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Everything posted by JensenZ

  1. You expected knowledge from a thread about a motorcycle death in Pattaya? Seriously? I would suggest you work a little bit harder on getting that life you think you have, mate. A good start would be avoiding threads like these and wasting your time baiting other members.
  2. That's what public forums are for. People discuss and speculate on the causes of assorted happenings. Are you suggesting that no one should should discuss anything as it's just speculation? Of course everything said here is speculation because we have limited facts to go on. I proposed another possible cause to create some balance to the "he was a young idiot with no experience and speeding" camp.
  3. I can confirm that Siam Legal no longer have an office in Pattaya. I just called their head office in Bangkok.
  4. There's no need for the sarcasm... Tyre health is not a big thing in Thailand, so of all the things that can go wrong, tire blowouts, front and back are a very real concern and would cause the swerving that was observed by onlookers. I've had blowouts on both front and back on big motorcycles (much bigger than 300cc) over my riding years. It causes swerving that is hard to control, especially on a front deflation... and it comes as a surprise (shock) that no rider on a public road is prepared for. I'm also considering the good condition of the road, and the gentle curve, which would, on its own, not be an obvious cause of a crash of this nature, even at high speed.
  5. Let's bring it back a bit. A fast front tire deflation or blowout, for example, could easily cause a rider to crash. I've experienced one before at highway speed, and it was terrifying. If you hit a pole, you don't need high speed to kill. Sure, the rider might have been riding too fast, but that curve on Jomtien Road is rather gentle and it wouldn't normally cause a problem at high speed. A mechanical failure of some sort is a possible cause.
  6. Did you check the Siam Legal office opposite Immigration on Soi 5? Are they still there?
  7. I don't know where you live, but 10,000 is not and hasn't been a lot of money in Thailand for a long time. The cost of a good night out in Pattaya won't see much change from 10,000 baht. A decent hotel will cost you over 5000 a night. My monthly rent is 30,000. We're talking about foreigner spending in Pattaya as tourists, not a rice farmer trying to survive in Northern Thailand.
  8. Google finds that address instantly. I'm trying to find out where they are, and both locations, Soi 5 Jomtien and King Power Building still indicate "temporarily closed" (May 20, 2023). I get no answers on any of their phones, even head office, despite them saying they have 24 hour service. Not a good sign of their professionalism for the high fees they are asking.
  9. All for the grand sum of 10,000 baht. Perhaps they think this is a lot of money in Thailand?
  10. What time will Thailand turn on the rain?
  11. JensenZ

    Thai beef

    There are levels of everything in life. "High quality" as a description is meaningless. I've seen 10,000 baht (years ago when inflation was low) per kilo Japanese beef for sale in Foodland. It was frozen. Not sure who buys it.
  12. JensenZ

    Thai beef

    I agree Foodland is a good source of meat and I've bought plenty of Thai beef from there over the years. The meat I suspected was rare roast beef bought from Carrefour. In fact, my tapeworm was discovered around the time Carrefour ceased to exist so no defamation charges can be brought. People might appreciate knowing that you can get tapeworms from rare Thai beef. I gave a simple solution to ensure its safety - freezing it for 24 hours if you prefer to eat it rare. The important note is you can coexist with 10 - 25 ft long beef (pork tapeworms are very dangerous) tapeworms for many years and not know it. At the very least you could be feeding a beef tapeworm for 2 - 3 months before you detect it. Some people get worse symptoms than others, but mine were nothing more than a minor irritable bowel.
  13. JensenZ

    Thai beef

    Well then, aren't you lucky. Maybe you have tapeworms and don't know it. Many people can have tapeworms for years and not know it. It's a risk (because I did get them) and freezing meat for 24 hours is a simple fix... but the treatment is quick and easy if you do get them. It takes about 2 - 3 months after eating infected meat before you start evacuating proglottids and if you don't examine your stool, you'll miss them, and of course you probably won't have a clue what meat you ate was infected.
  14. JensenZ

    Thai beef

    What worries me, more than anything else, is the chances of getting tapeworms. I already had tapeworms from rare/medium Thai beef. If you must eat Thai beef, cook it well, or freeze it for 24 hours to kill the tapeworm larvae. I wouldn't eat rare or medium Thai beef in a restaurant.
  15. Sounds like you've had a lot of bad luck. For me there's nothing worse than being disturbed by a deliverer that can't find my address or speak English. I don't have a Thai partner to help out. Lazada has my delivery address phone number, so they can help him find the place, and they email me when I've had a delivery and I can pick it up 24/7. I have tried the COD, but it's very stressful for the deliverers to find me or reach me on the phone (which is always on silent mode as I don't take calls) - I feel sorry for them LOL
  16. Paying cash on delivery is inconvenient. I have a mailing address for deliveries so i can't be disturbed and who wants to wait around all day for the delivery guy to turn up? I've never, in over 10 years had a problem with getting refunds if required. You can get better deals on Ali Express, which does a lot of free shipping to Thailand, but you'll have wait longer for delivery.
  17. You'd feel guilty not helping out strangers who couldn't afford the tax? Really? It's their problem. People who cannot afford an extra 1000 baht shouldn't be travelling to far off countries. I can think of much more deserving chartities to donate 1000 baht to.
  18. Are the police finding it a challenge to determine the exact cause of the accident? The most important detail of every investigation and media report is to determine the nationality of the deceased.
  19. I said it was "one of the reasons". Another reason would be "if it's not broke, don't fix it". Unless there is major motivation, it won't be done. No doubt it's taking a lot of time and we're not even close. I don't think you can compare a tiny Carribbean state with Canada and Australia to make a case that change will be easy and cheap.
  20. It's certainly true that in the UK, the Monarchy is a big money generator for the economy. "While the average annual cost for UK taxpayers in royal upkeep comes to around £500m a year, Brand Finance estimates the monarchy’s brand contributes £2.5bn to the British economy in the same timeframe." https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/royal-family/royal-family-cost-money-tourism-b2333999.html But there's no point keeping the Monarchy in Commonwealth countries, but the changeovder to a republic would be very expensive, and it's probably one of the reasons that a changeover could take a long time in countries such as Canada, NZ and Australia.
  21. Charles already won the genetic lottery. Let's save our prayers for the rest of humanity that can't pay their bills.
  22. How many acts of violence are totally unrelated to drugs? There's a lot of angry and/or crazy people out there that don't require drugs to trigger them.
  23. I've seen a lot of Thai people riding motocycles with no helmet but wearing face masks, so I would say Covid is the main concern.
  24. Think again. It's causes a lot of suffering which I won't describe here as it's quite distressing. Look it up. There are much better ways to expire. If someone caught you before you expired, permanent brain damage is likely, depending how long you were exposed.
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