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G Rex

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Everything posted by G Rex

  1. Sadly - there are no Renault dealers in LOS I had a RenaultSport Megane RS250 - driving it was the most fun you could have with your clothes on!
  2. If one does it online - one could be anywhere where you have an internet connection!
  3. "The police thought differently and charged him with impersonating an officer, using insignia without permission and causing police to lose face." It seems to me the RTP manages to do a good job of losing face themselves...
  4. The requirement to do Visa extensions & 90 day reporting - and the almost impossibility of becoming a true 'Permanent resident' here is one of my biggest annoyances. On a local level, I hate election times, when we are bombarded with multiple 'speakered-up' vehicles broadcasting catchy tunes & telling the people who to vote for! They travel slowly, and we can her some from at least 1 km away. I see others comment about the driving - and I agree that many people drive here - but have no idea how to drive. On the other hand , the lack of any enforcement means that I can do anything I want when I am driving - that's a win in my book! Anarchy for all..
  5. I am not sure whether many of these soi dogs are 'suffering' . Yes , they have parasites and do not look as well kept as our own 'fur kids'. Most of the soi dogs I see ( & I see a lot!) are generally in quite good body condition. The problem with these dogs is that they are a nuisance and on occasions like this are a danger to people. In Western society there is no question what to do in this situation. Unfortunately this is Thailand. Many times common sense does not enter the equation.
  6. I don't believe anything I see or read. Sometimes I can't believe some of the things I have done...
  7. OMG there are a lot of holier than thou characters on this forum! I see the FMP as a sign that there are some positive signs for life in Thailand. My wife & I went to our last FMP in March 20 - had a great time I have retired here in Thailand - but unlike a lot of other posters here - I am not dead yet!! Wowsers!
  8. I wanted to put HaHA emoji - but thought somehow not appropriate!
  9. My Dad died with Dementia at 80 after a few interesting years!! - my Mum developed Alzheimers at about 80 , and lived unhappily in her own crazy world for another 8 years. Unfortunately I think the writing is on the wall for me! This is not how I want to go - so if (big if, that one!) I become aware of some of the early signs in my own behaviour - I will be checking out!
  10. I can (sort of) understand a guard at a Bank with a gun - but a Barber shop? Protecting the Quartet?
  11. But what a great work ethic this guy has! He does exactly as his employer commands. Why would he have had a shotgun at work at a Barber shop?? My wife is often warning me to 'calm down' because of the crazy people - it seems this shooter is one of them.
  12. You are incorrect here. We purchased an extra cab Ranger here last year. Came with red plates . When we picked up vehicle - 4 of us drove away in it. These extra cab Rangers, D-Maxs & HiLuxes are very popular in rural areas - and I have seen none with 'green plates' . In the country areas it is accepted as the norm that these cars are not 2 seaters. Possibly this is a grey area according to the 'law' . But as there is NO enforcement - the law means nothing.
  13. For Crypto, StableCoin & NFT lovers, the last few months would have been unpleasant - to say the least! Possibly the floor is still some way off. I dabbled in Crypto for a short while last year - and managed to lose equity in a rising market - go figure!! My relatively low risk Superannuation has taken a decent hit - it looks like uncertain times ahead. A Global recession is a distinct possibility! I have attached an interesting article - the author is obviously no fan of Cryptocurrencies! It does seem to make sense though! bitcoin crash_ The great crypto ‘ponzi scheme’ finally crashes.html
  14. I know exactly how you feel My other pet gripe is the temperature checks and 'compulsory' squirt of alcohol before entering shops. Yesterday , checked on entry to Robinsons, then 1 min later checked before entering the bank, and 5 minutes later checked before entering MK restaurant. I know this palaver gives people jobs to do - but do people really think their core temperature will spike between shops?! lol
  15. Near Kanchanaburi, where I live, I know of many locals who have no insurance. (or registration) . (or drivers license) . Won't make much difference. Think about it...
  16. I think the poster was referring to 'extra-cab' utes , which do have small seats in the back. I had an extra-cab/super cab Ranger in Australia , with rear cushions - and it did have rear seatbelts. Rear seat belts are not fitted to these vehicles sold in Thailand
  17. OMG! Why do these news reports give us so much information? Do we really need to know the exact address? - or the ages of everyone involved? Shocking stuff - but just another day in Thailand. The value of a life can be very low here.
  18. I hate these 'feel good' animal rescue associations! Trying to guilt the OP into keeping this dog - implying that the life of this dog is his responsibility. The dog was gifted to him - sometimes it can be hard to say no. The OP has kept it for a few months, and has ascertained that it is in fact a good playful pup and would be suitable for a family with children. Maybe, at 85, he does not feel like rolling around on the floor playing with the dog. It is the decision of the OP whether to keep this dog or not. He has decided it is not for him - he should be respected for his decision - not guilt tripped or judged. He is doing the responsible thing and asking around to try to rehome the dog. He should be applauded for this. Help if you can - but do not shame him with terms like 'you accepted it' and 'respecting the contract'. Rant over!! Sometimes Do-Gooders - although there intentions are honourable - cannot see the bigger picture .
  19. I checked multiple other booking sites. It seems there are no general admission tickets on sale yet. There are a few sites selling mega-expensive 2 or 3 day VIP packages, with pit lane walks etc - their high price will absorb the regular entry fee easily
  20. I just checked the official MotoGP website - tickets are not available yet. , sales opening has not begun yet https://tickets.motogp.com/en/22001-thailand/
  21. I live in Thailand - escaped from the Nanny States years ago sorry , but a more accurate weather forecast is hardly a great reason to entice one to McGowan territory! LMFAO .
  22. Yes , they may have the front door - but they don’t have the whole house. No uterus , no ovaries. Oh yes - they also have a Y chromosome.
  23. Maybe she might need professional reassurance to explain why her period is late. ????
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