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Everything posted by Blumpie

  1. Could? They won't. Pure and simple they won't. No need talking about it.
  2. Oh no more high quality tourists not able to come LOL!
  3. Considering that the passport office was closed for years and years and years it's little wonder they are not coming.
  4. This may be unnecessary. Ive had four, that's enough. Personal opinion only, you are very welcome to get one if you wish with no judgement from me.
  5. We are all well used to poorly thought out ideas and procedures from an inept government. Please don't worry kids, it will change. Chinese tourists are still not coming. Believe it or not many don't have passports now thanks to covid. The government doesn't really want them travelling anyways. It's part of the clampdown.
  6. As I wrote many times, getting people to come back travelling when a large proportion of travellers are Chinese and they are not travelling the chances of not having a rebound like they anticipated were high and we can see evidence of that. I dont care about you my fellow beer bellied friends, I mean real tourism people here for a few weeks and out who spend $$$ with more wild abandon than the average expat. Sure, revenge tourism picked up but now it's over. Expect next year unless Chinese decide to start to travel again en masse a similar result.
  7. Sorry, this bears repeating. Amen, amen, amen.
  8. How is this any different from the usual carnage?
  9. 2 denied from bungee jumping. Yeah, shows you the safety record of Thailand. Honestly, beware of everything that you do here. It is not up to first world standards.
  10. Thaighland will save the worlds airline industry!!! There is nothing they can't do.
  11. War in Myanmar is considered normal. The place is bizarre. The only people who truly value it is the Chinese for jade. Oil and gas, yeah, whatever. Easier places to get it without the violence.
  12. It's a shortage of staff and pilots. Pilots get paid terribly considering what they do. This will not get any better, only worse. The days of cheap flights are over for now. People from different parts of the world need to be pilots - those in the first world they don't even get a living wage. Tourism has just started to rebound. This is nothing.
  13. I aint learnin' no chat thang!!!!
  14. Hey sorry if this has been covered but Russians and Ukrainians are probably getting their VOA revoked for Indonesia as they are being over run by them and they are over staying because, understandably, they don't want to go back to war. Ta.
  15. You may not believe this but Chinese are still not travelling yet in large numbers. The post covid lockdown pent up demand is over now.
  16. Im sorry that it seems people cannot distinguish people from politics. They are entirely different.
  17. Its amazing how many experts there are on everything on every subject here. Excuse me, I'm going to look in the mirror now. Have a good day. ????
  18. Hey I hope so. It seems like Thailand is changing into an anti corruption country which we all know is a smokescreen for what really goes on and will continue to go on. My point is they love to hang foreigners out to dry.
  19. All the money in the world will put you in the same place we're all going to.
  20. We get old and the young come up and lead. The days that we knew are far gone. Could they get 80 million? They will get over 40 million eventually and it's not outrageous to think so. The real question is how sustainable is this tourism number given the environmental challenges that are present and will surely get worse? Particularly in the hot season? It would be interesting to see another 50 years how things settle out.
  21. I personally think that the writing is on the wall. If you don't have enough money to stay in Thailand or retire in Thailand your days of using agents will either be far more expensive or not possible at all.
  22. Sadly we all make bad choices at some points in our lives and these choices have higher consequences like this one. I feel for his family. Will I contribute to a go fund me page? No.
  23. It surprises me but at the same time given the corruption there it really shouldn't. I often wonder how expats end up getting their money out of there when they leave. And most end up leaving - it's not really a home. It's year to year.
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