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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. I don't understand what you're talking about, but Grab listed prices are much higher than Bolt. My problem getting a ride to Bangkok was not because they were busy (it was 7 am), but because no one wanted to go to Bangkok. There were a lot of available cars nearby, but they canceled my orders, not me. I had an important appointment in Bangkok so I had no time to mess around. Next time I need to go to Bangkok, I won't use either of these apps.
  2. The listed prices for Bolt are much cheaper than Grab, but getting a ride can be problematic if you go for the cheap rides. For example, I needed a Bolt ride from Pattaya to Bangkok on a weekday morning. They kept canceling my order even though they were nearby, one after the other. When I picked a more expensive category, a Bolt car turned up and they asked me if I would transfer to a private service to Bangkok for a negotiated price - at least as much as a Taxi. After seeing how small the Bolt car was, I was happy to ride in a comfortable SUV.
  3. It's not primarily about age, but maturity. I didn't enjoy discos or clubs in my 20s, and nothing has changed in my 60s. I suspect you're going there for cheap pussy and that's why you want crowded dumps to explore.
  4. The man who was especially tough on Farang is going on vacation in Farangland? 🤣
  5. My femur was broken in a motorcycle accident. The K-nail is placed inside the bone to hold it together while the bone mends. After the bone heals fully, you don't feel it at all. Normally they remove them, but mine wouldn't budge so they left it in.
  6. It will be the judge who decides on the punishment, not the police. They may have denied the charges, but that was not in court.
  7. That's right! Every so often, in Pattaya and Phuket, they have to reaffirm their resolve to do their duty, suggesting that most of the time they don't. It's quite stupid advertising that they don't normally do their jobs.
  8. Check out the anti-foreigner sentiment (we don't need to talk racism here) in the comments on the YouTube video. Here's a translated example: "Foreigners, no matter who they are, come to Thailand, become gods, become VIP guests, but Thai people go to foreigners. Even if you are a good person No matter how much power and money you have, you are a second-class person in his house."
  9. I've been ordering supplements from iHerb for a long time now. I usually wait for their 15/20% discount offers and free shipping. In about 10 years of ordering, I've only had to pay duty/tax on 2 orders and I usually order up to about $60 - $80 worth each time. Lazada resells many products available on iHerb at marked-up prices, but I buy them there if I need something urgently. I avoid buying supplements in stores here because the selection is minimal and the prices are ridiculous. I am concerned that customs are becoming more strict on the duty-free limit of 1500 baht (including shipping) but the duty was only 5% (+7% tax) on a recent order, so it's not a deal breaker. My orders are usually well over 1500 baht.
  10. I'm in your boat too - even longer on motorcycles here and in the Philippines, but I never boast about it as that could be the day I have a bad accident LOL. You're brave. I did have a bad accident in Australia though, in my 20s (lots of bones broken), and whacked my knee on a car door in the Philippines about 21 years ago. The problem is that people use statistics to determine their risk, but they are not valid for individuals. I'm sure you'd be quite insulted if someone suggested your risk is the same as a 16-year-old school kid riding without a helmet, 3 or 4 up,... or the same as drunk riders late at night and speeding, without helmets... or the same as some tourist that rented a motorcycle and doesn't have a clue how to ride or where he is going, and quite likely riding on the wrong side of the road from their perspective. The sheer number of motorcycles on the road exaggerates the danger. Since I have been riding in Pattaya I've always been amazed at how few motorcycle accidents I witness. Of course, every time someone dies, it's reported because they need something to fill up the newspapers.
  11. It was easy at the Laksi District Office, but the agent made it easy. That included all the paperwork being translated into English, and legalized by the MFA.
  12. I eat a lot of Chinese carrots etc. The point I was attempting to make is that you cannot detect Chinese fruit and vegetables by looking at them - they look good, and you can't detect them by taste - they taste good. Chinese carrots taste better than most Australian carrots I've bought. The fruit also tastes good. The way to detect Chinese is by price - they are much cheaper. Do you think that Chinese produce is more contaminated than Thai produce? If so, where is your proof? It's the competition on price that is upsetting Thai farmers and distributors.
  13. Some Amphur offices are very uncooperative when foreigners are involved. Due to this problem, I skipped the Banglamung Amphur Office and did mine in Laksi, Bangkok, with the help of an agent. One hour - all done.
  14. I know a bit about uncontested divorce at the Amphur office, in Laksi, Bangkok as I did one last year, but this is useless advice for the OP as he needs to protect his property and rights and they have children. The OP needs to get a good lawyer in Thailand and obtain a judicial divorce. He also needs to be sure that the divorce is legal under UK Divorce laws. To the OP, if you're going to be in Pattaya I can recommend a good family lawyer.
  15. For anyone interested - you can purchase a hard-bound copy of the latest update of The Civil and Commercial Code Thai-English, on Lazada for about 600 baht. It's nearly 1000 pages, so when you don't need to read it, it makes a very good paperweight. The exact location of Usufruct law: Book IV (Property), Chapter III (Co-Ownership), Title VII (Usufruct), Sections 1417 - 1428.
  16. Big C is a huge seller of Chinese produce. You probably don't notice as there is nothing poor about the condition. Obviously, pesticides keep produce looking good - which is the point of using them. Pesticides don't ruin the taste.
  17. Only if you are stupid and rent long-term. Keep it business-like, and don't get involved - rent by the hour. It's always better value for money.
  18. The carrying part is not as valid as many scooters, my Yamaha Mio, for example, has a huge space in the front to carry shopping. I can carry 6 packs of water or a full shopping cart of groceries. I can carry a lot more than I could carry on my old Honda Wave. I agree that in the hilly mountainous areas, gears will be an advantage. I've never used on in a hilly region. There are some steep hills in Pattaya, and I've never had a problem getting up them with a passenger and groceries and I weigh around 100 kg. In the city, they are much safer as your front and back breaks at the ready in both hands, and you don't have to mess around with gears, so your reaction time is much faster. Still, many Thai people are using Honda Waves, and often they get in the way as they are busy clunking between gears. I don't care how skilled a person is, they are going to be caught in the wrong gear at some point, and that's risky in fast-flowing traffic. Having owned both, I would never go back. The Wave is much noisier too IMO. Noise will vary with models, but usually, it's hard to hear if the engine is on at idle for most auto scooters. I owned the Wave for 2 years and hated it.
  19. It's a problem for a few decades as a declining younger generation has a lot more older people to support. Once the excess older generations have expired, everything will be fine. In the end, it will balance out. People spend too much time in the cyber universe these days rather than in the real world. Readily available pornography has a negative effect on men wanting to meet females in real life too. This has become quite clear in countries like Japan where are large percentage of men in their 20s and 30s are still virgins. They either have no interest in meeting real partners or they are afraid to. I've found that Thai females are very aggressive these days, so it might be a similar problem in Thailand.
  20. Here we go again - we get a few of your scared types in every thread about motorcycles.
  21. I owned one (Honda Wave) about 20 years ago in the Philippines. Riding one of those vs modern automatic scooters is like going back to the horse and buggy. What's up? Why do you want one?
  22. And in related news... "Despite efforts to rectify violations, the Supreme Administrative Court’s decision ultimately led to its demolition."... meaning it has already been demolished????
  23. The laws of physics are well understood here too. I've watched many steel fixers on a construction site walking over the rebar lattices they are tying together in light sandals. Of course, if you don't stand on an upward-pointed rebar, you don't get one through your foot or another part of your body if you lose balance and fall. Simple physics - watch where you're walking and don't ever lose balance.
  24. You can nag her to death - she won't change. She'll just keep on getting fatter. You didn't say anything about age, as it makes a big difference to how fast you pile on fat. It is possible that she's not happy in the relationship and food has become a way to overcome the stress of it. A lot of people eat for comfort. The problem could be you. Maybe you're too demanding? Another possibility could be that she is seeing someone on the side who prefers some meat on the bones and she's catering to his (or her) preferences. Not everyone likes their partners skinny.
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