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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. Visas and closing down mule accounts have zero to do with each other except in the OP mind...
  2. It’s also possible they just quietly drop it without much clarification, Most of the time this is exactly what they do....They like to Quietly drop egg on their face things with no explanation.... Or throw in the old " It was all a big misunderstanding" Trying to enforce this tax is a lose-lose-lose for them financially , a time waster, and just a over-all pain........I think they are wising up to this fact....
  3. Speaking of Pattaya......Has anyone noticed the GoGo girls all lined up at the tax office to pay taxes on all their big overseas sponsor income?... Yep I bet those girls are going over the tax forums every night to make sure they pay their fair share...lol
  4. Smoking rooms is a start, but whats really needed is smoking on the airplane again like the good old days....We can only hope....
  5. I have said the same many times..... Nothing and I mean nothing de-motivates a Thai like a 0.0% return on a investment of their time and energy..... And retired expats who are not working and living off a fixed income or pension.....Are about as far from a tax honey pot as can be..... I would say Thais have ZERO interest in spending large amounts of time and money to squeeze a few baht out of Retired Expats.... It will not happen EVER.....Not now not in the future..
  6. LOL.....Sir you must be joking....Rule flouting is hardwired into the Thais DNA.....Every level of government top to bottom flout rules willy nilly daily......Look no further than Thaksin who is a world class rule flouter especially regarding taxes..
  7. Since your so Gung Ho on taxes how about paying for the rest of us.....
  8. Trump torpedoed the OECD.....The world tax is DEAD for now.....And Thailands OECD dreams are also DEAD.....And their whole new tax plan is in the ICU barely alive, ready to receive last rites.
  9. Every single non smoker should be 100% for smoking rooms.....That will protect them from 2nd hand smoke..... And besides most Asian airports DO HAVE smoking rooms...
  10. If a product is of poor quality it will not be purchased again...If a product is high quality and of decent value it will be purchased again... There you go....The market regulating itself.... Also they seem to have a thing about clothing.....About 80% 90% of the clothing on market is made out of synthetic polyester which is very well known to be bad for peoples health ....But this seems just fine to them.... You have to look HARD to find decent cotton clothing these days..
  11. A 2-3 year old smartphone can be had at about a 75-80% discount......And works just as good as a new one....
  12. Guaranteed this will not stop scammers...Its their job to figure out how to not comply..... But it will work perfect to make average peoples life more complicated...
  13. Well on the other tax thread one guy had been to the tax office 4 yes 4 times because they would not give him a TIN and said he owed no taxes... The guy could not let a sleeping horse lay.....And was desperate to pay taxes whether he owed them or not...
  14. Not perhaps your wrong.......Your 100% wrong...And not real smart going to the tax office.... Of course they want to squeeze every last dollar out of you....Why would they want to help you?
  15. I have a idea....Throw this water filter in the trash and buy a new one.....
  16. Good job you set a fine example for all the people who want to use the laws like DTAs to not pay taxes....And all you anti tax heathens..This post shows ,they would be more than happy to let you pay taxes even if you owe zero taxes... Stop being so cheap....Dig deep in your pockets and pay up....Even if you owe nothing... We need to start a I owed nothing and paid anyways thread....
  17. Moving capitals seems to be a very fashionable thing to do these days, lots of countries are doing it or talking of doing it..... Moving a capital has many purposes.... First you can be sure the new capital will be a smart city....Very highly controlled with mass surveillance every where....Which is the main purpose of moving a capital..... Also insiders will be making a fortune with buying cheap land ahead of the move...Also loads of fat construction contracts for all for the right people with plenty of nice kickbacks for lawmakers.... Plus lawmakers do love shinny new things, payed for by the public....
  18. I agree.....I would quite like to be able to smoke on a airplane, movie theater, grocery store and hospital again....
  19. They are only waiting for a good sales day on Lazada before they order all this stuff for her....Lazada has a special coming up.......Order a wheel chair and get a oxygen tank for free..
  20. I could be a sheep and post in a manner that is popular, to enhance my AN reputation, Your reputation on this forum is about as low as it get especially regarding financial matters.....My advice is to stick to the who has the best pizza threads and you might be ok.....
  21. Ok folks this threads new name is the KhunHeineken thread... Where he can post his nonsense 24/7... Just keep in mind if you post here your posting in his thread..
  22. KhunHeineken you are now BANNED from posting in this thread. No one wants to read your nonsense any more....
  23. Sir you need to take up smoking.......Once your a smoker you will see smokers as humans.....You need to start smoking TODAY...
  24. Yea well this guy is the only one that calls a spade a spade....And he is quite happy to call out all the phony money grubbing tax advisor frauds in lots of videos in this thread..
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