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Everything posted by ryandb

  1. This is a sick incident but to call the entire religion sick is well.. sick, and Islamophobic. All faiths have terrible extremists just as there are sick atheists too. Hope the young girl is able to get over this.
  2. In the UK where most newly built houses are leasehold these days, it's really no different, at least 99 years is going to take you past your expiry where as 30 years could leave you homeless in your 70s-90s depending on the age you start the lease.
  3. What? Are you seriously asking this, he's been on the run, do you think this would apply? Also, the serious nature of the crimes would not be covered in this case see Barry Bennall the former Crewe Alexander football coach who was imprisoned in 2018 (charged in 2016) for crimes between 1979 and 1991
  4. I asked the same question initially, I believe in one of the reports, he stole the passport way before biometrics from a victims father (I may be misremembering this) then renewed it, unless you actually travel, which was a luxury for most back then, there's a very good chance the guy never noticed it was missing and didn't ever report it.
  5. couldn't upvote this enough, at his age he will probably be in a prison hospital either straight away or within a day, can't see it being any worse than end of life care home for the see you next tuesday
  6. You are right, they have this weird coaching economy on KPG where they feast on the new arrivals or most often broken people trying to find meaning/escapism from their Western lives for a month and drain their savings.
  7. Isn't there something where you can be granted lifetime rights to the property if this happens, I'm fairly certain there is a legal form she could do for this, my old landlady did it for her European husband but he went first.
  8. Honestly I like they don't sell out land to foreigners, wish Britain did the same and perhaps it would be possible for people to buy a house these days
  9. Every day another idiot foreigner getting involved in the drug trade in Thailand... I just don't understand the risk/reward that goes on in these people's minds, also the bike rental company was likely just to wash the money, would like to know if the Thai nominee knew that or not.
  10. I just knew this would be Koh Phangan but I expected it to be one of the Yogi cults
  11. which I had already covered.....
  12. You said this racist generalization which is a load of nonsense, not all single mothers are from the village and are uneducated, they have other options than sell their bodies even if they are, uneducated just means unschooled but they can run a basic business but you are doing the "voter id is racist because black people can't get it" white liberal racist argument
  13. This was not in the original post and in one of the posts further down, not everyone reads every single post and are just replying to the initial story
  14. conveniently omitted or just answered his question? the dude asked "Jealous boyfriend? No suspects or motive?" The extra information you added here doesn't cover any of his questions
  15. You didn't read I said Oxford Brookes... different Uni to Oxford. I'm from western education and it has been no help in my life, I learned the most at home from my family. I'm afraid I have to disagree a business is simply finding a need and filling it. It was very bigoted, the assumption that a Thai woman is too dumb to do anything else but sell their body is a terrible statement. Anyways I'm done with one.
  16. Suspect was a German guy who also attacked a Brit earlier the same evening, would appear to be a random nutcase but that's just from the limited info in the article
  17. Isolated incidents, there's thousands of us... They don't report on Bob walked safely down the street all week this week. I've lived on the islands 4 years not been in 1 fight or even a heated situation and actually never witnessed one outside of the sanctioned MT events. I've lived in many countries and Thailand is probably the safest I've ever felt, including Britain where I'm from.
  18. Hi Susan Of course, your points are valid on the Oxford graduates, now find the % of Oxford Brookes grads in the past 5 years who are employed in their field from the degrees. Most are working in call centers and sales. Uni is not what it was 50 years or even 30 years ago, yes your elite school grads have no issues due to connections and prestige but your mickey mouse degrees mean jack<deleted> in the competitive fields. Again my point is setting up a business is not hard and this guy has a generally bigoted opinion that the single mothers who go into prostitution here are all dumb and from a village with no electricity and have zero other option. Massively racist opinion to hold.
  19. Bro I answered every question I'm just calling out racist behaviour while I did. Have a good day white knighting for the girls and absolving them from responsibility while assuming they are all stupid.
  20. My comparison shows that you would blame the dude for their stupidity or don't defend the men but you absolve the girls of their decisions and will go to bat for them. You're a typical lefty racist bro, thinking down on them and thinking every prostitute and single mother comes from some tiny village without internet and have received zero education, from what I understand most the female uni students do the sideline chick thing Firstly more people seem to be self-employed here than in the West who are indoctrinated into serving the corps through that education you appeal to, ask the majority of Uni students at Oxford how to start a business, and unless you were in the Business class they'd look at you as if you were asking them to solve the theory of relativity. They just know to get a degree and a job is waiting (it's not). Being a freelancer is a business, they are selling a service, pick a service and sell it.... same principle applies. You can earn money from your normal job and then do it on the side to start. Also I've not met one Thai person without a phone and data..... Sorry but if they have money for the bus from the provinces to Pattaya, BKK, Patong, Samui etc. then they've got $10
  21. Get to know them, their family, their past, their financial situation and WAIT until marriage.... yes there will be some examples of men walking away but it's usually because the woman ignored the red flags Find it funny you ignored the comparison, I'm not saying it's entirely the woman's fault but you seem to absolve them of any blame based on your situation. Start a business so you don't work for 15k a month at a 7/11 or for whatever they charge men.. Before you say you need money to start a business, mine was started for literally $10 we live in the internet age, there's money everywhere to be earned.
  22. Again you need to vet the man before you let him inside of you, people lie, same as the old dude who marries a bar girl who promises she loves him, then screws him out of his life saving, do we only blame her or do we call him a gullible fool? And there are still plenty of other options than to sell your holes
  23. While true, you have to take some responsibility for who you allow to dip their dick and impregnate you in the first place, both mother and father are responsible. They have a choice but this is the most lucrative/"easy" option (it's not due to the long-term consequences but they don't think of that like the OF girls of the West) Some people in these situations need to be honest with themselves....
  24. I agree that's where I go to get away from Samui. But if Thailand wants to create an Abu Dhabi-type retreat they need to invest in a new area and be serious about keeping it that way whether that is outsourcing the running to an investment company that would also be able to enforce no prostitution etc or at least keep it the way it is in the Middle East, high class and out of sight. Obviously, I know Thailand is incapable of doing this, I'm just stating that would be the only way they would need to put some serious money into building it and maintaining or licensing an area out for it to be run privately.
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