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Posts posted by jcgodber

  1. post-32989-1174850216_thumb.jpg


    I have a 4 door crew cab LS 3.0 Isuzu 4-wheel drive automatic.

    I have installed 20-inch chrome alloy wheels and the low profile tires for proper clearance.

    I have found that the Isuzu with an automatic will just about blow the doors off any truck from a standing start and the top speed is way higher than I care or dare to drive.

    Isuzu service is the best I have ever seen anywhere, (Tri Petch Bangkok).

    Isuzu has sponsored Caravan tours all over Thailand now for 4 years. The cost of joining one of the tours cost only 2000 baht per couple and include hotels and meals.

    The end of April this year we will be driving to Laos and then on down to Ho Chi Min City in Viet Nam. Isuzu send a complete support team with each tour.

    This is now my second Isuzu.

    Jim from Sa Kaeo

  2. For the last several years I have been transporting all my frozen and cold foods home using a Thai made Polystyrene 120 liter box. I also have a Coleman camp cooler that I had brought from the U.S. but the Thai box works way better. I find that most of my shopping trips to my home here in Sa Kaeo take just about 2 ½ hours. My food is still frozen when I get home. I bought the box in Aran at the border market place for about 2000 baht as I remember . I know that it was cheaper there than anywhere else I had looked.

    Remember to put your frozen stuff on the bottom of the box and the cool stuff on the top as cold sinks towardsthe bottom

    Jim :o

  3. Upscaler (line doubler)

    Does anyone here on this forum use this set top box to double the resolution on your HDTV?

    I know that there are a few satellite stations that have HD if you have the HD receiver box (I don’t) but what I am interested in is improving the SDTV broadcast.

    Any information would be much appreciated.


  4. Some times just for amusement I watch Thai drivers attempt to Parallel Park. I have seen just about everything out here in Sa Kaeo. I watched a man the other day unable to parallel park just settle for something close to a 45-degree angle. Another driver came up with an advancement on the practice of “double“ parking and left his car parked 3 out from the curb. He totally stopped traffic as he reduced the 2 lanes down to only 1.

  5. Tesco-lotus

    I live in the province of Sa Kaeo. The estimated population here is somewhere between 750,000 and 1,000,000 and yet there is no superstore anywhere in the province. At any mention of a possible superstore the merchants start marching with banners and hire loudspeaker trucks to dissuade the public. These same merchants place plastic chairs in the public streets in front of their business to prevent anyone from parking in front of their shops.

    We recently had a medium sized Macro open in the town of Sa Kaeo. The pent up demand for a large store was made very obvious on opening day. It was physically imposable to get into the store and half of the main highway was also blocked for several days by traffic eager to shop.

    Jim :o

  6. I suspect the reason that you had tasted vinegar in the eggs was because-

    one method of poaching an egg is to pour a small amount of vinegar into the boiling water. The vinegar won’t disperse and when you drop the egg into the area with the vinegar the egg will stay confined .



  7. Writing personal checks-

    I have been doing this for just about a year now. Every 3 months I write a personal check for the amount of money that I will need for the coming 3 months. The charge from my Thai bank (Siam City Bank) is 200 baht. There is no charge from my U.S. bank (Bank of America) as I keep a large balance. I have found that my personal check takes just about 8 days to be cashed. The Siam City Bank then holds the funds for about 30 days getting free use of my money. I can’t think of a cheaper way to transfer a large sum of money. I have heard of most of the plans but they don’t seem to work for me. ATM transfers cost too much, wire transfers cost too much. Until I can find a better way to transfer money I will stick to writing personal checks.



  8. I have tried many of the recommended plans of attack.

    All ended in failure. Today’s plan will be to place a 3- inch coil of barbed wire the length of the top ledge of my window. I am thinking that that will defiantly work.

    Just an added note, I tried to disperse the pidgins using a laser beam with very limited success. After a few time the just ignore the light.


  9. The Dream channel from the Philippines is scrambling their transmission. You will probably see that it is unblocked occasionally. Since you have a movable dish you still have many other English free programming options.

    You can even get the Thai 24 hour news in English on TOC channel on the NSS6 satellite

    Or the Voice of America over on Asiasat 2 I think it is?

    This forum will not allow the discussion of how to receive scrambled transmissions.

  10. I am getting ready to paint my house for the third time in 9 years. Could someone suggest an exterior house paint that is the very best quality and last just a bit longer (available here in Thailand)? Within reason, price is not too important.

    I read all the advertisements for paint but most of them just don’t live up to their claims. :o

  11. Asthma

    Seretide Accuhaler

    (Fluticasone Propionate 250mg )

    This is what I use and it has allowed me to almost stop using albuteral.

    It is available everywhere in Thailand an cost between 1000 B and 1300 baht

    2 sprays a day one morning one evening,

    I have been advised by my doctor to use this consistently not sporadically.


  12. Ha Ha Ha, Thank you, for your comments you gave me a real laugh.

    But you shouldn't sugar coat it, how do you really feel about Thai food ( cat food)? Ha Ha Ha!

    Jim :o

    "I CAN'T EAT THEIR FCUKIN' CAT FOOD EITHER...hence the hassle...

    thailand is supposed to be a place of wonderful cuisine...it ain't...the authentic stuff I wouldn't give to an animal...

    gimme a cheeseburger...(Steve Miller Band from Livin' in the USA)


  13. I have successfully used electric timers bought at Home Pro. I have waterproof boxes for each of the timers . The timers come with a rechargeable battery that has never failed.We seemed to have many power outages here where I live and the timers with the battery have worked very well. I use these for everything including outdoor water fountains that I have timed to turn off at 8 P.M.and timed to come on again at 6 A.M.


  14. Back in the U.S. I walked into a big Home Depot home improvement store and bought along with many, many other things, Kitchen cabinets. These were simply added to the inventory list as kitchen furniture and NOTHING was ever mentioned about used or unused. They were broken down and in a flat pack.

    Everything arrived at my front door here in Sa Kaeo.


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