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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. When you deposit money you are lending them money AND the ability to lend out 900% of your deposit. It's called the fractional reserve banking system. They need your deposits. If there is a run on the bank and everyone wants their money back, it's unlikely they can even cover 10% of total deposits.
  2. I have seen many of these K-Bank deposit machines around Pattaya, and in ALL the major shopping malls - nothing had been changed this month. If they were looking for replacements, you'd expect the major shopping malls to be first on the list.
  3. I've used the K-Bank deposit machines 3 times this month. I use machines inside shopping malls. The machines have not been replaced.
  4. I've been using these cash deposit machines for several years... you've always required your card to deposit. I started using them when the banks started requiring your original passport to deposit cash into your account. They are very convenient and it is not a very slow process at all except maybe your first time when you're not familiar with the process. It's a lot a lot faster than going into a bank, that's for sure, and I don't carry my passport around if it's not necessary. I use the K-Bank machines, and there is no charge.
  5. Good talking point... how much would replacement batteries cost for the average EV?
  6. You don't drink milk? So what? I drink gallons of it, but who cares? No one NEEDS to eat anything as an adult - you have choices. Milk and whey (and cheese, yogurt, butter, etc) are my primary sources of protein and I'm in good shape. I drink so much milk every day that the "milk is only for baby cows or human infants" brigade would freak out. It's total bs... but as you said, you don't NEED to drink it, but don't expect a badge of honour for depriving yourself of one of nature's finest foods.
  7. Talk about a ridiculous effort to apologize for Biden's deficient mental state. Everyone can see it. No gerontologists are required here as I did not bring up his age. Some people are quite capable at his age. It is well documented that he doesn't do much and spends more time on vacation and resting (by far) than any of his predecessors. I'm sure you're quite aware he is a puppet on a string, being carefully handled by his "team". Do you have any apologies for Biden not submitting to a cognitive test this year? I'd love to hear your excuse for that.
  8. I'll name the biggest disaster of all - the elephant in the room... You have a president that is in an advanced state of dementia. Whenever he opens his mouth, it's embarrassing. I'm not even a US citizen and I find it embarrassing. It's so bad I can't even listen. He should have stood down for medical reasons long ago. That leads to disaster number 2: there seems to be no way to remove a cognitively impaired president. He hasn't even been tested - disaster number 3. The White House released a “health summary” of the president's latest physical exam in February, which did not include a cognitive test. And as a follow-on to this monumental disaster, he is going for reelection in 2024, and you have no better alternatives. This is not a Republican or Democrat Pary issue. It should concern everyone on both sides of the aisle.
  9. For sure you had prediabetes long before you turned 70. There is no distinct boundary between prediabetes and diabetes as the classifications are based on momentary sugar levels in the blood. You could be normal one day and full-on diabetic the next, depending on your consumption of food on any given day and when you're tested. Prediabetes is a term people use to disguise type 2 diabetes for health insurance purposes. Other people say they have insulin resistance. It probably started in your 20s and 30s. It's the number one cause of blindness, leg amputations, and many other serious life-ending conditions. It shouldn't be scoffed at. If you're still healthy in your 70s, you're very lucky and have exceptional genes.
  10. This "disaster" hasn't even played out yet... let's give it time. If it's forgotten, that's only because there have been so many Democratic Party disasters in their desperate attempts to remove Trump that none may stand out from the rest.
  11. You've flooded this thread with 45 posts to date. Excuse me if I'm not following you closely as I haven't read any of your posts other than your reply to me. Don't be lazy - please explain what point I made for you.
  12. The decision was a disaster from the Democratic Party's POV... if you dig a bit deeper, 3 of the 7 Democratic-appointed judges voted against it. They couldn't even get a consensus among their party. Three Democratic judges understand that states cannot control a Federal election - that's a good thing. There is little doubt this will be shot down in the Supreme Court. If not, there might not be a Federal Election next year as states play tit-for-tat, with Republican states taking Biden off the ballot.
  13. Is she diabetic? Carbs raise blood sugar in everyone. It's normal.
  14. Of course, you're not convinced. As far as you're concerned, old men don't get sick, and it's not even a possibility. Sorry, but you don't think rationally. Those millions of Thais who you think are very old despite a very tough life more often than not look a lot older than they are. You should calm down as all this obsession with hatred for old men won't do your health any good at all.
  15. I don't suppose you considered the possibility that he was very sick, and that's why he chose to return now, knowing that he would be in a hospital ward rather than a prison cell. He's 74.5 years old now, fast approaching the average life expectancy of Thai men of 75.5 years. He has led an extremely stressful life. Politics and exile for a 70-plus-year-old man is not a healthy lifestyle. Do you think old men don't get sick just because you hate them? Take your hateful blinders off and start thinking rationally.
  16. You can watch the Democratic Party in the US on the news every day of the year. They wrote the book on it. It's absurd for people on here to accuse Thailand of being corrupt when their own countries are much worse. It's just hidden a bit deeper. It seems many forum members are looking for any excuse to condemn Thailand. 3rd World? - not even close.
  17. Going directly from the Bible, your allotted years were determined by God after the flood as "three score and ten", or 70 years. This is a pretty good estimate. On average people live longer than that only because of medical intervention, but through the ages; before modern medicine was invented/discovered, most people died much younger than this. God intervened after the flood, (before which people lived nearly 1000 years), by resetting your body's time clock. It has nothing at all to do with what you eat, how often you pray, or anything else you can do. You can pray all day long but you're still going to die. Sure, you can maybe extend it some years and you might be lucky to have extra good genes. Interestingly, a study of centenarians discovered that on average, they were more likely to smoke and drink, and less likely to exercise or eat well. It's more important how well you live rather than how long you live. We can call this your health span, which comes to an end in your marginal decade. Your lifespan can have several useless years near the end if you're not lucky enough to die suddenly, avoiding the endless suffering of a slow death.
  18. Hottest December (so far) I've experienced in Pattaya in 18 years here. The cool weather hasn't reached here yet - maybe tonight. I just went for a ride on my motorcycle at 10 pm and it was 27C. My electric bill which arrives on the 20th of the month was higher than in November and October. That hasn't happened before.
  19. In all your excitement and Trump hatred, you couldn't even bother to read the article and then posted a fake thread title. The Colorado Supreme Court is made up of 7 Democratic Appointees, who ruled 4 - 3 against Trump. This is the Democratic party becoming desperate. It will be shot down in the Supreme Court by January 5.
  20. There's nothing wrong with eating processed candy bars, as long as they are a regular part of your diet. Trying to find healthy chocolate to eat kind of defeats the purpose of having luxurious treats from time to time.
  21. I should have mentioned regular milk chocolate. I would not eat the chocolate you're referring to. It has to be sweet... just as my ice cream has to be sweet and creamy LOL.
  22. There's nothing crazy about it at all. The Thai product is 13.33% sugar (serving size = 15 ml, containing 1 gram of sugar and 2 grams total carbohydrates {probably 1 gram of lactose}). That's less sugar than most people take in their tea or coffee. A teaspoon of sugar weighs about 4 grams. If that's a problem for you, you better stay away from chocolate (52% sugar) and ice cream (24% sugar) both with a lot more fat.
  23. You're right, the Carnation brand available in Thailand is labeled as "Milk Product for cooking and bakery", although online shopping sites list it as "Condensed Milk". If you live in Thailand, you either use it or you don't. What they use in the UK is irrelevant because it's not available here. Maybe you can convince one of the major retailers to import it then everyone will be happy. I would also prefer the real deal, as it's also real condensed milk in Australia and NZ.
  24. It has happened more than once with my wife. One time she heard an invader in the house while I was out. She heard footsteps in the house - and I'm pretty sure a neighbour was inside snooping around as he thought the house was empty. She called me and said that she locked herself in one of our bedrooms while I made my way back to the house. She was terrified. These types of incidents can cause reactions of pure terror for some young ladies. This prohibits rational thinking and it is possible to understand that the poor victim lost balance trying to escape on the balcony as she was terrified. It is not safe to be climbing around balconies while shaking from terror. There might be some female rambo types as Spidermike was suggesting that would open the door and club the intruder to death with a baseball bat.
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