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Everything posted by Blumpie

  1. In our first world country here, children have died. Children have long covid. And there is worry that this is like polio, where cognitively you will decline quite substantially especially with degenerative brain diseases. Focusing in on deaths is completely silly - the pandemic is about overflowing hospitals inasmuch as anything. I find that anti-vaccine nitwits focus entirely on death rates, blabbering on and on and on, spouting the same tired arguments over and over again.
  2. This is a strange virus - it will be very interesting to see what we learn years from now once research has been done properly. It goes in big waves. The rest of the world is going through these waves and they all eventually go down. I believe that Thailands is certainly dropping, but 14k cases per day is still very very very brutal.
  3. That shows how easily this is transmitted. The good news here is our grande experiment of getting unvaccinated kids back to school has begun in earnest. There will be lots of hindsight that the world can look upon.
  4. Oh absolutely. When you run out of money, have problems, or are ready to die they would rather you leave. Of course the Wats enjoy the cremation business but that's about it.
  5. I want to live in a place where I don't have to do this nonsense. I am not a criminal.
  6. Personal opinions can matter little because they change rules all the time. Will they keep them the same? Then I think there will be a slight decline, but it's only my opinion. I'd rather spend six months a year there and not have to go through all the horrendous visa ludicrousness that they require. Nobody is stupid for wanting to retire in Thailand. IT's a good place, but from what I see after a certain age they just want you out of the country so you can go home and die. And make no mistake, Thailand feels like it would never truly be my home. It's kind of sad, but I'm afraid to say most of Asia is like this.
  7. It's a good thing they don't provide this data - I imagine that it would be frightening to the medical community. I mean why else wouldn't they be providing it? The answer is in full view.
  8. Has the celebration started over only 14,500 cases every day? IT didn't take long to get used to these numbers now did it? What are the chances of Thailand opening still? Oh it's very poor? Yes, thought so. This is one heck of a "flu". Raging in the middle of summer. Please note my sarcasm is on.
  9. It is getting to that point, make no mistake. When vaccines are widely available and people refuse to get them, then it's let it rip time. The unfortunate thing that happens is the health care system is at risk, but if it were up to me I'd say let them fend for themselves no matter what happens at home. Wishful thinking on my part and I'm sure probably flawed, but it's how I feel at times.
  10. That was NOT whom I was referring to. A tourist is a family or couple, even an individual who is going there to have a care free holiday not get reunited with a loved one whom they haven't seen. Tourism is tourism, your situation is entirely different. Only a fool would go on a vacation to Thailand, or book in October for a holiday with a long in the tooth pandemic raging.
  11. If anyone finds this surprising you've either been dropped on your head or you haven't been to Thailand.
  12. I know right? IT's amazing to see people pounding beers back over and over again, day after day. The thing is having a stroke is a horrible horrible horrible thing and so debilitating. And if you get it and you can't get proper treatment in time, or if it's just bad your life as you know it is over. Its so important to take care of yourselves as you age, and I'm sorry to write this but it's just true. Uncle tom signing off...
  13. Well I"m sorry to say but what are they bringing back? Now correct me if I"m wrong, but if his condition is as bad as it seems and there is no hope, isn't it better just to not be alive? If I were in his shoes and what I wrote is true, I wouldn't want to be alive. I'd rather stay in a country where I can have my life end rather than sit getting my nappies changed. Imagine living confused, angry, disoriented until you finally die of a bed sore and an infection. Again, I could be wrong about his condition but let's say that it is hopeless....
  14. I understand that but there are persistent people who don't want the vaccine and they need to get herd immunity their own way. Hopefully there is more of a collective in Thailand and it won't be as bad as everywhere else. IT was the same here in the west, and everywhere else. The vaccines fly off the shelves for the first then the second doses. Then it stalls.
  15. I wish them the very best of luck with that. There are sayings that you require 85 percent for herd immunity. Israel's vaccination rate is 60 percent. That's both doses. There is a persistent amount of people who do not wish to have the shot to make matters more difficult. The virus is once again out of control there again. To say that they will run in and vaccinate at this rate doesn't make sense to me, but hope it works. I doubt it personally.
  16. Not unless he was tied down. By the way, your avatar freaks me out, LOL! At first glance it doesn't look like a turtle but something bloody obscene!
  17. Oh absolutely. When I turn 70 I am not taking any medication at all and nature will take its course. I see too many people who are shells of themselves and live in misery. It's a horrible situation and I'm not so sure that living a long life, for some people, is worth it. For the ones you see out and about it definetly IS worth it but they are not the norm. And it can all come to an end like this poor unfortunate man.
  18. Well it's definetly trending down, as is all of asia. Well, except Vietnam but we'll forgive them... ????
  19. What a sad story. We all have to go sometime and sometimes your life quality will be very poor despite a life saving operation or procedure. It is not something that is pleasant to talk about or to consider. I feel very very badly for his family and for him, or what's left of him.
  20. With the covid variants there and having it completely out of control we won't allow a single plane from that country in ours. I don't expect Thailand to be our country, but I can sit back and muse about it.
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