anyone here have an idea of hoe to get it to work ???

    Jim :o

  6. It’s starting…….

    Yesterday a Bangkok factory closed its doors and laid off more than 5000 workers with no warning.

    A day or two ago the furniture company near me, BOFA , has announced that it too will be closing all factories and moving to Burma. The baht is now too high and is forcing companies to go where they can find cheaper workers.


    From Bangkok Post……..

  7. I have stayed in 3 or the 13 coin hotels and can VERY highly recommend them. First the hotel is a good deal ( about 700 baht) and the restaurant is one of my very favorites. This place is well known by Thais but I have not seen too many farangs there.

    The owner had gone to America to work. He got his first job washing dishes. He was living in Seattle Washington. He saved his money and came back to Thailand and opened his first restaurant using all the skills that he had learned in the U.S.A. he is now very wealthy and has a whole chain of both hotels and restaurants.

    There is a new one in Minburi also that is very good.



  8. I have lived here in Thailand for many years now. I stopped drinking alcohol 27 years ago because I had to. I now drink large bottles of Singha (Nom Soda) and find that this is very refreshing on a hot day. 

    24 bottle case price 4.17 baht per bottle +deposit ( I return the bottle to get the 5 baht deposit back)



  9. I bought a brand new top ofthe line Honda 3 speed selfpropeled lawn mower at Home Depot in California for $500 and tossed it into the container I shipped everything else with.

    I now have Somchai run the mower

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