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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. Been there. It's not a good time to have air conditioning units repaired or installed. The thing is most people wait until the hot time of year before they have their units serviced (or at least try to).
  2. Nah, that's just a house in need of some decent insulation in the roof LOL
  3. Similar for me. 2170 (March 20 bill), 2970 (April 19 bill). 2 refrigerators, 2 aircons working most of the day/night, plus some extra aircon units I don't normally use much.
  4. A correction to this earlier info... The sun is directly overhead in Pattaya Central on April 24 (13:14) and again on August 19 (13:20). The lowest elevation is on December 21 (13:15) @53.63 degrees, which corresponds well with December being the coolest month. What's going on in August I'm not sure. It's probably cooler than April due to more cloudy days and the start of the wet season. There isn't much variation in max temperatures from April to October though - always hot. It's either hot or hotter LOL It was calculated from this website: https://www.sunearthtools.com/dp/tools/pos_sun.php?lang=en#annual
  5. I stand corrected. You are correct, the sun is directly overhead twice a year between Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn... so in Pattaya, the first day is April 24 and then next would be around October 24 yet December is the coolest month.
  6. No, it doesn't work like that. There's degrees of positivity and negativity. Either way, positive and negative are spins (views) on reality, which is how things actually are, not how they are perceived. One person sees a glass as half full, another as half empty, the reality is 125 ml. You would call a person who puts a positive spin on events a positive person, and vice versa for negative. Humans try to put a positive spin on most tragic events. That's the main reason for existence of religion, to overcome the reality of death... "it can't be the end".
  7. Similar increase for me. March 19 bill to April 19 bill, a 35% increase. I did use more air conditioners, which contributed to the increase.
  8. If 44.6 C was the hottest recorded temperature in Thailand recorded in 2016, until a new record of 45.4C in 2023, that means that from 2017 - 2023 (7 years) the highs were lower than 44.6C. They are misusing statistics to suit their biased opinions. All it shows is a short 7-year cycle with no intermediate highs offered. Any cycle will have highs and lows. Were there highs at or lower than 43.8C in this 7-year period. If so, would they be claiming that the climate is cooling? Of course not. They are looking for numbers to suit their narrative. I'd want to see what we never will see. Accurate temperature readings for hundreds of years.
  9. No, it's only cool for the first 15 seconds, then it's warm as the hot water from the roof makes its way down (this is a condo). Of course it depends where your water tank is kept, but in a condo it's usually on the roof. The last place I lived was a townhouse and the tank was in the basement, providing cooler showers.
  10. Cold showers? LOL. The cold showers warm me up at the moment. The only way is to put water in a drum with ice and use a scoop.
  11. A good way to discover how much meaning your life has is how many people are there that will miss you when you're gone. If you people miss you, then you had meaning to those people which in turn gives your life meaning. How many people would attend your funeral? I'll start the ball rolling with a resounding zero. It's not a bad thing if you cause no sadness to any people when you pass.
  12. That's because the sun is directly overhead in April - May. The actual day when the sun is 90 degrees overhead: 1. Chiang Mai: May 14 2. Bangkok: April 26 3. Pattaya: April 24 4. Phuket: April 10
  13. Raising children certainly gives meaning for a good chunk of your (young) life though. Here's a rough summary of my belief. The only difference is that I do believe in the existence of a God. https://www.philosophybasics.com/branch_existentialism.html "Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes individual existence, freedom and choice. It is the view that humans define their own meaning in life, and try to make rational decisions despite existing in an irrational universe. It focuses on the question of human existence, and the feeling that there is no purpose or explanation at the core of existence. It holds that, as there is no God or any other transcendent force, the only way to counter this nothingness (and hence to find meaning in life) is by embracing existence."
  14. That's an honest answer - hope you reach your goal... and don't end up where I am LOL
  15. Whether you think your life has meaning or not will depend on many factors. If, for example, you had children, then your meaning is clear - to raise your children. You can give your life meaning. Religion gives meaning - that a God loves and cares for you and you will be rewarded with an afterlife. I grew up as a Christian - studied the Bible from cover to cover.
  16. I thought I made it quite clear I'm not suffering from depression. I function well with no medication whatsoever... so "one of surrender and acceptance" is my category. What's your category? Where are you at?
  17. I forgot to answer this, and it's a good question. Probably around my 60th birthday it became clear that I can't afford to get old. With no family (I'm an anti-natalist too, of course), it's clear that old age (when I need help) is not a possibility. It is one of the negative sides to being reclusive without family.
  18. No, I don't suffer from mental anguish when I'm alone. I'm really good at avoiding negative thoughts, so I'm not depressed. Sure, I get short bouts of it from time to time, but I'm pretty good at overcoming it. My heavy exercise regime fixes that fast. I'm never going to find anyone in the real world to discus my philosophies with, and it would probably be a depressing conversation at that... for them, not for me. The point is, I don't need company, so why would I look for it? I think the Internet and chat forums have changed the way we communicate. To be honest (and a bit harsh, maybe), most people, if they stripped away their masks, would find a meaningless existence underneath. That's why people make families - search eagerly for friends - study religion and God - all to fill up their empty voids. They are trying to convince themselves that they matter and their lives have meaning.
  19. My Daikin unit has a motion sensor which lowers the power usage if there's no one in the room. It needs to wait for no movement for about 20 minutes to activate. I wouldn't be surprised if some units have a built in kill switch.
  20. Of course, it's not always easy to know if the compressor is running continuously on a hotel unit as the compressors are far away, but if the unit is not cooling efficiently, you can bet the compressor is always on, and using a huge amount of electricty. We don't know if this resort has big industrial units or local in-room units.
  21. My true self is content. I'm not depressed about life even though I accept my life as a meaningless existence that will soon end. I wouldn't be showing my true self to other humans as they wouldn't understand me. My mother passed away a few months ago, totally oblivious to how I tick. I didn't want her to stress out, so our conversation was always very superficial. One time I told her how I really feel about something and she ghosted me for 2 years LOL. My other family members wouldn't have a clue. I keep my distance. I'm comfortable being alone. I like to be alone. As for "quality of life"? That's an interesting concept. What does it mean? I exercise 6 days a week, eat healthy, don't drink, don't smoke or take any drugs (no medicine either) so I suppose the quality of my human body is reasonable for my age. I have no health insurance. I'm not afraid of death. I've studied the best ways to end my life when it becomes necessary - to the point of planning it. I'm not at all interested in fading away from cancer or some other disease. Believe it or not, when you conquer the fear of death, life becomes a lot more relaxing.
  22. No, it's not a mask of congeniality. I sincerely wish people around me to be happy and content. If I see a person in need - I help if I can. If they need food, I will try to feed them. I really don't want to make other people miserable.
  23. You'll need better than that as you can easily insert a card to keep it on, and if you have a partner, you have 2 keys.
  24. Not at all. I appreciate the communication of thoughts about life and reality in a respectful way. I didn't appreciate the last member's susgestion that because I might not be a happy camper, that I would be making other people around me miserable. In actual fact, when I do come into contact with other humans, I'm a very friendly person who goes out of his way to help others. I don't want to upset other people with my nihilistic, existential philosophies on life... so when I do meet other humans, I keep any conversation superficial.
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