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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. I mostly use the Windows Speedtest app as it's fast and convenient. I only use the web based Speedtest.net if I want to specify an international server.
  2. Having been with CAT for many years, I got a very good deal. I do a lot of Bittorrent downloading, so it's convenient. I also have my PC 24/7 connected to VPSs and trading accounts and transfer big files across the globe... where upload speed is important. I don't need it, but I like it. When I started out in Pattaya I had 1/0.5 Mbps (2005), then it gradually got faster.
  3. I had this problem a few years ago on my new laptop. I was only getting 500 download speed, until I realised my cable was Cat 5. I changed to Cat 6, and I got over 900 Mbps. I have a crimping tool to make my own LAN connectors, but they are difficult to get right. Now I just buy ready made Lan cable to ensure full capacity. There isn't much point paying for 1000 Mbps download if you're not making full use of it.
  4. The main point in your first post (aside from all your other blah, blah) was that you were asking for "evidence". This is a really dumb request. Did you expect a video recording of police extortion? Perpahs a written receipt of the money paid "under the table"? It will always be my word against yours even if I recount events that happened to me and friends in Pattaya. I can give many examples from my own experience and this forum has many stories about police extortion too. More recently a couple of British expats were asked to pay 8000 baht each as they weren't wearing face masks (when it was mandatory). It was Friday night, and they were threatened with a weekend lockup if they didn't pay. Of course, most would pay. Of course, once again, you will ask for the evidence. If you think these immigration police on the "hunt" in Walking Street are honest and trying to keep you safe, you're living in a fantasy world.
  5. You've twisted everything I've said. Perhaps you missed my last edit as you were worked up and needed to fire back a replay asap. We know no one needs to carry a physical passport. This has been discussed for decades on this forum as the topic often arises. The point was that tourists don't know what's going on. They don't expect Immigration police raids and most probably don't have copies of their passports and entry stamps on their mobile phones. These are the hapless tourists that the immigration police are looking for.
  6. You do realise this is an informal place for discussion and there's no need to get worked up if you disagree and someone doesn't offer evidence. It's not a court of law. If you've lived here longer than I have in Pattaya, and you don't know about police corruption and what goes on around here, you're either as blind as a bat, or you live a very sheltered life. We do know that it is not necessary to carry your passport, as you've asserted twice now in 2 posts. The point is, most of the people in Walking Street are not locals and don't think about these things when they go out to party. Edit: they are quite likely not carrying photographic evidence of their passport and entry stamps in their phones. When is the last time you've seen an immigration police raid in a shopping mall? They are preying on drunk people - much easier targets.
  7. I'm not going to provide evidence. This is a discussion and you're quite welcome to disagree. I've lived here (Pattaya) for nearly 20 years - I know what goes on. Paying cash bonuses to the police does not diminish the local economy - police spend their money too, so it all helps. That last sentence has nothing to do with my earlier points.
  8. It's important to note that the maximum speed on a LAN5 cable is 100 Mbps. To get 1000 Mbps, you need LAN5e (up to 37 m) or long distance - LAN6 cables. I use NT (previously TOT/CAT), 1000/500 Mbps. On LAN6 cable = 905/542, 2ms (Pattaya NT) On iPhone Xs near D-Link Mesh router = 415/368, 8ms. On iPhone Xs in another room, about 12m from D-Link Mesh router through one wall = 229/101. While doing the tests, I was connected to 6 wireless devices and 2 PCs doing various "things". Just remember that whatever service you use, unless it is dedicated (and very expensive), is shared with other households in your area. High 800s to low 900s is my download range on Lan. Upload is always over 500.
  9. Of course, the police know this, and prey on people going out to drink and otherwise contribute to the local community. It's a wonderful opportunity for collecting "bonuses" as tourists, faced with the option of going to the police station and a trip back to their hotel to prove they are legal are quite likely to contribute to the police cash fund.
  10. These Immigration police (and Pattaya police) are very honest, right? They couldn't possibly be looking for cash bonuses. Pattaya has been suffering in lockdown for years with no tourists in sight, and just when it's starting to recover, these upstanding members of the police force are trying to keep us safe by hassling tourists when they're out trying to have fun. I have no idea how tourists that aren't carrying ID are making Walking Street unsafe.
  11. I'd put money down he's a lot smarter than you are. Made $200 plus billion by being lucky? That's the most absurd comment you'll ever hear.
  12. When you're worth well over $200 billion (at the time he put in the offer), and you're the richest person on the planet (today he's ONLY worth $191 billion and the 2nd richest), it's quite possible that making more money is not your only goal in life. Twitter is a hobby for Musk. It's incredible how many haters are coming out of the woodwork, suggesting he's dumb or doing stupid things. It reminds me of all the hate he received on this forum during the cave rescue in July 2018. I didn't hear any praise when he became the world's richest a few years later.
  13. Some make money on the side by shortchanging people. I've lost a few hundred like this as I wasn't paying attention at a 7Eleven I didn't usually visit. It's a perfect scam. If the customer notices, an apology will suffice.
  14. You say Russians are not keen on Asians? That's absurd considering that 2/3rds of Russia is IN Asia. Additionally, Asia is a vast region of many different people. Of course, we should be talking about Thailand, and I'd venture to say that Russians would prefer the company of Thai people over Americans and Western Europeans.
  15. That: "taste buds are probably dead" really got you riled up. It was a bit of hyperbole. Let's go with "desensitized", and I hold by my original assessment that you are addicted to chili. It's not what I read about chili, but common knowledge. It's not a failure of any type, so no need to take it personally. My wife has a bit of an addiction to spicy food too, and recently a doctor told her to lay off spicy food as her stomach was not looking too good on an X-ray. Of course, you can't taste a chicken and mushroom pie, for the reason I already gave. Mushrooms have quite a bit of flavour to people without tastebud impairment. PS. I gave up my day job long ago. What do you do during the day?
  16. You're addicted to chillies, which doesn't have much to do with flavour. In fact, your taste buds are probably dead as you cannot appreciate mild flavours. https://thechilliproject.com.au/addicted-to-chilli-theres-a-reason-for-that/#:~:text=The brain also releases dopamine,hooked on chilli so easily.
  17. No, but at restaurants that have a large Thai clientele - a good sign you're eating genuine Thai food. Are there restaurants in Pattaya or other areas of Thailand that refuse to serve foreigners? Actually, seeing as you seem to be interested, I mainly eat Thai curries at home. My favourite are S&P frozen products, which I think are made in Thailand and mainly cater to Thai people. I find this the most hygienic way to eat my favourite curries and the most consistent in flavour (as opposed to restaurants that have their good and bad days). Also, they are produced by experienced Thai chefs as they wouldn't be distributing millions of meals throughout Thailand to Thai people using lousy recipes. It's also very convenient to have my favourite Thai curries at my fingertips anytime I have the urge to indulge. They tend to be better than what I find in restaurants too.
  18. My tastebuds must be working well. I don't eat much Thai food, but the Thai food dishes I do enjoy the most are Panang, Massaman, and Green Curry chicken in no particular order.
  19. 23 people have died from bungee jumps in 20 years, globally. That's 1.15 per year on average. None in Thailand. Considering this guy survived, it's probably safer here any anywhere else.
  20. You're the definition of a sanctimonious, self-righteous person. I think I'd prefer to be around the Russians than judgemental people like you who feel they are superior.
  21. There'll be no more "national mobilizations". Putin is not stupid. Any further recruitments will be stealthy so as not to create panic and another mass exodus.
  22. Of course, it's ok to make assumptions. My take on this is that the boyfriend was in the apartment. There was some drama going on and this was just a story the boyfriend and the sister concocted for the police.
  23. I'm of the same opinion. The departed is not going anywhere to experience peace or suffering. He's just gone, so RIP is meaningless.
  24. You're making a big effort to defend the Americanism "I could care less". There is no need. We all concede that most Americans use "I could care less". Why they use it doesn't matter.
  25. That's just word salad. It's quite logical, and reasonable, that in a world where 100s of millions use English as a second language, that we should be as literal as possible in our word choices. This is an international forum, and a lot of people would not understand what you mean by "could care less". This is not about who is right and wrong, but basic rules of comunication, where the goal is to get your point across. For example, would you tell an immigrant to "go jump in the lake" or "go away". We have choices in English - a lot of choices. If you were on an American-only forum, use "could care less" and all your buddies can agree with you. I would hazzard a guess that non-Americans outnumber Americans on this forum by a significant degree.
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