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Posts posted by Blumpie

  1. 25 minutes ago, bobbymack said:

    Why is Thailand in such a severe lockdown when they have had only 56 deaths and 3,000 odd cases overall? Seems a massive overeaction when compared with deaths in UK at near 35,000

    Because they want to salvage the tourism business.  Without it there would be no hope whatsoever.  

    People are following the WHO's recommendations.

    Enter the inforwars people.  

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  2. 9 hours ago, tomauasia said:

    Only because flights not resume. I know many that want to go. This forum is full of negative people  

    Negative people?  Yes.

    The truth though is rather negative.  It's obvious, and if you look at the long term restructuring that is going on around the world it isn't pretty.

    Airlines are falling apart.  They are letting tens of thousands of people go permanently.  Not temporary.

    To get foreign tourists in Thailand you need two wiling participants.  Thailand (easy), and other countries that are willing an entire economy shutting down so someone can enjoy a coctail on a beach then come back.  The latter is the problem because there are no countries, especially, especially China that will allow this.

    Airlines are in discussions right now trying to figure out social distancing on planes, and they will be at best half full.  One third is more possible.  Airline tickets are going to be through the roof.

    Again, until there is a vaccine things will not be the way they once were.  And the world health organization has flatly said that there would be no COVID certificates because you are not necessarily immune to it once you've had it once.  By the time they figure all this out there will probably be a vaccine anyways.

    The only hope is a plausible treatment for this.  Other than that, count on a year from now talking about a vaccine.  

    It's not good!

  3. 11 hours ago, mtls2005 said:



    Good luck.




    Beyond dead till maybe 2021 around this time.  

    Domestic tourism?  I don't think so.  There's no money anywhere and property has been used as ATM's to finance vehicles all over.

    Yep, dead.  

  4. One day you will be able to come to Thailand.  When you do, the plane will be 1/2 full as they will have the safety protocols firmly in place coming and going.  Consequently, your ticket price will be much much much higher than it is now.  Experts say 2X more.  


    The real question that you should ask yourself is:

    1)  When is my country going to allow me to travel.

    2)  What will the consequences of travel be when I return.

    3)  What are the consequences of arriving at my destination

    4)  Health Insurance which you must buy, how much in a pandemic world?


    You won't have to worry too much about these numbers - the rest of the world is shuttering airlines for years, getting rid of tens of thousands of staff who are not being called back.  


    In my opinion, no first world country will allow you to travel with the current threat level for tourist purposes.   

  5. 43 minutes ago, RotBenz8888 said:

    Thailand accepts 200 Thai citizens per day to return home. There's a queue of 1000s trying to get back. Why only 200 per day when there are flights operating? And to claim limited quaranten resources is just ridiculous with 1000s of empty hotels. And limited healthcare with 0 cases per day? What's the problem?


    Why not let anyone who wish to enter Thailand do so on their own expenses with tests, quaranten etc. Would help ailing airlines, hotels and more.

    Because they go straight to quarantine and there can't be too many.  That's why.  

  6. Unfortunately countries appear to want to try to revamp production chains.  Keep production within their own borders.  This could be quite disruptive if it does in fact occur.  


    Obviously Mistubishi is not going to recall these employees if they are giving buy-outs.  These employees need other jobs, and they will probably find something inferior.  

  7. 35 minutes ago, Woolsgibb60 said:

    In your dream so dream good and let see if your dreams come true?

    I don't think it's the worst, but it's certainly not the greatest.  It has a ton of good food, easy access, and it's changed.  It will reboot.  The question is when.  

    2 years would be a good place to start.  No normal country will let tourists to come back to their countries with COVID, particularly with asymptomatic symptoms.  Believing anything else is just gobbeleygook.  Thai bunk from the news agency keeping hope alive so people don't freak out at the real truth.  

    Everyone knows what is coming.  Basically zero tourism.  Believe me now or believe me later, this fall in the busy season it will be like right now.  No chinese, nobody.  

    • Like 2
  8. 37 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    India is screwed worse the Europe and N. America.

    I doubt you've seen any since mid-March.

    India is 100X worse than anywhere else in the world.  When people get sick they just die at home.  Not just a few, basically all.  More bodies are piling up in front of the hospitals and they all know why - they leave them there in the night so they don't have to bury them.  

    Testing for COVID in India?  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  Yeah, if you're the .01 percent of the rich.  


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