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Everything posted by Kwaibill

  1. This presupposes that everybody has a driver's license, which according to my reading is possibly rare but not discovered until after the accident. I do have one, but the wife doesn't let me drive; smart girl.????
  2. One big difference is the drunks like to speed while the stoners are back waiting for the stop sign to change to green.????
  3. Was he also working all that time? If not he must have enough dough for an extended visa.
  4. So, it has been legal for many years in other nations, Netherlands as one example, which have not obviously disolved into total chaos and wide spread overdose calamity. These anti-cannibas types are saying that Thai people cannot handle it at all?
  5. I think it may be in part because Thai written language appears to even be difficult for many Thais. I know my wife often depends on her phone directions rather than try to read the signs when travelling.
  6. But it may well have come to Thailand via India, much as Buddhism did. At least that was my impression.
  7. The "Reefer Madness" types are well represented in both this forum and the government, it seems. I don't, and haven't for years, indulged; COPD and other ailments. Millions of pot smokers NOT dying would seem to contradict the apparently unsupported opinions of these "top physicians". Blood assays on these supposed cannabis ER admissions? E.g., the woman who claimed to be incapacitated by a single leaf in her soup, horse puckey!
  8. Yep. That's when I started doing border bounces every ninety days instead of dealing with Jomtien. Now I am married and living in Samut Prakan. I had been under the impression since US embassy stopped issuing affidavits re: social security, pensions, etc. that bank book and statement showing the requisite monthly income was sufficient. and was told last year when asking that specifically that it was so. Skip forward a year (today) and it is not accepted at Samut Prakan immigration. The IO showed me the printout of the regs requiring an embassy affidavit, which is no longer available. I do have a work around involving a 60-day extension to my current "permission to stay" which will allow two months seasoning of our 400,000 account, which I screwed up by mistakenly drawing it down under 400,000 for a week. I would be good by 18 Dec., but already scheduled for surgery during that time slot. Another peculiarity is that the extension as stamped in my passport goes to Feb. 18, but they told me I must return a month earlier. My wife tried to explain the reason, but it made no sense to me. No matter, as I am perfectly fine with doing it in January, but I like to understand stuff. Any suggestions? Finally, can I manage future marriage extensions at Savannakhét with less hassle about financial evidence? I miss my fave pizza restaurant and Lao Dark beer.????
  9. Ah, the days when you'd whistle up a teen with a shoe box under their arm on the street in Tuscon and buy a baggie for $5 that'd choke a horse. Mexican commercial, but it did the job!
  10. The "concern" is about it being unknowingly added to food purchases. I misdoubt that the quantity ingested to remain unnoticed to the consumer would show up in a urine test. That said, if sufficient weed were ingested and the associated euphoria passed off as a natural response to being in LOS, the detection of THC metabolites can persist for weeks. Get an extension on your visa and only eat from 7-11 pre packaged meals if you think you were slipped a "Maryjane Mickey" in your pad thai?
  11. I would say the prohibitionists are a bit late to the party.
  12. A good friend smoked his way through a PHD in analytical chemistry, one of the most intellectualy rigorous disciplines on the planet. (Too much work! I went for philosophy.????) Personaly I managed to score 145 on the Wechsler Inventory (IQ test) at the height of my "experimental" period. I must have been over 200 without it, according to the "Reefer Madness" acolytes.????
  13. Right. I have arrived on international flights and waited a long time while looking at immigration booths not opened at Swampy. The claim of immigration doing everything possible is baloney. They are well due their share of criticism.
  14. In what wars did the Thai ancestors sacrifice their blood? I think mostly in internecine wars against other Asians, and mostly other Thais if not mistaken.
  15. Auctioned off I expect. Hopefully more or less open to the public.
  16. Many provincial hospitals are not equipped to do anything major for any body, not just farangs. I wound up at Thaksin hospital because the first one did not have the imaging tech neccesary. Wait times can be long, but I'm retired and have more open time than money.???? Gallbladder, btw, can be excruciating. I thought I was having another heart attack!
  17. The concept of land ownership is relatively new in Thailand. The Land Promulgating Act was only established in 1954. Still not easy to get a mortgage, yet many Thais will go into comparable debt to own a new car. I would at this stage happily trade my 75 rai farm in AZ for one rai of land in my wife's name... she gets it all anyway when I "move on".
  18. Anybody with recent experience at Samut Prakan immigration? Due to extend my marriage stay. I have two+ years of 40,000 Tbh monthly foreign transfers to show in my bank book. Good to go? I screwed up and took 5,000 out of the wrong account, bringing it below 400,000 for a week or so in that account. It is ok re: two months on the last day of my current extension. Do you need an updated koh rohr ,or is the previous one ok? Thanks for any guidance.
  19. I know that in the US there is no limitation for murder. In Thailand it is twenty years for crimes punishable by death or life imprisonment, or twenty years. Fifteen years for crimes punishable by sentences of seven to twenty years. Fairly long "limitations".
  20. Facts, please. Most media sources I have read indicate over 6,000 casualties in Ukraine vs 2,000 in Myanmar. Tragic and reprehensible in both instances, the main difference being an internal struggle in Myanmar by junta vs foreign agression against Ukraine by an individual despot's decree.
  21. The one rai is for your residence only, not the proposed investment, as I read it. Like to know if a lease agreement would be applicable, or purchase agreement for a block of flats, etc.
  22. One rai would suit me fine for a residence, but they put too many restrictions, i.e. confining it to urban locations. Also what do they consider approriate investments? A thirty-six month CD at a Thai bank? 40 mill in the Thai stock exchange?
  23. Lol! Now I have an "earworm" of Benny Hill chase scene music.
  24. For her sake she should change the story, if asked, to something involving a factory or cooking accident.
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