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G Rex

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Everything posted by G Rex

  1. As the virus mutates/evolves it is of no benefit to its continued existence to become more pathogenic. Yes - it can happen - but by definition - an obligate pathogen that kills its host is less likely to transmit further. The ‘normal’ scenario is increased rate of spread with reduced lethality - as we are seeing with Omicron.
  2. TIT! Apparently there was not much concern about the fact that he had just arrived in his pick-up loaded with wood. He drove there paralytic ! See many locals around here driving in a similar fashion - carefully weaving all over the road while driving at 30kph!
  3. How do they cook Vegans in Thailand? Would have to add a lot of sugar, and Fish sauce of course..
  4. So sad to hear of his passing. Love him or hate him - he was a giant of the game of cricket - a bowling craftsman who made spin bowling cool! I still remember his first Ashes delivery - the Gatting ball in 93. 52 - way too young. RIP Warnie
  5. Just ignore it If a scam - no issue if real - you will see the BMW park out the front..
  6. Many parrots - especially conures & lovebirds are ridiculously needy when they ‘bond’ with someone. I had a Quaker parrot like this. If you do not want to have your life revolving around a needy avian - I would suggest - make the break now - quickly - and permanently!
  7. I am what is known as a 'cashed up bogan'. Not pretentious in any way. A retired Australian professional doing what I want , the way I want to do it Would not change a thing!!
  8. I sold my house and most assets in Australia before moving here. I contemplated renting out my house , but as it was an older rural property I deemed it unsuitable for tenants. The house was old and required constant upkeep. Even using a property manager I could see that keeping the house was going to be a constant source of stress. I am fortunate enough to have a decent cash fallback - so if I had to leave LOS I have a safety net. My house and farmland here is in my wifes' name - so if the sh#t hits the fan that is gone - but my cars are in my name - so I could recoup money there. Great information in post by 4MyEgo ????
  9. I transferred $10k AUD at 10:30 am today - in my Kasikorn account at 4pm this afternoon - no complaints from me. Since I have started transferring to Kasikorn (rather than Krungsri) is mostly same day. Was 2 to 5 days with Krungsri if a weekend or holiday got in the way. I have never noticed any difference due to ‘time of the month’ with my money transfers. Marked difference with other people in my household however.
  10. OP , I understand your sorrow and despair with regards to 'Nan' - and the whole issue. However I do feel your reaction to this matter seems somewhat extreme. I think you must have had numerous triggers bugging you - but 'Nan' was the outlet. As OMF said above - it would seem that you were not 'flexible' enough to have a rural Thai lifestyle.
  11. We bought a new PCX a few weeks ago. Wife is very happy with it. Feels a bit lifeless to me , but at 95kg & also being used to Big bikes - I suppose that is understandable. It is comfortable to ride, both 1 or 2 up. Nice review!
  12. This is a small step in the right direction. I am a big proponent of responsible pet ownership. The glaring issue is that these soi dogs are not anyones pet. Neither are they a natural species in the Thai microcosm. In my opinion the answer is to cull these feral animals. The money and time spent on this project, and others like this, would surely be better if directed at humanitarian issues or even mental health awareness and help.
  13. SWAT officers don’t use guns or batons - apparently will subdue criminals with shock absorbers.
  14. Bugga! Check for blocked drains in the cowl behind the bonnet - leaves often the culprit there. to dry the interior - will need to remove carpets, probably requiring removal of the front seats as well, and remove the underfelt and dry this completely. If not dried properly , the car will become an unpleasant place to be, with a strong mouldy/musty smell after being locked up for any period.
  15. Kanchanaburi - bucket loads of the wet stuff today , 2 days ago and a week before that. More forecast for next 5 days. Definitely an early ‘break’ here.
  16. I am sorry - but this thread still seems suss to me. Top floor condo. 2 cars damaged downstairs after a bit of wind. (Pardon me) 2 pages of posts already.- seems to be working
  17. Exactly what you need. BUT. This could be difficult because you only have 90 Day Visa. You obviously will not have Yellow Tabien Bahn house book. Immigration will not give you a Certificate of Residence unless you have done at least one 90 day report. Not all Embassies will provide an Affirmation of Residence letter - I know that neither the Australian or German Consulates will do them. Hopefully you are from somewhere else and your Embassy can help you. Good Luck ????
  18. How unfortunate. I assume your condo is not on the 42nd floor Do the car owners know where the drain cleaner that attacked their cars originated from?
  19. This can’t be the reason. All those Brits & Aussies watching Midsomer Murders or similar programs do not think that is reality. Nobody is that impressionable or gullible.
  20. No Italian style restaurants near me. Had a craving for Lasagne recently - so bought a frozen 'heat at home' job from Tops Supermarket. When 'cooked' it was vaguely reminiscent of calf diarrhoea - and its flavour was not far off either! If you do find a decent venue for a classic lasagna - please let us know where to go to quell my cravings!
  21. I was a bit of a celebrity in my home town in rural Australia. Does that count? 555
  22. I think that these re-enactments are to show the public that the Boys In Brown actually do something..
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