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Everything posted by Kwaibill

  1. My wife.????She is local, so the increases seem "real ". Beginning to be notable to me, too, over the last six years.
  2. I do slip mine down now when taking my Constitutional, but back it goes when near others. COPD, asthma and a few MIs make me err on the side of caution, and the thought I might have something to pass on that hasn't killed me just yet.
  3. It goes beyond that. In 2015 I asked my then gf why so many Thai people on BTS wore masks. Ans. : "They not want make other sick."
  4. All very confusing to "a bear of little (remaining) brain". I know my wife was happy when I gave her a few thousand more baht than usual this month, and that's what counts; "Happy wife, happy life".
  5. I was going to say, that was when I used 35 baht/dollar when estimating finances.
  6. Nope. I buy it all the time at my local pharmacy. Some don't want to be bothered with the book keeping, I think, so use the "no can" dodge. They do have to record and keep track of who and how often. My local folks don't even have to ask my name anymore. They are my first stop for any ailment. Most they have solved, and if they cannot, "You should see Dotor, Mr. William."
  7. The local equivalent knocked on our door and asked about repairing our roof. We also had them close over an open area off our kitchen. They also re-sealed around our second floor windows. Three days of hard and very good work for THB 10,000, materials Inc.uded. Not all "gypsies" are Romanian. I did have some come by my house in CT and offer to repair my lady friends rusted out old truck. These were true gypsies. They did an amazing job with aluminum foil and fiberglass. Worth every penny of a couple hundred, IMO. Just don't go into a store front abode for an offer to "bless" your cash.????
  8. Bunch of hooey, IMO. I smoked a lot In my youth and hung out with some folks who smoked even more. Nobody ever got ill. It can happen, but usually due to underlying conditions. I believe the hospitalization rate in a French study of habitual users was on the order of just over one in a thousand, and more than half of those were psychiatric admissions. If I could buy 100 baht worth at the local market I would bake some mild brownies. I have plenty of old timer aches and pains, but the odd Tramadol once in awhile keeps me mobile at about 90 baht per month.
  9. Hashish is definitely an extract. It begins as a cannabis plant and is separated from the bulk of the plant's structure by various means, I.e. "extracted". Used to think it lovely stuff. Nothing smoked anymore, with the possible exception of salmon.????
  10. Confluence does not equal causation. Happy people get even happier, arsses become more so. Anecdotal but based on experience, nearer 70 than 17 years worth.????
  11. The BTS lines are owned by BMA, a governtmental agency. BTS is run under concession from the government.
  12. I question the reliability of the THB700 million figure anyway; true cost, or inflated "farang" pricing plus other padding? Rampant under US Medi(don't)care. Where is the surcharge intended to cover the shortfall? Surcharge away and Institute universal non-profit cover for all. There are examples, (Brazil, e.g.) and expats working in Thailand can already enroll in the Social Security medical scheme. I would suggest enrolling every visitor for accident services for THB 500 (less than $15, or 50 cents a day) per 30 days "permission to stay". Just my thoughts.
  13. Not so sure re: road deaths. Locals who indulge have been doing so right along. Maybe a few more tourists on moto bikes, but I don't recall having a lot of energy for driving "stoned" in the day. Few times sitting, waiting for the stop sign to change.????
  14. So the legendary "Thai Sticks" are a hoax? I understand many are importing quality strain seeds as well. I do remember the Vietnam War era, and Thai ganja was sought after. YMMV.
  15. The 0.2% rule applies to "extracts". Some boffins have suggested that "buds" might be considered extracts, but that idea has not caught on with several high (????) profile distributors who are openly advertising their wares. Believe what you will, but none of these Enterprises have been shut down, yet.
  16. Just suggested to the wife she could grow up to six ganja plants. She was not responsive to the idea.????
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