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Everything posted by Kwaibill

  1. Let's first determine if any "reef trashing" or "disregarding of laws in nature parks" has occurred. Thai bashing here seems second only to "falang bashing" in much of Thai news. If true, then proceed with arrests, etc., but as already mentioned Parrot fish are not endangered and in fact apparently commercially available.
  2. Depends. I have not had a US income tax burden for years. I am under the range where Social Security is taxable and the balance of my income is largely paid from principle in a trust on which taxes have already been paid. I suggest conferring with a financial specialist if that sounds intriguing. So far legally under IRS radar and comfortable if not Hiso income for two in Thailand.
  3. But, but, they're shiny, and new!
  4. I expect Brit/Yank tourists have a larger impact on the Thai economy than the reverse.
  5. They'll be put to work at the munitions plant?
  6. Seatbelts can be installed on some vehicles without them. I had to put lap belts in my 1930 model A Ford to comply with the new laws in the states... new about forty years ago.
  7. Not equally. Thailand was rated second most dangerous country to drive in. Road rage incidents must have been part of that calculus.
  8. Ditto re: servicing. My sis and I bought one for our mom. Great in New England snow. I agree, if you don't need 4wd, maybe not the best.
  9. I was wondering if permanent residents are covered by some of the health schemes? I paid 330 baht for tooth clean and exam this morning while my wife was charged 30 baht for same plus xray. 330 baht is peanuts, but some other services...
  10. For the first time, this year, I did receive a notice from SS US requiring confirmation of a few details, none of them difficult or invasive. My wife insisted on paying premium return shipping because of a notice that future payments might be suspended if the form was not back within 60 days, where I would have just stuck 85 baht in stamps and mailed it back.????
  11. Not at all true. Been receiving SS direct deposit to Bkk Bank for years now, and take cash from ATM, make bank transfers, etc. all the time.
  12. I am not a medic, but six nurses in my family say go for it. At 68 with underlying conditions I have taken four total as of yesterday. Most of the reports of problems from the vaccine are hogwash.
  13. The average American land owner has between 1/6 to 1/3 of an acre. (Single or double in town lots) One rai is a bit larger than 1/3 acre, so in that regard one rai is adequate size for a home. That said, I am used to rambling around on twenty-five acres (about 65 rai) in the US. Maybe 1 1/2 rai in my wife's name, or a thirty year lease on a larger parcel (we'll both be gone by then, probably????)
  14. I have only stayed the night in a hotel a couple of times (took a daytime bus) in Mukdahan in order to get an early start on the visa rigamorole. Savannakhet seemed more interesting to spend a couple of days as I already live in Thailand.????
  15. You did not actually book anything. I have booked a number of times to USA, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Laos, etc, and before "dropping the hammer" had to supply passport info for myself and my Thai relatives for whom I was also making reservations.
  16. They invariably ask for passport info at some point, so you cannot use that dodge. Furthermore other info is available. The excuse that they must charge " all foreigners" the same is a crock. Pretty easy to differentiate resident expats from 30 day actual tourists on the basis of passport info, e.g. a number of consecutive non-immigrant renewals offers a clue. It would require a bit of programming, however, which Thai authorities seem reluctant to pay for qualified IT folks, e.g. the ongoing problems with 90 day reporting on line. I have done it a couple of times now, so it works, but there are still a couple of items that cannot be entered that show on the form.
  17. Alcohol IS a drug.
  18. Wow. A beloved niece just had a baby boy. Our daughter just told us we will be grandparents. I can't imagine the desperate situation the girl must be in. I imagine the monks at any temple would have taken the baby. A bus stop bench seems pretty out there.
  19. Just out of curiosity, must "onward travel" be by air? How about a reserved bus or train ticket? I see that Thailand is exploring bus service to Laos and Vietnam.
  20. Surely not. Everytime I go to immigration I see multiple agents with stacks of passports, X however many immigration offices there are.. Your theory is that these millions of people using agents are all scofflaws?
  21. With the on again, off again status of the on line reporting system no surprise.
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