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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. It is not normal behaviour for a single lady living on her own to open the door to pounding, and absurd to suggest she should open the door and attack the stranger with a bat. The normal behaviour would be to hide and try to call for help. Most men could easily take a bat off a woman. Something like this happened to my wife at a hotel quite recently. My wife was alone in her hotel room when a drunk guest from another room at about 2 am tried to get in. He was trying for about 10 minutes. This scared the living daylights out of her. She called security, but even so, she was traumatized by this event and it took her a full day to get over it.
  2. Why are you jumping through all the hoops? If any of your extended family members stateside want to attend a funeral, they could travel to Thailand. My mother died last December. I didn't travel at all, just watched the funeral online... we're not a close family, and all this fuss over ashes and corpses is not my thing. Like you, I wouldn't care what they did to my body when I'm gone. If your family stateside wants to have a funeral for ashes, you can have them shipped to the US. This would be the cheapest option for everyone. Disposition of Remains Report: Bangkok
  3. Every 7Eleven staff member has worn masks at all Pattaya outlets I've visited since 2020 and they never came off. I was wondering if they ever will come off.
  4. It's not a Hat Yai thing... The banana pancakes come with condensed milk everywhere... If it's a problem, just say no. It's not compulsory.
  5. Yes, Simpson, Fertility rate or Total fertility rate is what I meant. You know how to Google. You can continue with Google to answer your questions. You take these conversations too seriously and I'm not here to educate you.
  6. And your reply is utterly repellant too. Bringing up 1930s Germany is pathetic. You're on ignore, and hopefully, you'll do the same.
  7. No Simpson, I meant fertility rate, which is the birth rate.
  8. I'll explain it. The producers of these shows/movies are twisting it around, to show that being a minority is more important and that being normal is a sin, something you need to make excuses for. A large number of contributors here are already apologizing for being straight. ... then, with the younger generations brainwashed by this twisted nonsense, minorities become the new normal. The damage in most Western nations is already past the point of no return as the fertility rate continues to plummet well below the replacement rate. The younger politically correct generations are the ones who are ultimately going to suffer from their "good deeds".
  9. Apart from the fact that most people (expats) don't watch TV these days, and stream or download everything... good luck switching to a movie or show which doesn't have gay interactions of some type. It's on every show or movie of every genre these days. It started with the occasional female-gay interactions, which most straight men enjoy, and graduated to men kissing, hugging, and making love. Even my wife doesn't enjoy seeing that. Then it graduated to gay families being accepted as totally normal, where children have 2 fathers or 2 mothers... men talking about their husbands, women talking about their wives... and then there are the persistent lessons about how to use pronouns correctly. I have no problem, in real life, accepting gays, transexuals, and every other minority. It still doesn't sit comfortably with me to watch it all close up and personal on the screen. I have gay friends but don't watch them making love. What's wrong with me - why don't I enjoy it? Is there a pill I can take to cure me? I accept it, but I don't enjoy it, and I do often turn it off unless there's enough good in the movie or show to compensate.
  10. You haven't been down to a 7Eleven or corner store lately... or a supermarket. They all have an extensive supply of dairy products. Thais consume quite a lot of dairy if they can afford it.
  11. Same here - enjoying that Christmas is just another day without all the fuss and bs.
  12. You're right about many posters being here just to bicker and insult, but some of us are very interested in the work you are doing to soundproof your condo. It is currently one of the more interesting threads on here. Put the annoying members on ignore and keep us posted.
  13. You also have to factor in things like climate. The warm/hot year-round temperatures in Thailand make moving around with arthritis a lot easier, versus if you live in a cold climate back at home. Stiff or aching joints are nearly a universal problem for people in their marginal decade of life. This is a very interesting subject as I often think about whether I'm doing better or worse here than back in subtropical Queensland. In Pattaya, the air quality is very bad for much of the year.
  14. Life expectancy doesn't mean a lot. It's how well you live in the marginal decade (your last decade) that's more important to consider. Are you bedridden or still mobile? Do you require care or are you still self-sufficient? Do you know who you are, or have you forgotten your name?
  15. That's some serious dedication. Another easier method is sleeping with music playing. It got me through 2 years of construction noise next door. It might take a bit of getting used to, but it can be very effective.
  16. A 350k per month budget is not ludicrous at all. It might be just enough to get you through a hard month of partying, but you'd have to take care, not get too drunk, and be vigilant about not getting ripped off in bars. When you get drunk, they often pad the bills by thousands and no one would be the wiser. If you party every day of the month, you'll likely run out of cash on that moderate budget. The only upside is that the excitement would probably wear off after a month or so unless you're an alcoholic, in which case you'll be parted from your cash faster than you can count it.
  17. So I suppose you don't subscribe to the theory forwarded by a big bike rider on this forum that only big bikes are real bikes?
  18. You must be devoid of a brain yourself to insult a large percentage of forum members who ride. To me, you'd have to be an idiot to sit in traffic all day long to get to places you can get to on a bike in 5 minutes...
  19. Ok, thanks! Now that it's clear that you and your scuba buddy are both whining Poms I can ignore both of you for the rest of this thread.
  20. And yet you still won't say where you're from? Judging by your posting style, it's from the low-class side of town.
  21. It doesn't matter at all, but after a hard workout I'm too lazy to prepare food, so drinking a protein shake is very convenient. I'll come back a few hours later after the whey has been digested to prepare food.
  22. I've never been concerned about artificial sweeteners and all the cancer scares. I use Equal, which is Aspartame, made from 2 naturally occurring amino acids. If I'm going to get cancer, it should be coming up shortly as I use a lot of it and have for a long time. Something will eventually be the end of me and I don't stress about it. The stress of all the worry about everything might kill you faster. An interesting observation from an extensive survey of centenarians... it was discovered that, on average, they were more likely to smoke and drink, less likely to eat well, and less likely to exercise. They have a genetic gift. The rest of us might die a lot younger from CVD, cancer, and several other degenerative diseases. Lately, I've been mixing my WPC in milk with no flavor or sweetener. It tasted fine.
  23. That's good news. I did think at the time that they had made the process far too complicated and by the time I do my next reporting in January it would be easier. The staff at the counter were wasting a lot of time explaining to people what they needed. I won't be surprised if they go back to the old way of only needing the report slip as before. If it is all computerized why do they need all this excessive paperwork to file away in bins, never to be seen again?
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