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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. This is absurd. Instead of taking care of the thousands of Soi dogs living wild in every street in the province, just push for an adequate vaccination supply for when people get bitten and infected. Never mind the source. They supplied no data to prove a "surge", just 3 deaths. How many people had been infected and then vaccinated would be more useful information and evidence of a "surge". Maybe they are suggesting an extensive rabies vaccination program for the entire population.
  2. Here's some required reading for anyone who thinks they know how to trade crypto. This report was written June 2022, but the warning is still valid a year later: "Bitcoin and the rest of the digital asset market have been negatively impacted by a number of different issues, including increased regulatory scrutiny, sustained geopolitical unrest, rising inflation and interest rate hikes. Due to the increasing uncertainty around the stability of global markets, commentators seem to agree that the price of risk assets like Bitcoin could continue to suffer over a longer time frame." https://cointelegraph.com/news/80-000-bitcoin-millionaires-wiped-out-in-the-great-crypto-crash-of-2022 If you're one of the lucky ones with a millon plus in your cypto wallet, or have had a good win, enjoy it and don't give it back. Greed is what kills many investors in the long run.
  3. It's very easy to brag about how a good trade went after it's done, but the reality is there is no bottom to the crypto market and buying at any level is extremely risky. At any time crypto trading is high risk trading to be undertaken with money you are prepared to lose. Most people don't proclaim big losses, but love talking about their wins.
  4. Typical traders who were lucky in the past thinking they can predict the market. I see this type of over confidence destroy people all the time.
  5. The worst trading stragey of all. Did you watch the price in the past and think the same will happen in the future? It's not hard, it's impossible to predict the market and in the current economic and political climate harder than ever.
  6. Of course you can enter your home country without a passport, as long as you can establish your ID. The problem is getting on a flight without a passport - that's unlikely. If your passport has expired, it's also not a problem. The expired passport will get you back in.
  7. Catching the boat is not as important as getting off it at the right time before the storm hits.
  8. and causes a lot more people to ctb, and/or discount the importance of their lives, believing that death is not the end but just a temporary reprieve from pain and suffering.
  9. The girls love them as it covers up the scars from previous farm work. Asian girls are very sensitive about scars on their legs, apart from not liking the brown as much as you do.
  10. Everything you can see and touch is real. You mean, original recipe LOL.
  11. No, this is what can happen when the "Thai girlfriend experience" becomes a Thai girlfriend LOL. They are fantastic until you become too familiar, then things can rapidly head south.
  12. You don't know what's going on because these reports are very inaccurate. Perhaps he was on overstay - now there's a good reason... but there are good reasons to get out of there even if he's not "up to no good".
  13. Why would you assume the guy was up to no good because he left the scene before the police arrived? I doubt he fled, rather than limped away. Maybe he doesn't want the police involved in his domestic affairs. Perhaps he doesn't want his partner to get into trouble with the police for many possible reasons.
  14. I'm guessing it's option 2 LOL. There are literally hundreds of Thai restuarants in Pattaya that hardly ever see foreigners (and if you include vendors - thousands). I couldn't imagine they are producing low quality food as the competition is stiff and they wouldn't last if they were selling inferior quality food to their Thai customers. It's easy to stay away from "dumbed down" Thai food if a foreigner is motivated to shop around.
  15. It might be useful to report on the heat of the considerable amount of frozen Thai meals available in supermarkets and 7Elevens. It would seem obvious that these mass produced Thai frozen meals are produced for the general Thai public's consumption. They give me a fairly good idea of how spicy the average Thai peson likes their food. Most of these curries and other dishes I don't find are spicy beyond my limited tolerance. There are a few I find too hot, but most are ok. Why do I like to consume frozen Thai meals? Apart from being very convenient, I find the quality is consistent when you find a dish you like (it always tastes the same), whereas in restaurants, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not, depending on the chef on the day. Also, it's more hygienic.
  16. I find Thai food can taste very delicious with a low spice level. You've probably destroyed your taste buds with all that chili. I don't mean no chili, just a small amount - just enough to tease the taste buds, to make them tingle a bit without burning them up. Sayinig Thai food is all about hot chili is an insult to Thai food. You may as well just add chili to rice and be done with it. Chili should be used to enhance flavour, not to cover it up, and by making it too hot, that's all you're doing. BTW, straight from a doctor's mouth awhile back - a lot of Thai people have digestive disturbances and stomach complaints from eating too much spicy food. My wife was told to stop eating spicy food after the doctor noticed the condition of her stomach on a chest x-ray. She has penty of stomach issues and does love hot spicy food.
  17. Well, the 23% of Chinese certainly make their presence known, so it comes as a surprise they are on the bottom of your list. As loud talkers they win first prize. They literally shout at each other even when they are standing next to each other. Russians are really loud too. There's a Russian in the adjacent condo building that talks so loud when he's out on his balcony that I need to close my windows/doors. He's so loud it feels like he's talking to me, inside my condo LOL.
  18. I've lived through 2 condo constructions adjacent to my condo, a total of about 4 years of construction noise in 2 different residences. The best way I found to cope was playing easy listenting music all day to drown out the construction noise. I don't think any insulation will stop the loud thumping noise on a condo floor above. Noise travels very well through concrete, so the noise travels down the walls too.
  19. Do you consider "bland" a dish that is not spicy? Take it from am person who cannot handle very spicy - what you call non-spicy might be far to hot for me. You get desentized to chili if you're always eating hot spicy dishes and you continually crave more. It makes perfect sense for restaurants in tourist areas to "dumb it" it down for chili sensitive tourists.
  20. Come to Pattaya. The tourist buses are back with a vengeance. Late one night a tourist bus stopped at my local 7Eleven on Thappraya Road (because it's easy to park there) and a gang of Chinese, looked like mainly middle-aged woman came in shouting at each other. One thing is for sure, they have no respect for anyone else in their vicinity. The most amazing thing happened to me. I was at the check out (no one else in line) having my groceries scanned and packed when this well built Chinese woman physically pushed me aside to talk to the cashier. I'm not small at over 100kg, but she shoved me aside LOL. I pushed her back and said wait your turn. The Thai staff found this most amusing.
  21. That's not going to happen. In 50 years China will be bankrupt and back to 3rd world status. Their population currently resembles a reverse pyramid, with old people outnumbering young people by a significant degree. The problems have already started, so you won't have to wait 50 years. I don't know why so many people buy into this bs that China will soon be the world's number one economy. Apart from that, they lie about their growth numbers. It's all CCP proganda.
  22. I did some investigation a few months ago. The only places where you can still get vaccines are in government hospitals. Pattaya City Hospital and Banglamung hospital both do them. It was once or twice a week in the mornings they offered them - and you pay of course. Banglamung quoted me 1380 baht. It was surprising that the major private hospitals I visited (Bangkok and Memorial Hospitals) were unaware of where vaccines are available. There's a major concern about excess death worldwide after covid (not a theory, but statistically proven), so you might want to do some research before taking another jab. I was investigating the jab for visa requirements to visit the US, but as lf May 11 you don't need to be vaccinated to visit there.
  23. Not necessarily as old functional computer components can be valuable and sought after by some people. The last one I handed over was a 2009 Compaq laptop and they greatfully accepted it. Your 20+ year old systems might have some value yet. If they don't want it, dump it in the bin.
  24. I take out the HD and give the rest of the computer to people at the local computer centre (Tukcom in Pattaya), then just smash the HD to pieces with a hammer.
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