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Everything posted by JackSinclair

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen........ The Hokey Pokey.
  2. The law is for sale here. Same as the UK.......
  3. What a coincidence .....there were cameras present at the scene.
  4. Sorry, I did a search but no answer. I will apply at Chonburi Jomptien to renew my non- immigrant 'O' 'retirement' visa dated 25th of January. How many days before and after the date stamp am I allowed to apply? thank you.
  5. The typical apartment owner charges the tenant 10 to12 baht per unit, when the government price per unit is approximately 5 baht. Why would there be any incentive for the owner to help save electric?
  6. As I'm neither alone or married to a service girl so I have no dog in this fight. But got to agree....
  7. I need to know where to find the best British pub to get a decent English breakfast and dinner!! Anyone? Witherspoons would be the best in Buakhow for English food. You are even allowed to smoke ciggies whilst you eat your breaky. And ...the tobacco smoke can be shared equally with the person dining next to you. Who cares if they don't even smoke!! All turbo boosted by the surrounding wall fans. What's not to like?
  8. The casino rumour again? What about the horse racetrack outside Pattaya and the monorail from Bangkok to Pattaya?
  9. clik-clik operators are advocating... They propose .... they believe ..could ... is set to.. present a white paper suggests a key strategy..... Adith also proposed... supports the idea He believes it could... Surawat suggests... could be .. Cutting edge journalism or professional clikk masterbaiting ?
  10. Happy Songkran to all you auld fools on the streets of Pattaya.
  11. Nothing has improved except for the night time bar flies. Football fans still can't watch live European games (with an 8pm kick off) in public. Didn't have that problem pre covid.
  12. A marriage made in heaven. Thais and Russians. They deserve each other.
  13. it would be a great benefit to visitors and locals alike if businesses opened earlier instead of later. Some people get up and go early in the morning. Not everyone wants stays up all night.
  14. Oh dear, like so many new posters it's all about yourself.......... innit?
  15. Being on ignore? By two paid to posters ......... hahah that's a win !
  16. Often I sit at a random beach road bar drinking a cold beer in the morning. The wife will collect me when she is done at the supermarket. I don't have that cliché 1000 yard stare, but I do watch the ladies strutting their funky stuff as they walk past. Now as a pensioner, I can reflect on a 30yr oil career, two luk-khruengs at university and an easy, Thai marriage of 24 years.... so far. Sooo...Not as sad as certain posters we see here in the Pattaya forum. btw What's the going rate for posting generic drivel 20 times a day?
  17. I'm looking at hotels, condos, apartments. All of course have different merits and disadvantages. Ideally, central Pattaya , quiet at night, close to baht bus routes Is there a subtle difference between hotel 'residence' and just paying per month?
  18. Bargirls lies? We all do lies don't we? My girlfriend experience (GFE) was great after not being able to return for 2.5 years. Only my choice of places to eat, drink & party, absolutely no beer/go go bars with their costs.
  19. Moved out of Pattaya yesterday. I will return on the 21st. Hope the girls+ bars+ restaurants etc won't miss my baht too mutt. 5555 enclosed pic credit to Mr Baird
  20. The owners could always get in touch with the 'Hit& Run' restaurant thread. (yawn) It hasn't been bumped for a while, it probably needs new sponsors.
  21. Nothing difficult. Sorry. I know full well about the airport option. But I asked about Jomptien. The agent wildcard just confuses people who go about their business within the 'rules'. Thanks for your help.
  22. Just goes to show, rules are meaningless here.......... Sometimes.
  23. Well to honest the airport would be my safe plan 'B'. But I'm thinking agent as brit tim /olmate mention. These guys are so fluid. Any way just trying to combine it with a 90 day (usually done on my behalf by my daughter)
  24. Do I need to personally attend Chonburi (Jomptien) Immigration office for a single re-entry permit? Or, can my representative do it alone?
  25. "Doo do doo do doo do do doo..."
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