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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. There is a huge difference between someone working in a country...Who rightfully should file taxes.......... And someone who is retired and not working...Who most likely has zero investments in Thailand and owns nothing in Thailand except for a motor bike and a condo if even that...And gets 100% ZERO benefits from Thailand...ZERO health care and social security and ZERO residency benefits...
  2. Outstanding plan.........This is a great example of what every single expat will be doing....Which is making sure they pay 0.0% in taxes one way or another.... The Thai revenue department will be hard presses to pay for coffee and doughnuts with all the 0.0% expat taxes....
  3. Their whole boiling food in water restaurant concept just does now work for western tastes with any farang I know......I have given it a honest try a few times and always left unhappy..... The grilling food at your table at a buffet is way better...
  4. Sir my 200 baht a day budget makes me feel like Bill Gates in the land of smiles...
  5. Shabu shi blows big time.....I hate that place.....Will not eat there....
  6. The food court is only busy because its peak high season.... The food court has been deader than dead for years now......Ever since they did the bad remodel a number of years ago now.......Along with the remodel came much higher prices.....The whole place offer very very poor value now..... The food court thats closer to beach road in Central offers a bit better value.....But nothing to write home about....
  7. redwood1

    Soil Bukhao

    I seriously think the Honest Indian is the only good Indian restaurant in Pattaya.
  8. redwood1

    Soil Bukhao

    Here are some more questions How much is the baht bus Where is the beach Where can I find a 7-11 Where can I find a Indian Restaurant
  9. Hey the government is very lenient......Tony got off Scott free after not paying taxes on his stock sale worth billions.....Yep not a single baht paid.....Ever.....
  10. When I come to Thailand, I dont want to miss eating that ethnic Thai food from Micky-Ds...
  11. It seems to me about the only people who give a rats azz about any of this tax stuff, are the hand full of posters on this thread...... Even the Thai government cant be azzed to get it together....The Other group that does care are the so called tax experts $$$$ always ready to give a helping hand $$$$....And lighten your wallet.......lol The other 99.9% of people out there have no concern about any of this......At All.....
  12. This must be about the 5th or 6th or 7th time E-cigs have been banned in one form or another......Every year or 2 they get banned again... As if the last 5 or 6 or 7 bannings did not happen or have any meaning..... Bans on top of bans yet E-cigs are everywhere...
  13. Its about grey money?........ Gray money is grey money because gray money does any thing under the sun to avoid taxes.....New rules or regulations, does not mean any thing to to them....They will do any thing to avoid paying....
  14. He may know about taxes but not as good as me.... I am thinking about opening my own tax advisory service.... And my advice will be to avoid all taxes....... .And I will only charge 9,999.99 baht for my service...You see I knocked off 1 baht so people will think they are getting a deal....
  15. Try out these glasses.....They are pretty good. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i4212375606-s16591050011.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&tradePath=omItm&tradeOrderId=949840603176314&tradeOrderLineId=949840603276314&spm=spm%3Da2o42.order_details.item_title.1
  16. Yea well it does not seem like its to much trouble for Lazada to have a wallet for farangs.....I have one..... What I think the real deal is, is with out shopee pay you cant get a number of discounts here and there on shopee......I just dont think they want farang to get the special deals...... Still plenty of discounts with out shopee pay...
  17. From my bar stool on Soi Bukow in Pattaya I would say I see about 75% farang and 25% Thai.... So I conclude from this the Total population of Thailand is 75% farang and 25% Thai....Case closed....
  18. Does Boot licker ring a bell?......Hey the whole Shinawatra clan are some of the biggest tax dodgers in Thailand......Tony never paid a single baht on his stock sale....I would be surprised if any of them have ever paid any taxes on their ill gotten billions...
  19. Face the facts.....People love to scammed.....Romance scams, half price gold scams, Dodgy Real estate scams, etc No matter how many times they have heard of others getting scammed....People are eager to get in on a new get rich quick fly by night scam.....And no limiting transfers will stop them..
  20. redwood1

    Pattaya Sauna

    Jombtien Sauna is the best......Its worth the trip there...
  21. Its the people who can cant let complainers complain peace that bothers me..
  22. Hey what happend to the old tried and true, we are going to institute the new XXX financial controls or restrictions to combat money laundering and terrorist.... They must be getting bored with the above excuse, that they have run into the ground.......... So now the reason is to protect old people and teens.....How nice...
  23. The reason there are so many weed shops is except for the rent its a pretty low overhead business......And with high prices no mush needs to be sold to turn a profit......And anyone who is ok with paying a 1000-1500 baht bar fine is also ok with paying 300 baht a gram....
  24. It really should be up to 2-3 days after a accident to get the body count.....Plenty of people manage to stay alive for a 12-24-48 hours then die....
  25. 200 baht might just get you 1 happy meal from McDonalds..
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