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Everything posted by Kwaibill

  1. My local Lotus has a well staffed pharmacy I believe on a sublet basis. Not open until 11:00 on Sunday. I can work with that. The duty pharmacists are knowlegable and helpful.
  2. It says it " reduces the viral load". Good, if accurate, nut a reduction while desirable is not neccesarily the same as prevention. Recall that they were also giving out Andrographis peniculata capsules as a treatment, which showed some efficacy in invitro, i.e petri dish, studies, but not in actual trials, as far as I know. I will trust my four jabs, one mildish case of Covid, and continued masking, hand washing, etc., to hopefully prevent a recurrence." An ounce of prevention..." etc.
  3. Yes, considerable difference in cases. My sister ( a senior nurse) was hospitalized despite being innoculated. Convinced she wouldn't have made it without the jab, and has long term effects from it.????
  4. Well, youngster, I have several co-morbidities, and whatever strain it was it was a bit more taxing than I recall any case of the flu I've ever had. YMMV.
  5. We got covid. Didn't much care for it. Might not have made it without my jabs and reduced viral load due to mask use.
  6. It was decided not to prosecute this "guru". They decided to let Bhagwans be Bhagwans. ????
  7. I am sure karma has some interesting plans for her in Buddhist hells.
  8. I used to use Tesco and the service was great. The Mrs. prefers shopping in person now, and since becoming Lotus my old account seems inoperable. Som nam na.
  9. Thanks. I was wondering about highlighting my foreign transfers. Will be doing the rythm, er income method for the first time. Have about three years of SS deposits showing in the bank book.
  10. Seems a good idea. During my Guard service we were trained in non-lethal methods of control which the regular army guys were not. Could wish US police got more such training.
  11. Yes, have made a tb100 deposit and updated my book at Bkk bank, and got my letter in one trip in the past.
  12. Which is 2X the 100 year average. 2021 saw an increase to 3.7 mm pa. You worked in statistics? Then why do you not appear to understand ROC? Since 1900 the average sea level increase was 2.0 mm per annum. Since then (2021) the RATE has increased to 3.7 mm pa. Most of that nearly 100% Delta R has occurred since 1990. The factors affecting this ROC (temperature, glacial and ice sheet melt, thermal expansion, etc.) are all dynamic forces that themselves have increasing positive ROC per positive degree of Delta T. Was your "work in statistics" in finances? This is a bit different than statistics as applied to physics.
  13. Besides, the models are not "wrong". A range is an absolute variable, not a definitive solution. There is no "right or wrong" in an estimate.
  14. The facts indicate a potential 70 meter rise in global sea levels. 10 meters could be achieved long before via storms, tsunamis, etc. This from the US Geological Survey: How would sea level change if all glaciers melted? https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/how-would-sea-level-change-if-all-glaciers-melted. Sea level rise, explained https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/sea-level-rise-1#:~:text=Consequences,fish%2C birds%2C and plants. Global habitability is affected by more than the static average increase of sea levels. And yes, a modest sea level rise could very easily result in water reaching the fifth story in circumstances aggravated by other effects of climate change dynamics, e.g. storm surges, catastrophic rainfall events, broken dams, etc., especially in low elevation areas like Bangkok which is already experiencing increased flooding problems, admittedly due in part to other human lack of control ( obliteration of natural drainage, etc., by overbuildkng)
  15. Correct. La Nina is an effect of climate, not a prima causa.
  16. Some will be denying it when the water is to their chins on the fifth floor, rather like the Covid victims denying right up to their last gasping breath.
  17. That was not your question, and I don't know for sure why the government thinks it is "useful", except to keep tabs on "criminally inclined falangs." There does seem to be an official element of xenophobia at work, but perhaps turnabout is fair play. Several Western nations seem to think any Thai woman seeking a visitor visa is perforce wishing to engage in prostitution, completely ignoring that the small number of such women are most often trafficked against their wills.
  18. As is so often the case I suspect it is a mixed bag. Some DO come for the party scene, and some of course for other reasons. I see a statement from ONE presumed "prominent doctor".
  19. Because it is required? A wee nuisance, but the last three successfully managed on line. Still not able to input a couple of items, but apparently not vital.
  20. 6 Weird, isn't it? I served domestically during a period of no "declared conflict", even graduated from OCS, and am not considered a veteran. Even trying to obtain records is nearly impossible. Of course my regiment having been disbanded may also be a factor.
  21. My wife complains "I am old!" Hard to convince her 54 is far from "old", but some extra societal pressure, maybe. A number of her friends have been traded for "fresher" models, and the jobs market is pretty limited. Not at all unique to Thailand, but maybe gives us older, . locally "wealthy" chaps an edge. Stick with me, darling. I am stuck on my "old" lady.
  22. Exactly my situation, though we are a bit further along (54 and me 68). Never really did much of the "candyshop" routine. Mostly pursued my wife right from the start. Met her online in the US and arranged that she would be my "native guide" somewhat. Married three years now. Still thrilled to hear " I love you", and can honestly return it. A comfortable life for her will be my legacy, and maybe a fond memory from my step-daughter and soon grandchild. So much more than many accomplish.
  23. I agree that that should be in the works. Just reporting on one comment I read re: NARA's interest. If DOJ et al want to carry through, they get my vote.
  24. Yes. For the, shall we say "less sophisticated" of the public yammering " why didn't they arrest him, then?", it is because of a principle in American jurisprudence of a "presumption of innocence" until he has been indicted, tried, and convicted, if that is even the purpose here. I have read that NARA may be satisfied with just getting the docs back to a place of safety, which a basement room in the Maralago Resort Hotel.arguably is not
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