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Danny Australia

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Everything posted by Danny Australia

  1. Really? Is it too much to expect that a billionaire who wields control over the government would have basic amenities like air conditioning, a fridge, and a sofa? These are fundamental comforts for an individual of his age and stature. Let's give him some space; he has endured numerous injustices for over 16 years. He was forcibly removed from power through a coup, had his assets confiscated, endured daily attacks on his reputation, faced a hastily convened judiciary under the junta that convicted him of corruption, and even had Interpol attempts to detain him. His family members were also targeted, among other hardships. I'm not particularly fond of billionaires or politicians, but I can see how the ordinary Thai people love and respect him. I'm happy for him as well, and I hope he is released soon. Perhaps he can return to a more impartial court system to clear his name.
  2. I might be swimming against the current here, as most (farangs) are against Thaksin, but I believe he deserves to be released. He was removed from power through an illegal method (a coup), forced into exile for 16 years, had his assets confiscated, and his allies and even his own family were targeted. He may have been involved in corruption; I am not sure, but he was unlikely to receive a fair trial under a military junta. Many Thai people like him and have consistently voted for any party connected to him, and that should also be considered. His release could contribute to the reconciliation process and bring closure to this ongoing saga, allowing the current government to address the real issues facing the country.
  3. The irony lies in the fact that Abbas himself is perceived by the majority of Palestinians as a traitor and an Israeli puppet. He is unelected and widely despised by his own people. The free world must remain resolute in opposing Israel's daily atrocities, which include the killing of journalists, the shooting of children who throw stones at them, targeted assassinations, collective punishment, economic blockades, and the continuous theft of land to build illegal settlements. Why does the world seem to tolerate what is seen as the last occupation on Earth and the last apartheid state? The old narrative of a 'peaceful state surrounded by aggressive neighbors' is increasingly questioned, especially given that Israel is the sole nuclear power in the region and possesses overwhelming military superiority. Resisting occupation is not only a universal right but also a moral obligation. Is it not inconsistent to turn a blind eye to the situation in Palestine while simultaneously actively opposing Russia's actions in Ukraine? Time to end 70 years of occupation and daily humiliation of the Palestinian people. The two-state solution remains the most viable option, but it appears increasingly distant with the presence of a right-wing, pro-settlement government in Israel.
  4. Soi 6 has few girls wearing eyeglasses and few nurses and some nuns. It sounds that you might be watching too much porn though.
  5. Not a good idea due to three problems: heavy traffic, sun heat and rain
  6. I have been obtaining a certificate of residency at least once a year for various reasons at Jomtien and always paid 300 Bahts and of course no receipt. Never been asked if it was required for same day or 3 days later so not sure the free option is even available.
  7. No matter what Pita does or doesn't do/say, the establishment is rigged against him. Full stop
  8. Thaksin was a democratically elected PM ousted by an undemocratic mean (coup). The fact that while in exile, he still has such an overwhelming popularity amongst ordinary Thais must be respected and admired. Any party he forms or a person he supports/nominates consistently gets the highest number of votes in any election any time anywhere. Never understood why so many farangs here hates him. Thaksin could nominate his pet dog for the post of PM and it would win simply because the people like him. You might not like it, but It's a fact.
  9. How the residents of the area would have possibly known that? Did they personally check the papers of each rider? Yes, the riders have been an ongoing problem in that area but that last statement just biased and ridiculous.
  10. Misleading title, as one would think the victim has died not the attacking crazy dog.
  11. Not entirely his decision, as it was dictated by the ombudsman's findings. Speaker stuffed up big time when he allowed a vote instead of referring Pita's second nomination attempt to the constitutional court.
  12. You don't take a sandwich with you on your way to a restaurant.
  13. I understand your frustration but 'Damage' and 'Legally' can't coexist in same sentence. 2 months security deposit is the norm here, not sure it's illegal practice.
  14. Immigration Officer told me last week that 12 months bank statement won't be required if I update my passbook each and every month simply by making a $100 baht deposit.
  15. I am just as perplexed as you are, this situation defies economic logic. There must be some artificial methods being used to inflate the Baht value.
  16. Yes, they give you a few questions customer feedback to fill out albeit under the watchful eye of the immigration officer, so obviously I gave good feedback (which was deserved on this occasion).
  17. I feel angry, devastated and powerless ....and I am not even a Thai who voted for him.
  18. I take new women to dinner all the time with only one goal in mind. I would feel robbed if one dinner doesn't lead to a <deleted> that same night ????
  19. Incredibly gruesome pictures of the deceased businessman are being circulated among online groups. His head and other cut up body parts (still in frozen state) are piled on the floor with clear faces of forensic team personnel facing the camera. Someone has leaked those pictures and it would be beyond devastating if his family members see those photos.
  20. Sad day for democracy, sad day for decency/integrity and a vey sad day for Thailand. The old dinosaurs are not letting the people of Thailand to Move Forward.
  21. Just returned from Perth/Australia where I specifically gone to get cataract done at Lions Eye Institute (Free on my private insurance). First right eye then 2 weeks later the left eye. I wanted multifocal but that was not an option based on sophisticated eye tests. Lense installed called e-Vista. Right eye Lense designed to make me see long distance and left for short distance. Both eyes then collaborate to make vision much better. Eyes would stabilize only after 5 weeks. PCO developed after 8 weeks in left eye and was treated with 5 minutes laser procedure. Right eye developed what is called (Floaters) which isa visual sensation of something moving in the field of vision due to degeneration of the vitreous gel in the back of the eye and unfortunately, I was told nothing can be done and have to live with it as the brain will overtime learn to ignore it. I drive and do most activities as normal with good vision but still use reading glasses for fine prints or when using computer. Cataract surgery improved my vision by 80% and changed my life and absolutely no regrets.
  22. Could well have been an attempt to get a bribe from a lonely traveler but when that failed the IM officer wanted to punish him. Despite the inconvenience, he might try again to resolve his issue by either go back with a girlfriend to do the talking if the same issue happens again, use an agent or try another land crossing.
  23. I tried to ship a container from Perth to Pattaya but quickly gave up on the idea for many reasons. Firstly, prices vary depending on whether you want packing included, insurance, transportation to Port in Australia, delivery at destination and (other charges that they did not specify). The final straw to me was when I read the below which I am sharing here. The quote was for AU$19,000 door to door for 20 foot container but was also told that my retirement visa does not entitle me to import duty exemption. The agent here said that their partner agent in Thailand will try to overcome this hurdle for a fee that was not specified. Eventually, I decided it would be cheaper to buy new stuff in Thailand for that amount instead of shipping used household items with no guarantee of duty exemption. Below is an extract from the quote I received. ------------------ **Thai Customs allow import duty exemption for general used household goods and personal effects only. Any luxury items such as pianos/musical instruments/pool table/excessive number of rugs/bicycles/golf clubs/brand new items (especially electrical) or when there is more than one of each item this can incur import duties.** Returning Thai can get an exemption based on the above conditions. They need to have lived abroad for more than 12 consecutive months. Foreigners need to hold a work permit to be granted duty free entry BUDDHA-RELATED items will need an import permit. BUDDHA HEADS or non-full body Buddhas will be denied import. CUSTOMS CLEARANCE IN THAILAND Once the shipment arrives in Bangkok we will need to collect original passport and work permit from your client for the clearance (we will need to keep it with Customs for 3 - 5 days), so please keep in mind that your client will need to be in Thailand during the arrival of the shipment. If your client lives upcountry, they will need to send us the original by post/courier. Documents Required Original passport Packing list Work permit (foreigners) Copy ID card - both sides (returning citizens) 90 day business class visa (non-Thai immigrants) Diplomatic privileges approval issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Thailand
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