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G Rex

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Everything posted by G Rex

  1. They certainly did! We were stuck out of the country because of Covid . When I eventually returned the car had been moved (outside) and had been wheel clamped. The car park ‘guards’ had to help me jump start my very dead (bird dropping covered) car - and the wheel clamp would not be removed until I paid! Not happy!
  2. We have had 4 cars with red plates over the last 3 years. All cars were driven at night (not simultaneously) and extensively throughout Thailand - Bangkok,Phuket,Chiang Mai, Buriram etc. One vehicle was on red plates for 11 months. We have driven through multiple police check points and no reference has ever been made about the plates. My wife and I have never made any entries in the log books. As with many things regarding road rules here in Thailand - in theory it could be a problem, but in practice it never is, due to lack of policing. Don’t think too much!
  3. G Rex

    spanner size?

    Thanks for this information Crossy! Now I know what I need to change my kitchen tap. I don’t need reconstructive surgery on my hands after all! ( Think Edward Scissorhands - but Tommy Taphands)
  4. Wow ! Some things may change on July 1st - but plenty of time for flip flopping between now and then…
  5. Long term under cover at Suvarnabhumi is safe and quite reasonably priced for a 2 week trip. Just don't do what I did..... Left LOS in February 2020, and couldn't re-enter until October 2020. Long term parking fee - 62,000 Baht!!
  6. I am not sure about some of the advice you are receiving here. I am not sure of the relevance of a 'real time PCR test' or SNAP Test. If your dog is anaemic , or has a clotting disorder or low platelet count - this will be determined by a Haemogram and Clotting tests. I would suggest that you don't go to a Vet Clinic & suggest to the Professional which tests he should perform! Nobody likes to be told how to do their job! 555 Also - suggesting the wrong diagnostic procedures will only make you look like a monkey . Good luck ????
  7. When I extended last year , got my letter within 24 hrs. Thai Elite made a booking for me at my local immigration office (Kanchanaburi) - however as it has been a very quiet office(!) I just rolled up a few days before said 'appointment" - no problemo!
  8. Tick infestation with the Brown Dog Tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) is common in Thailand. These can transmit blood parasites - Ehrlichia and Babesia to dogs - but this results in anaemia more than platelet loss. immune mediated thrombocytopaenia is not uncommon - and has many causes, sometimes no definitive causative factor can be found (idiopathic). I am not near Chiang Mai - but any larger veterinary clinic/hospital should have the personnel with the knowledge and access to diagnostic procedures to help your dog. Good luck.
  9. The car driver scarcely slowed down as she approached the corner, and had to 'turn wide' because she was going too fast. The motorcycle rider ( RIP Kieth) had insufficient warning and nowhere to go. Very sad. The CCTV is shocking to watch - it shows how quickly our world can be shattered.
  10. I have recently tried to purchase a camera from a seller on Lazada. I bought a 70K camera - and was sent a 200 baht watch. Lazada have been very helpful. I applied for a refund. Lazada organised the courier return. The seller (unsurprisingly) did not accept the return. However Lazada has approved my refund, which will be returned to my cc within a few weeks. I always check sellers feedback before making a purchase, I check their online store and will sometimes even message them before buying. With the benefit of hindsight - I realised that all of the items in this sellers store were simply cut and pasted from legitimate stores. He had a handful of followers, and is unlikely to fess up that he is a scammer when I contacted him. Lol Moral of the story - be careful out there. Pay with cc for additional protection - or COD if available. Lazada has your back though. ????
  11. Work in the garden , Hide in the house from the heat, Regularly go out for meals, wash the cars... All of the things that I used to do on my time off when I was working - it's just I take a lot more time doing these things now! Sometimes, late in the day, I will think to myself 'what have I done today?' - I respond - F@#k all! Do I care? No I am 60 now .... hardly wearing myself out any more - I might last too long!!
  12. True I have been to Grace Bay on Turks and Caicos Island - often voted as the No. 1 beach in the world. yes - it is very nice - but the best? not sure about that. Australia has many fantastic beaches - especially if you don't mind playing with the sharks, jellyfish, stonefish or crocs! The currents and rips can add to the pleasure, as well as sub 17' temperature anywhere south of the NSW border. The most beautiful beaches I have seen were in Northern Scotland - but more than 3 minutes in the water will result in brass monkey syndrome. I find many Thai beaches refreshing, safe & a great place to be. Since I do not surf, the shallow water or lack of a decent beach break is no problem for me.
  13. Yes - I feel like a D!@k-head - the scammer was new to Lazada, with no feedback. I checked his ‘store’ which had many items - but on closer examination(later!) - I found that most of ‘his’ items were cut and pasted from bona-fide ships (including their logos!). He still has listings on Lazada now - although my harsh rating should deter any prospective purchaser who understands English. I sold all of my DSLR camera gear about 5 years ago - and tried to convince myself that I could take similar quality shots from my iPhones. I was dreaming!! I splurged and bought a Canon mirrorless EOS R6 - great camera! I sucked it up and bought one (at normal price) from a ‘real’ seller!
  14. I have had several returns and refunds with Lazada - normally for incorrect items received . At the moment I have been scammed by a seller on the Lazada platform selling a camera at a price that was too good to be true. As it turned out , it was not true! Received a 200 Baht watch... I returned said item , seller is not talking to me (left town?) and Lazada have agreed to a refund. I paid with Krungsri Visa card - have been told refund normally takes up to one card cycle. Just be patient - Lazada can be slow , but they do protect the purchaser.
  15. Gravity is a theory too... Maybe that is not correct either?
  16. Hell NO! (sic) All religions have been developed to control the masses - and especially in the case of Christianity, give them something to look forward to after their mundane existence ends. Blind faith is for those who are unable to question things , and are happy to believe that the inexplicable has been created/invented by some 'higher force'. Most(all?) religions are just another business. I have faith in my football team. I know they do not always win - but I know that they are the best team. You could not convince me to follow any other team. Same thing really I suppose...
  17. OMG. stay at home and have a shower..
  18. My aim is to kark it having 555 Baht in my bank account. I have no pensions, but have adequate to live comfortably for 20 years. If it looks like I am going to stay on the Merry Go Round longer than that - I will have to start selling my toys! (or the wife can sell the toyshop - though in 20 years time ... it might be a bit like a Commodore 64 ????)
  19. I am pretty sure he lives just down the road from me!!
  20. While I understand what you are saying - the issue is that the wearing of masks has been made compulsory. If people want to wear one - “up to them” I will no longer wear a mask outdoors . There are many people doing the same in my area. I will let you know when I get pinched by the RTP! 555
  21. In my observations it seems it is optional in LOS!! There is certainly no Police enforcement in my area. Also - many drivers are able to kill people without the mandatory requirement of being sloshed. sorry - got off topic there. Face masks are no longer required in my region after Wednesday. Hooray. We will have a mask burning ceremony. (Then maybe a few drinks , then go driving… 555)
  22. The car pictured was involved in an accident and finished up on its roof. The driver died.
  23. Fred Flintstone has one for sale on Rockbook Marketplace.
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