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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. I stopped using it as I now prefer the generic Cialis (Tadalofil). How much was it? I can get it at a local store (near Walking Street, Soi 16, on Pratumnak Road) for 200 baht a pack, but most other stores charge 400. The Pharmacist always gets it from the back.
  2. It means you don't have the qualifications to make a sound judgement of Musk's intelligence. That's still my opinion no matter how weird it seems to you.
  3. Another attempt at trolling (and baiting), and you're the one complaining that I'm a troll. I suppose unless you get the last word, you'll continue this discourse forever.
  4. People saw it in different ways, you said your piece, I said mine, both opinions.
  5. First, you gave the much-used trolls "Is English your first language" insult. Then you named me a troll, not addressing the nonsense you posted, but attacking me in a personal way. I would suggest you're the troll, posting an average of over 11 posts a day vs my under 2 per day average. I'm not here often and people (trolls) like you are one of the reasons. I see you live in the heart of Northern Isaan. It must be a very boring place, living on a farm. You have nothing better to do.
  6. I think you can comment on Musk's intelligence and skills once you manage to reach your first billion. You misinterpreted his effort to help in the caves, because you hate him, as many others did. You're giving your biased spin on the story. Everyone has outbursts on occasion, his opponent deserved it at that time. His opponent wanted fame, Musk was only interested in helping.
  7. You're the one calling to question your reader's English skills. Let me spell it out: Even Trump (who often kills people) wouldn't have Musk killed if he was fed up with him. That's the way it comes across.
  8. I'd say you're the one with the English comprehension problem. Try reading your comment again
  9. If "Even Trump" wouldn't kill Musk, that suggests Trump is a killer, who would restrain himself from killing Musk.
  10. It seems this forum has a lot of Musk haters. I noted that during the Cave Incident in June-July 2018. At that time Musk wasn't anywhere near the world's wealthiest, with a mere $20 billion to his name.
  11. Who else did Trump kill, if he "even wouldn't have Musk killed"?
  12. Currently, Musk is worth $433.9 billion (real-time updated), nearly $200 billion more than the next wealthiest. It fluctuates wildly as most of his wealth is in stocks. BTW, if you had a dollar for every meter to Mars and back, you'd have anywhere from $109 billion (Bill Gates) to $802 billion (nearly twice the wealth of Musk). It's not a good analogy because the distance of Mars varies from 54.6 billion meters to 401 billion meters depending on where it is in its orbit around the Sun. Here's a more interesting way to visualize $433.9 billion. At the current world's population estimate of 8.201 billion, that's enough money to give every human $52.9, or closer to home, 208,000 baht to every person in Thailand. (pop 71.64 million, ex rate 34.35). Why can't you understand billions when the US government plays around with trillions? The total income for the US government in fiscal year 2024 was $4.92 trillion. The US debt is currently 36.4 trillion. https://www.usdebtclock.org/ You have to give credit to an entrepreneur who risks (wastes/spends) $44 billion to buy Twitter, just so he can have a way to communicate to the world without the Left interfering. It was a stroke of brilliance. Of course, the Trump-hating Left will go after anyone associated with Trump, by default. When he buys TikTok, the haters will really start to panic.
  13. You could easily flip a car at normal speed if the old lady suddenly appeared on the road and you suddenly served to avoid hitting her.
  14. In most countries, they don't publicize every incident causing death, and certainly not suicides. For lack of news, you'll find nearly every single death of a foreigner in Thailand reported in the local media. Jomtien and Pattaya cover a lot of beachfront, so you'd expect to have some drownings every year.
  15. Use your imagination: Of course, they need to autopsy the body to determine the cause, mode and manner of death. He could have died of a heart attack or stroke. Was he hit by a boat or jetski? Could he have been dead and thrown into the water? The possibilities are endless. They have to try to rule out foul play.
  16. No, I didn't come here to talk to you. I read the thread and decided to comment. She was sleeping and I had already taken care of business LOL. I do read this forum occasionally, mainly to catch up on the latest Thailand news.
  17. So you apply your limited range of thinking to all Thai females? That isn't very respectful to my girl, all Thai girls, and me. Having lived IN Thailand for nearly 20 years, I've learnt quite a bit about dating. My lady is early 30's and has a 6-day-a-week job at a 5* hotel. She has a university education and has managed to buy an apartment, a car and a motorcycle through hard work all her life. I'm the first foreigner she has dated, so she hasn't been near people like you who think all ladies are whores and ready to be bought. She has no children. Was I lucky? Yes and no, because I have a specific type of partner that I seek. They don't fall into your lap, especially in Pattaya. I've met several women who work their asses off doing regular (non-sexual) work. They can be found.
  18. Enlarged prostates do that too... which of course is a very common affliction. It would be impossible to find a toilet anywhere along Beach Road unless you were close to a shopping mall.
  19. In the article, they are talking about safeguarding the environment, when thousands of diseased soi dogs are relieving themselves all over Pattaya.
  20. Yet the OP claims he is intelligent. Both D and R intelligent dates would tell him where to go.
  21. It happened in Phuket, but it's a non-event. It's just drunk young tourists being stupid. It's no reflection on anything at all. If there's any difference from years ago, it's because everyone has a video recorder/camera in their pocket, and social media to post it on.
  22. This is getting nowhere - let's move on...
  23. You seem like a really fun person to date. Most intelligent women would fire you on the spot.
  24. I read this post while lying beside my beautiful young Thai girlfriend, who is not interested in who I vote for. Thanks to the OP for reminding me why I love Thailand.
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