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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. KhunHeineken has nothing to backup his fear mongering but he sure does like to repeat it over and over and over page after page after page...
  2. Well you said it again....I would say its time for you to join Mike Lister on the MIA list......
  3. There are LOADS of Thai restaurants on Grab.....I suggest you try them out one at a time until you find one you like......Then stick with it....
  4. The next time you mention this your going in the dog house.....Give it a rest......A loooooooong long rest...
  5. Nope.... The baht buses dont cruise 3rd road..
  6. Sir I wish Quaaludes were still available because you could sure use some.... No need to go crazy worrying......Vast numbers of expats are not worried in the slightest.... And please stop going to the tax office....Thats nonsense..
  7. So are you a 2 or 3 pack a day smoker? And whats your favorite brand?
  8. Hey let only the staff that are smokers clean the smoking rooms...And they can have a smoke while cleaning.....Brilliant solution if I say so myself...
  9. Smoking is good and good for you...
  10. A good smoking room with good ventilation I bet you can hardly smell smoke a few feet from the door... Ok a box of a smoking room with very little ventilation, sure smoke will drift out into the hallway.... Build good smoking rooms....Problem solved.....
  11. I agree 100%.....I think we hear this about once per page going back many pages...
  12. Ok we all know anyone who smokes on airplanes is a idiot......But thats very different from smoking rooms at airports....
  13. South Koreas smoking room are fantastic, the best I have ever experienced....Very nice, and very clean....With a top of the line air filter ventilation system... Japans smoking rooms are kind of hard to find and they are so so....But they are good enough after a long flight..... No reason in the world non smokers should be against smoking rooms in airports......Non smokers have a 0% chance of catching 2nd hand smoke...
  14. 25 Baht? This is the final straw.. This is the end of the road... This is the final inning... I wont be milked for 25 baht......Nope Its time to leave Thailand...
  15. Thailand the HUB of space exploration....
  16. Well lucky we had Mike Lister.Chang Mai, and The Cyclist to keep us in line....Except it looks like they have abandoned ship....
  17. it is disheartening to read of big accounting firms making such errors. Hey errors can be very profitable to the accounting firms when the errors convince the weak they need to shell out $$$ to the firms for their tax services....
  18. E- Cigs have been outlawed about 6-7 times now....I feel another useless outlaw coming on...lol
  19. The impending introduction of Thailand's digital entry card requirement has left many potential visitors in a muddle, as questions about its implementation remain unanswered just weeks before its anticipated launch. Here is a idea......Just scrap the whole worthless plan and there will be no more unanswered questions..........
  20. How would I present a QR code with my phone?
  21. I would have thrown it in the bin even if it was not cold....lol Very low energy food..
  22. Exactly......People here who keep trying to quote info from these translated tax videos are quoting from half baked translations... And lets not forget all the farang (My free tax advice, can be very profitable to my tax business $$$ videos) ....
  23. Carbon tax....A scam so blatant even clueless sheeple know its a scam...And not far behind in the same family is the global warming/climate change scam....
  24. I bet all the ''no vote'' ballots had voted for the wrong party...
  25. Well if the refund due was not to much it might be better to just forget the refund.... Trying to get a refund on a COD sounds awful...
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