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Posts posted by Blumpie

  1. 7 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

    Yes, this is all a trick to keep people down, and Prayut is so smart he managed to get 185 other countries to go along with his scam. 


    Do people even think before they post here?

    It is true.  The astoundation (sic) of the situation is making learned people like meeself (sic) shocked beyond belief.  

    By the way I"ve been a medical doctor for 82 years.  Stay back or I'll beat ya with my cane!  

  2. 2 minutes ago, Cabradelmar said:

    First. There has never been a 20% mortality rate. Anywhere. Second, if they are looking at thailands data there is only one conclusion.... there is no covid problem in Thailand (if the data is wrong is another question). Third, 18 month impact is the first real truth coming out of the committee

    Of course the mortality rate isn't 20 percent.  Good grief, LOL.  Who's stating that?  s

    It doesn't matter if it's under control or not in Thailand.  The point is moot when it comes to the original thread's news story.  

  3. 1 hour ago, tezzainoz said:

    Funny I have many friends I made while working in China, and they all use the company internet to get there email out with out going through Communist security, and they say the death rate is still incredible, and in fact it can take to to 3 days for deceased bodies to be picked up, now I am not sure if this is true or not, but are the Thai people ready to take this risk just so the elite cate keep their pockets full, this will turn out worse than the conflict with Issan during the protest of a few years ago


    That's their.


    Anyways, in India people are piling bodies up in front of the hospitals.  Granted, they do that at the best of times at night but the problem here is there are so many now.

    They may run out of firewood for funeral pyres before this is all said and done.  It's countries like this that it's going to obliterate if it gets out of control.  

    As I type this news stories of protests in India about the gas leak they had.  If anyone has COVID in that group there's going to be a big problem in two weeks.  

  4. 17 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

    Seriously, you are publishing this nonsense and calling the rest of the population stupid? It's sad that there are gullible disaffected people that actually believe your drivel. Shouldn't you be in a bunker somewhere snuggling with your AR-15?

    Conspiracy theorists "get off" on touting ridiculous stories and then getting a rise out of people.  It's been happening for long before you were probably born, long before grassy knolls, and long before aliens.  


    They don't bother me.  I get it, the whole world is wrong and they are right.  Fine with me.  

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  5. They sputter news story nonsense about how tourism will be back by the fall, and other nonsense.

    18 months?  Sure.  That sounds a lot more realistic than 5 months.

    Remember if a treatment becomes available that may change.  

    There will be no tourism in any country until this pandemic is under control, full stop.  The Thai government just doesn't want to come out and say it yet.  They need to point the finger at someone else, not themselves.

    They should be worried because times are going to be extremely tough.  The marathon will be long I'm afraid.  ????

  6. It looks like it's ready to open up all right.  

    Of course what do I know, LOL.  I'm no pandemic expert.

    The rates of infection are very low, and the um government is doing a "job" handling this.  

    Let's see what happens now.  There aren't ten billion tourists running around of course so what kind of business model will these guys fall back on?  Wealth has been wiped out.  

    Lots of questions, and probably lots of more thoughtful ones from others.  

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, jaiyen said:

    The virus will affect the world for many years to come, but Mister know it all is telling Thai people it could be 9 months !  Full of BS !  There wont even be international flights this year,  look at other countries. They are in one hell of a mess with hundreds dying every day, This is a global problem that the PM knows nothing about.

    Or you can deal with it how India is dealing with it.  Like they always have.  The bodies are piling up in front of the hospitals and they don't know what to do with them.  

    It's always been like that there's just a whole lot more of them now.  Word around the campfire is they are going to run out of wood to burn all the bodies by the time this is through. 

  8. I nearly spit my tea out when I saw his matching mask.... ????  That just made my day.

    The inanity of the situation knows no bounds.


    The results will be felt for years.  I understand for people like him he doesn't understand that wealth is being wiped out all over the world and tourism is not going to be a tap that will be turned on like a faucet.  

  9. 6 minutes ago, Caldera said:

    I would do many things, but I wouldn't prepay any holiday in the distant future - too much has happened in the last two months, who knows what will happen until February 2021!


    You pretty much would have to had to be dropped on your head to book a tour in the fall right now.  I mean please, LOL!  Nobody truly knows what is going to happen by then.  

    Let's hope that its better news than it seems.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

    You would think they need a high quality government first. And that ain’t gonna happen any time soon. 

    Probably not.  Depends how long it takes for people to realize this.


    Also just read an interesting article that clearly states that tourism won't truly be buzzing again until 2023.  

    I really think that people are living in an illusion right now - this is a pandemic and when these things happen they are very disruptive.  We have a record number of people on the earth, and all these people crowded together spells big trouble.  

    There really is just no way that any civilized or uncivilized country would let their citizens out to get infected while on vacation to have them come back and slam shut an entire country again.  Having an economy's GDP of 15 or 16 percent based on tourism is positively ridiculous.  

  11. 1 hour ago, stouricks said:

    If all those people in the photo are 2 metres from each other I need to go to Specsavers.


    And I can guarantee the photo was NOT taken in Macro Phitsanulok.

    It's the first photo in Thailand where I"ve seen them at least attempt to be 2 metres apart.  The very first one (and they're still not doing a great job at it but I digress...

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