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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. I agree. Surely there are tools like the "Jaws of Life" hydraulic rescue tools that could have spread the plates to take the leg out whole.
  2. According to the report, they said (2nd hospital) they can reattach her leg. Apparently if the leg is cleanly severed (in this case intentially cut) there is a 77% chance of success. The condition of her lower leg will be crucial.
  3. My wife was already paranoid about using escalators after watching a lady swallowed by one in 2015 in China: https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2015/07/28/china-escalator-mom-death-mall-reaction-family.cnn Now she'll probably be taking the stairs.
  4. You live in Pattaya and you don't know any "pure restaurants" that aren't bars? I've been eating in pure restaurants in Pattaya since I arrived 18 years ago. I've never eaten a meal in a bar as I prefer pure restaurants. You could start your discovery tour in Terminal 21 and Central Mall.
  5. What dramatic questions you ask. No problem, knock yourself out and concern yourself over the world's Generation Z population. When a guy is concerned about meeting "real ladies", it's in a relationship context. That should not be a concern of Baby Boomers 30 to 50 years older.
  6. If you're a baby boomer (57 - 75) or beyond, it's of no concern (or should not be) whatsover how Generation Z ladies behave.
  7. I'm not typing about anything (I copied and pasted it - a quote), but the note by the Visa run company is NOT refering to multiple visa-free entry stamps at the airport, but at the land borders. Quote: "however people using OUT/IN method to extend their stay might be questioned after few visa exempt entries. The "OUT/IN method" they are referring to is the land border bounce. Very few people would fly out and back every 30 days. That's a bit extreme. It's a visa run company specializing on van trips to borders. This is not off-topic and is general information - nothing specifically related to Russians.
  8. That was signed in 2005. Are you sure there have been no amendments in the past 18 years?
  9. There didn't seem to be any problems for 2 years, so I suppose 3 years is quite possible, BUT, you need to start the whole process from the beginning for each year. The maximum extension on each Non-O visa is 1 year. That's one year total, not 15 months.
  10. And here's the problem in a nutshell (from the link you provided): ---------------------------------------------------------------- Same old RULES: Travellers, under visa exemption scheme, arriving via an international airport will be given a 30 day visa exempt stamp, however people using OUT/IN method to extend their stay might be questioned after few visa exempt entries. There is no specific period given and there is no rule on how many visa exempt will be issued for one person. An old rule “90 days in a 180 days period” has been cancelled many years ago. As of 31st December 2016 Thailand limit visa exempt entries at land border to TWO per calendar year. The day you arrive is counted as first day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You never know for sure.
  11. So much messing around. Why not get an Ed visa? The best school in Pattaya (that I know of) will get you one year for 51k (including classes). It might sound expensive, but a lot better than the uncertainty of border hopping etc. At least you know you're going to get a full year, and then you can get a re-entry permit if you want to travel out of Thailand.
  12. There's no need for scare-mongering. Getting back to back visas is not fraud. Fraud is a ciminal offense and if convicted, you'll serve time in prison, then deported. It's only fraud if you're caught using fraudulent documents to obtain a visa. How long you can stay and now many stamps/visas you can get is determined by immigration policy, which constantly changes and is enforced differently depending on which way the wind blows on any given day and which consulates/immigrant offices and border entry points you use. The worst that can happen is they refuse the visa, extension or entry.
  13. I would bet you'll find many investement bankers and politicians with tattoos. They are easy enough to hide in a suit. As for King Charles (where have you been), he's not successful. He inherited the crown.
  14. What are you then? A self righteous bigot? I see very successful people with tattoos, and the list is long.
  15. There is an odd exception though. A lot of successful and famous people are heavily tattooed. Here's just a few examples, but the list is long. These people are role models and will keep the tattoo industry alive. Dwayne Johnson is currently the most highly paid actor in the world, so he's definitly no mug. thug or low-life.
  16. If you know the person well, you should try to talk them out of it by explaining they will regret the tattoos when they are older, or even in just a few short years. For example, my wife's two sisters had some tattoos that they regretted not long after. They actually get depressed over them and feel like cutting them off. The lady in the photos you posted obviously had no friends, because she'll probably want to kill herself sometime in the future when her skin will look like a huge blue stain. If she found herself single, she'd have serious limitations on potential partners.
  17. Yeah, and everywhere else too. I was referring specifically to females who usually are more concerned about skin and their appearance than most men. You might want to study up on how much females spend on skincare, makeup and surgery. Instead of asking questions, figure out the answers for yourself.
  18. Yeah, and 2 deaths, unrelated to cannabis. They didn't give a thought to the deaths related to alcohol consumption and smoking cigarettes. That would be a huge number to consider, so ban everything.
  19. It's a personal choice with not much thought given. I know or have met many girls who regret their tattoos years later. The best thing to say to a person thinking of getting a tattoo is ask them if they would wear the same dress/shirt for the rest of their lives. They fade, the skin sags and gets wrinkled, and all they are left with is a stain.
  20. It's a bit of a stupid question as you didn't mention anything about your current physical appearance or sexual ability, which varies significantly with age. Even if you can satisfy her, I found a barrier can be created if you're significanly older than her father. The only possible interest you can be to her is financial. Old wrinkly skin is not attractive. Just look in the mirror and stop pretending. 40+ year old Thai women usually have nice tight skin. I experienced that recently with younger lady. She thought I might be only early 50s, but when she discovered I was over 10 years older than her father, I could see the change in her attitude, immediately. I wasn't interested in anything sexual, but she didn't know that. I was just there for a massage, and a very good non-sexual one it was too LOL.
  21. Sure. Could you explain what I don't realise? The reason for my explanation is that people who drink often feel that non-drinkers are judgemental (puritanical). I don't give a flying f*** how much people drink or what other drugs they may use.
  22. I thought I should clear this up as there are more than one type of non-drinkers. Suggesting a non-drinker must be abstaining is a narrow assessment. Some non-drinkers might be abstaining as they used to be heavy drinkers or they are alcoholics and they hopped on the wagon. I've never drunk alcohol and don't like it. It's that simple. I prefer other beverages. I have been drunk and hate the feeling afterwards. I occasionally partake in a glass of wine. I'm not a non-drinker for health reasons. There's no judging others who drink, and often I go out with friends who drink. I would suggest people take better care of their livers though, as they are hard to replace and one of the most important organs in the body.
  23. I would take a guess and suggest MANY tourists, when they first arrive are surprised at the cost of drinks and services in gogo bars. Pattaya as a tourist resort offers exceptional value, until you hit the red lights.
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