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Everything posted by ryandb

  1. Well, that answers the PP question, I'm not shocked by being able to renew it honestly, it was pre-biometric passports and as long as he looked close to the original guy (race and eye colour) then he would have likely gotten in no problems then on the first renewal switch to his photo and from there on plain sailing unless the original guy reported it stolen. He may never have traveled again, had the passport before the kid put it in the drawer, and couldn't afford travel until maybe the past few years, went to apply for a new one and suddenly it came to light.
  2. They've got a lot of work to do with just the garbage issue alone
  3. You've never had outdoor sex? Seriously, even if caught unless it's in a schoolyard, slap on the wrist and you go in most western countries.
  4. over $30? Seriously if you are drunk, there's a good chance you don't remember what you ordered, 4 or 5 imported beers and a glass of wine for the wife would likely trigger that (don't drink so could be wrong) obviously if he was on just chang, leo etc. and wasn't there for his entire session then he likely got done but write it off and sleep it off in your own bed rather than a concrete floor in a cell
  5. Pimp taking 40% and not even located in the country so not even offering the "protection" they traditionally provided for their cut
  6. I think you are concentrating on race a little too much here, for e.g. Black>Hispanic>White are how the DV stats in America go, of course only about 15% of DV is reported especially Female on Males so the true stats might be completely different but this shows race is not a determining factor. I think it's about men who want to control women who think they can use their economic status to get their full way over here (and other 2nd to 3rd world nations) it's this mentality of ownership/dictator of the woman that leads to when the partner does something slightly dissatisfying to the controller that the physical abuse begins (metal abuse is likely to have been happening since very early on)
  7. Yes agents can do the paperwork and pick it up for you but they can't grant the passport, there is no way they would have those connections
  8. Never done the night ferry, but take Seatran quite often, must invest in my own lifejacket as they might not be inspecting those regulary
  9. Yeah but 27 years, 10-year passport would have expired, how would he renew it if he was wanted for crimes, I can't see the Embassy doing this for a wanted man 2 times if not 3 depending on the length left on his PP when he first fled.
  10. As mentioned the guy knows it's illegal but he kinda doesn't care as escaping being sent to the front lines is more important to him
  11. so was he extradited, otherwise how did he get on the plane without a valid passport, or did they let him get an emergency one so he basically extradited himself to nab him at the airport?
  12. I never really understand the ones who are doing work in public places with jobs reserved for Thais (I believe these would be but could be wrong) Like I know a Ukrainian dude doing floor tiling, he knows he shouldn't be but he still does it but at least it's inside someone's private home not in a bar
  13. Agreed, my friends were over here from the UK over new year and wanted me to go with them from Samui and I said I'd go KPG but not Tao and explained why. They still went...
  14. The problem with that is so many people are aware of the injustice, so many appeals and there would be conspiracies after not being heard from for a few years that the Thai government has shut them up for good. They need to be either granted good behaviour release to run cover for the official narrative or a complete exoneration which is unlikely.
  15. Don't be an idiot, he went to court and protested the result and moaned like an old man, he didn't try and take over the country did he? Oh you are probably referring to that OAP day out at the capitol where all those Gun-loving people tried to overthrow the government and forgot their guns.... Seriously Trump broke brains on both sides
  16. Get a life dude it was an example not an argument, your Russophobia is breaking your mind
  17. Restrain them, defend yourself, but you shouldn't have to KO them unless they have a weapon DV is highest amongst Lesbian couples and lowest amongst Gay men with hetero landing in the middle, you can make your mind up why this is the case
  18. Wow you are dumb, no pretty much everywhere women receive lesser sentences for similar crimes of men, this has zero to do with her being Russian just being a woman rather than a man doing the kicking.
  19. I assume this is just a pic of him from a live stream for the story not the actual live stream in question. Some intern probably was told quickly find a pic of this dude
  20. Poor women, we really send some of our worst over here don't we
  21. You can tell from the blurred pic the dude has an alcohol issue, but how exactly was he funding his stay if he's been here 8 years and is 41 unless he got in early on BTC. Anyways sure he will somehow find his way back to Vietnam, Cambodia, PH etc.
  22. That's what people do when they can't argue the point, Trump is a 90's Democrat by policy standards but if you want to think he's the devil and lose sleep over whether it is his or Biden's budget that'll be lining the pockets of the MiC and the corporate elite go right ahead.
  23. So what if he was, did you know Bill Clinton's policies looked a lot like Trump's first term... It's almost like the Democrats changed not Trump. Honestly like I say, people are deranged over Trump and the Trumpers are deranged over the left, they've truly broken Americans brains and half of the rest of the world's, anyone who thinks either is fit for office are lying.
  24. Yes I did, I heard one quote in the video from Trump at a rally and a lady giving her fearmongering take on what it means. It's election season and neither side even bothers lying about how they will help you anymore, just labels each other as the devil. It's lazy. Trump is not a danger, the Presidency is a figurehead position and you have all lost your minds thinking he's the next Mussolini, he's just a egotist who still bows to the same masters as every other President and cabinet has
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