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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. After the election, we were told we would enter a time of both great growth and "lib tears". It didn't happen. MAGAs are the ones crying, while libs are chortling. Of course the current carnage we are experiencing was totally expected, at least by those higher up on the evolutionary scale than turnips. The whole (sane) world is laughing at him. I suspect the next few days will see POTUS doing a number of silly things. He will waffle on tariffs, apparently unaware that other countries are no longer listening. He will most certainly blame Biden, and might even add Obama and Clinton. He will attack late night talk show hosts who make fun of him, claiming "nobody watches their failing show anymore" and that they are "without talent". That will lead to a ratings boost for already popular Colbert, Kimmel and Meyers. He has already ordered his Commerce Secretary to change the manner in which GDP is calculated, in the hope he can fudge a plus number out of what will surely be a minus. He might even close the stock market, or else claim the decline is a result of something like "illegal short selling by George Soros". POTUS' playbook is dog-eared and stained with ketchup, as he dredges up the same tired rant each and every time anyone suggests he's not the guy he expects people to believe he is. He's a loser, and he's bringing that uncanny talent for failure to the entire country. Expect lots of 2am EST rage tweets. Should produce lots more laughs in the liberal community.
  2. Not being a fan of any deity myself, I do note that POTUS has committed all Seven Deadly Sins and broken at least 9 of 10 Commandments, and possibly all ten. Given his whackadoodle policies, I can't say those are anti-Christ, but they are anti-American. If I know anything at all about the world's various superstitions, it's that to a one, POTUS is the kind of person every faith warns against becoming.
  3. I thought I knew what the meaning of “great” is, but apparently, I need a remedial course in semantics at POTUS’ eponymous university, as right now I’m quite confused. I never would have thought a slowing economy on the verge of Recession or worse, a collapsing stock market, and alienation from former allies and friends equates to great. Neither would I have thought the world needs fewer air traffic controllers, or that treating veterans like vermin constitutes great, unless they really are just “suckers and losers”. Seeing a brain-addled, likely ketamine-addicted clown lose half his net worth in 2 months is kind of entertaining, but that’s not great. Quite funny, yes, but the better angels in me do worry about inheritance for his ever-growing herd of weirdly named spawn. Maybe POTUS gave us some hint when he answered a few questions aboard AF1 yesterday, or his White House issued a press release, but that also makes me wonder if I know any mathematics at all. “Great” must be hiding there somewhere. When asked about the possibility of a Recession, POTUS ‘reminded’ us that “you’re going to get so many billions and billions of dollars from countries paying tariffs…you’re going to be so rich, you won’t even know where to spend all the money” (I bet the answer, if there is one, is at an online MAGA store schlepping Chinese-made goods that avoid the tariffs.) That comment had me reaching for my copies of David Ricardo and Adam Smith works, because I am obviously confused about the nature of tariffs. Maybe if I sniff glue, OD on ketamine, or pop lots of Adderall I will see the light, as MAGAs do. The press release that puzzled me had to do with the southern border, and a claim that illegal crossings are down “more than 100%”. Silly me, I thought percentages were limited on the downside. Must be the Even Newer Math. Perhaps it has something to do with fluctuating currency exchange and that Mexico finally ponied up for the wall that was never built. Or maybe he sent his trans-looking 3rd wife back to Slovenia or Slothvenia or the Sloth Republic or wherever it is she was lab manufactured. I’m not woke, but when I see her, I realize the species is due for some new pronouns. I can suggest a few, such as Ice Queen or Black Widow Wannabe or Whodatb!tch. Anyway, so far this “great” thing is a bit too subtle for me to appreciate. I can see it’s making many of the MAGAs orgasmic, but most anything will do that to Incels. The bar is set low for guys so far below the mean they have to look up to see down. As I write this, market futures are down again, Tesla has dropped another 3% from its Monday close, Consumer Sentiment is at a 4 year going low back to the Covid Era, Unemployment is rising, countries who are tariff targets of POTUS’ ever-changing policy are decisively imposing their own tariffs now, steel prices are up 30% since the end of January, lumber futures are up 20%, eggs are being sold online for $7 apiece, and in a time of bird flu, the new Agriculture Secretary advises Americans to buy their own chicken and keep it at home. I guess that’s the new way to stem pandemics: spread it around. If all that’s “great”, then somebody please give me a little George Thorogood and Bad to the Bone.
  4. You're the kind of guy who---if your wife was being raped---would just tell her to give in and enjoy it. In your world, that's knocking some sense into her. Unlike you, Ukrainians are brave men and women, willing to fight for their freedom, rather than submit to a psychopath and live on their knees. Maybe a MAGA store has designer knee pads for sale. Get yourself a pair.
  5. There is just no way to predict what the reaction will be when an Italian sees pineapple on a pizza.
  6. Trying? The clown's a natural at failure. Blew his massive inheritance and didn't file a positive tax return until Mark Burnett made him a Game Show Host and created a fantasy silly enough to fool MAGAs. He took a growing economy with 4.8% UE and left Biden a Recession and 6.8% UE, all while running a debt total that not only was considerably higher than US GDP change, but equaled 41% of the debt raised by the first 44 Presidents. Broke an 80+ year streak by being the first POTUS since Hoover to leave office with fewer Americans employed than when he entered. To create that degree of carnage is a gift. He can do it again, too, albeit much worse, as he has no guardrails in this second iteration. He will tank the equity market, obliterate the US economy, make the UE rate soar, alienate foreign buyers of US debt instruments (foreigners currently fund 30% of the US budget deficit) so that rates rise despite any Fed action, and reintroduce Americans to two terms: Stagflation Depression. If abject failure and economic calamity are what you want, he's the man. As that Bond song goes, Nobody does it worser (sic)
  7. That explains why you MAGAs are so obsessed with us "lefties".
  8. UNFAIR! (Isn't that the MAGA wimping cry?) A guy who got into Harvard on merit, who was good enough to get hired by Goldman Sachs, vs a willfully ignorant, diarrhea mouth clown whose daddy got him into Wharton, where one professor---before the bozo was elected, but just a Game Show Host---said this POTUS was "the dumbest student I ever taught". Advantage: Canada. More likely America becomes the 11th Province than Canada becomes the 51st State. (But the FLOTUS will still pine for a real man in former PM Trudeau).
  9. Do you have one of those special Sony infrared cameras that could see through objects like clothes? What insight gives you this special ability to see through "BS and MSM propaganda? Weren't you a nurse? I'm not sure how that career gives you such psychic powers and insider knowledge. I'm guessing you just suffer from goal-seeking cognitive bias and maybe some Dunning-Kreuger, that lets you believe your intellect is much higher than the reality. Is Putin Satan? I'm going to guess the people of Chechnya would say so. So would most Ukrainians. So would the family and friends of Alexei Navalny, Anna Politkovskaya, Boris Nemtsov, Alexander Litvinenko and probably even Yevgeny Prigozhin, among others. I might even add Sergey Naryshkin to that list, though Naryshkin will keep his mouth shut. Or maybe you're in favor of sending missiles into schools and hospitals, believing all those cute little children are really Nazis. Or maybe you're a Bible-thumping Evangelical, who thinks if your deity can send tsunamis that kill 400K, a guy responsible for killing more children than that must be "all-loving", too, or maybe just has a Master Plan or works in mysterious ways.
  10. Honesty.
  11. Are you a criminal? Maybe a pedo? Everyone from your country is a criminal, right? That's what I read in the history books, so it must still be true today, yes? Perhaps you're in the late stages of dementia, but WWII ended 80 years ago. The Vichy French are pushing daisies. I'm going to guess you've never worked with anyone in the French military or intel services. NOBODY who has actually worked with the French doubts their courage and ability. Drive around the small towns in the French countryside, and every little place has an obelisk near the Mairie's office, listing the names of those who gave their lives on the battlefield in WWI or the Resistance/Free French in WWII. Why don't you go to one of those towns and announce all French are cowards. Oh, and just buy a one way air ticket, because you won't be coming back (except after your momma sets up a GoFundMe to repatriate your remains.)
  12. Don’t confuse knowing what will happen with wanting something to happen. The US would have been just fine, with a few minor hiccups from time to time, if it had avoided electing the current incompetent clown. Now, all the worst case scenarios are on the table. A 20% market tumble this year is a certainty, as is the start of a Recession. Absent some dumb luck, more likely is a 50% market drop, double digit unemployment, and the US moving into a Depression. Tariffs, trade wars, alienating allies and yet more unnecessary tax cuts will do that. Though not totally immune to the coming maelstrom, I have taken steps to minimize any impact the clownshow can have on me. I’m totally out of the market, have gone short term USTs and cash, diversified into other currencies, and have international acreage that is arable and has its own water source. I own a range of weapons, should society get nasty, and have at least 20K rounds of ammo in various makes, from 5.56 NATO to 9mm, and my practice targets all have silly red hats. I’m fortunate in that I was trained by the best. As for predictability, I‘m pretty comfortable with my long term track record spotting trends, as that or dumb luck is what enabled me to retire at a tender age. I’m certainly never going to worry about digging 50 baht out of a Mike’s Shopping Mall pair of cargo shorts so that I can buy a plate of street food, like some MAGAs here. As Charlie Sheen says, WINNING! I also know MAGAs and their messiah are quite poor at predicting anything. That’s why the average MAGA is rather unsuccessful, and their messiah blew a massive inheritance with poor decision-making and top-ticking markets, until saved by Mark Burnett making him a Game Show Host. POTUS’ mouth diarrhea has already alienated former friends and allies, and led even gentle Canada into imposing its own tariffs on US goods, not bothering to wait for the whiner in the White House to finally make up his mind. A major fear I have is for a terrorist attack, because intel-sharing with former friendly liaison services has already stopped. Nobody trusts the President, and they are not about to hand over intel that could reveal clandestine assets or SIGINT operations, assuming the POTUS would either mouth off or hand intel to his buddy Putin. I wouldn’t even rule out the possibility of POTUS falling to a Ukrainian hit squad, or even a Danish one. Those Vikings should not be taken lightly. I’m guesstimating a 30% possibility that the US sees secession by successful Blue States before 2028. There are already secession movements in California and Washington, and any move by them would have New England and NY do the same. I remember back in 2020 when the ‘really stable geniuses’ of MAGAstan predicted a horrible 4 years under Biden. Well, they couldn’t have been more wrong. Since 2020, US economic growth was three times the average of other G7 nations, and was the highest US growth since under Bill Clinton in the 1990s. Biden presided over 41 straight months of <4% Unemployment, the longest streak in 64 years, and no President ever saw higher job creation. If there’s anything I would like to see, it is not POTUS getting shot, but maybe a stroke leaving him a drooling, blabbering idiot (might be tough to tell the difference from the present), and then after a period of karmic suffering for a life poorly lived, let him pass and get tossed into an unmarked grave, upon which dogs void themselves. I really don’t think that is too much to ask.
  13. As usual, the MAGAs are acting as dumb as anyone can be and still...possibly....be classified as the same species as homo sapiens. I think the jury is still out in that regard. Is there something special about the air above Greenland that it can stop ICBMs? In case you hadn't noticed, it's 2025. Siege engines are so Dark Ages. Also, a land invasion might be easy when Russia shares a border with Ukraine, but when there's this big body of water between the US and everybody except our former friends Canada and Mexico, a sneaky invasion or a blitzkrieg is a bit more difficult. Now if Canada decides to invade the US, or perhaps engage in a joint attack with Mexico, the shared land border becomes significant. In addition, lots of Americans would choose to fight with Canada and Mexico against the fascist and imperialistic MAGA clowns.
  14. Elect a clown, expect a circus. In 800 years under Denmark, nobody has attacked Greenland and nobody has even hinted at using military force against Greenland....until this clown. The claims letting others provide security to Greenland is pretending to fix what isn't broken. Greenland has been plenty secure since Leif Ericsson. And what are US guarantees or even implications of security worth under this clown? The US was helping Ukraine defend itself against Putin until what even Elon Muck's AI Grok says is a "75-85% chance" POTUS is a controlled Russian asset? POTUS has turned against historical allies and aligned with historical foes. Even if POTUS is just an unwitting fool of Putin, the US flip flop from standing up FOR democracy to standing up TO democracy is going to make any nation or territory fearful and suspicious of US intentions and guarantees. NOBODY who ever trusted POTUS ever came out ahead....not his subcontractors, not his junk bond buyers, not his casino employees, not his wives, not his "best people" (e.g., Mattis, Cohn, Kelly, Esper, Sessions, Barr, Tillerson, Milley).....NOBODY. The US itself was similarly betrayed by such things as his theft of highly classified documents and his attempt to overturn his 2020 election loss.
  15. LOL. I see the MAGAs around town. Old, obese, tatted up, with a deer-in-the-headlight look....I'm guessing they're down a few quarts of testosterone. I even see them post online here asking where they can get TRT. Sorry MAGAs, but real men produce their own testosterone, and know how to use it. Real men also don't need Big Pharma to raise their sails. (I remember Rush Limbaugh got stopped by customs entering the US with half a suitcase of Viagra he had bought offshore.) The "lefties" I know are gym rats, sculpted, and scoring well with women at home and abroad. We date Thai women now because we live in Thailand. We used to live in Japan, and dated Japanese women there, and back home we dated Western women. Love the one you're with, as Stephen Stills sang. Quiet confidence and a fit appearance sells everywhere, especially in Thailand. Of course, if MAGAs can scrape together a thousand baht, they can buy a toothless mother of five working in a beer bar. They call that 'living the dream'. In my old industry I worked with women who were not only extremely feminine, but well educated and earning huge incomes. The last thing they would ever want is some poorly educated loser who thinks a bloated, cowardly, convicted sex offender crybaby is an "Alpha". Have game or opt for onanism, which is the national sport of Incel-infested MAGAstan. If I were female and POTUS was the epitome of the modern male, I'd be gay. Hit the gym, and testosterone takes care of itself. You should try it.
  16. The same weaknesses that drive people to believe in deities is what drives the losers who are MAGA to worship him. Weak people don't like randomness, nor are they capable of accepting responsibility for their own failures. They gravitate toward entities that claim control over events or sell them pie-in-the-sky fantasies or especially tell them failures are others' fault. Simple answers for simple minds. All of those things resonate with the forlorn, and when a single figure is the source of all the ego salving, then everything that entity does or says is infallible. In religion, we have the supposed bad guy Satan, the one who tempts you to lie or cheat, and he is the epitome of all evil. The good guy, on the other hand, is supposedly omnipotent, which means it is responsible for tsunamis and childhood cancer and all sorts of horrors....but that entity's cult claims "Master Plan" or "works in mysterious ways". When it comes to evil, Satan is a mere posseur. So with the President, we have a guy who----as an example---stole highly classified documents, claimed he declassified them with his mind, but also claimed the FBI planted them. MAGAs believed all of it, despite the contradictions. He sent his goobers to hang the Vice President, but when they got arrested and convicted, he called their attack a lovefest, the terrorists "hostages", and he pardoned the scum. When he mouths off with his increasing insanity, saying things that either make no sense or are wildly contradictory, the cult parses it as if it has the "hidden meaning" of a Nostradamus quatrain or a message from "Q" of QAnon fame. Just yesterday he did what is now the norm for him: take both sides of the same issue. Russia carried out a massive drone attack on Ukraine. The clown's first comment was, "I don't blame him. He wants peace". (Now how idiotic is that. Putin started the war and is welcome to go home anytime, so clearly he doesn't want peace; he wants Ukraine.) Perhaps seeing his dream of a Nobel Peace Prize disappearing as the war heats up, POTUS then condemned the attack and spoke about new sanctions. Sane and intelligent people get dizzy with all the flip flops. MAGAs think it's manna from heaven. A cult is a cult is a cult. Most religions, QAnon, Scientology, MAGA....are refuges for the weak minded and losers.
  17. The abject ignorance of MAGAs never ceases to amaze. As dumb as one thinks they are, a MAGA will say, “hold my beer” and go about exceeding the lowest expectations. What is Socialist about lefties? Do have any clue whatsoever what you are even trying to say? Biden’s CAPITALIST economy dwarfed his predecessor, both in terms of GDP growth and employment/job creation. GDP growth under Biden was the best since the late 1990s under Clinton. Biden presided over 41 straight months of unemployment below 4%, a 64 year record. ALREADY under his successor, unemployment ticked upward, as Friday’s release showed. The Atlanta Fed, which under Biden had forecast a +2.3% 1st Quarter 2025, adjusted its forecast last Friday to a -1.3% 1st Q 2025, because of the economic policies of 47 and the uncertainty created by his flip-flopping every hour or so on tariffs. The deficit is ready to explode as forecasts see the coming tax cuts adding an additional $900 billion to the yearly budget deficit. Every country has some Socialist policies, such as national defense, the highway system, FDIC insurance, food and drug inspections, etc. What other “socialism” did “lefties” add and how did it impact growth?
  18. His election is a reflection of the general ignorance of voters and their need to believe pie-in-the-sky fantasy, something the POTUS admittedly is good at delivering.. The changing economy has obviated the kind of low skill, poorly educated people who are the President's bread and butter. He knows from Goebbels that a lie told often enough becomes "fact", and his moronic base is so desperate, they'll buy into absurdity, like that China pays for the tariffs. I can't say his voters are not getting what they deserve. Guys can take advantage of Darwin's Rules, but that doesn't mean they're clever, just self-serving opportunists.
  19. Since the end of January, the price of steel in the US is up 30%, and the price of lumber futures is up 20%. Inflation. Now consider many firms will import quickly to beat the tariffs, so the trade deficit will soar. That impacts the GDP calculation. Couple that with consumer sentiment already tumbling (according to the Michigan Survey of Sentiment, the benchmark measure), and the fact prices for goods will rise, and we'll see negative growth. So...inflation + negative growth. The term for that is Stagflation. Now before any willfully ignorant MAGAs jump in and bark about 'that will bring jobs home', riddle me this: How long does it take to design and construct an auto plant? A steel plant? Grow a forest made of the kind of trees used in home construction? But hey, maybe we'll make up in lost trade, lost ag exports, etc. with our new bestest buddies in Russia and North Korea. I mean aren't those both booming economies full of HNW consumers?
  20. Within 2 years Tesla will be bankrupt. It's a high cost, inferior product, plus the owner has alienated potential buyers around the world. It will first go through a Chapter 11 restructuring, but the damage is done, and competitors are producing much better vehicles at a fraction of the price. Musk is going to parrot his two recent rockets, blowing up and raining debris. His mental issues and ego will be the cause of his demise.
  21. Sounds good, but is far from reality. First, the clown isn't clever enough to carry out a plan like that. Second, the market is not going to recover. Dead cat bounces do not spell the end of the rout. Third, he's stupid enough to keep doing things that hurt both the stock market and the economy. Fourth, the biggest billionaire has lost $150 billion since mid-December, and his company stock even closed lower Friday, despite the dead cat bounce in the overall market.
  22. Bowing is about the only thing he is good at. Bowing to Putin...bowing to Musk...... Actually, he's also good at running to the WH bunker, as he does when a Code Pink protest develops on Pennsylvania Ave. Who would have thought a fat guy like that could move so quickly when fear of a group of post-menopausal women appearing on the street has him in a titter.
  23. The bone spurs coward made yet another flip flop on tariffs---albeit after the market closed, so as not to cause yet more decline. Now it's going to be dairy products from Canada by next Friday......well, at least until wishy-washy changes his mind tomorrow. Canada is treating the clown's mouth diarrhea with all the respect it deserves, which is none. Canada is treating him as if he's a pre-pubescent teenage girl unsure what she will wear to go to the bowling alley, trying on every A&F, Old Navy, or Lululemon outfit in her closet. So bad is the President at dealmaking and impacting behavior, even Putin has decided he has no need to even pretend the President has any sort of workable peace plan, as Russia launched massive drone attacks against Ukraine Friday. The moron has dreams of a Peace Prize, still envious over Obama's award, failing to realize the Nobel Committee would likely choose Attila the Hun before the President. The whole world is laughing at the bozo in the White House.
  24. I would have thought the President would be more favorably disposed to trans people, as he is married to a trans, isn't he? (Without DNA evidence of a Y chromosome, I can't be sure, but certainly she looks the part to me.) I'm willing to bet she wouldn't even have to prove her katoey-ness, if she applied for a dancer job at one of Nana's ladyboy agogos. "She" is certainly not a woman in my book, and no amount of Viagra on Earth could get straight men to rise for the occasion. MAGAs, maybe, could, but since most of them are Incels anyway, that would not be proof of femininity or cross gender appeal. No, leave that beast for MAGAs and their messiah.
  25. Since MAGAs have sided with a dictator and aggressor, it is understandable if Ukrainians now consider MAGAs enemy combatants and treat them accordingly. Wherever brave Ukrainians take their fight, know that real Americans support both your fight for freedom and your efforts against your enemies. If anyone anywhere is wearing a MAGA hat, he or she is an enemy combatant and an enemy to the free people of Ukraine.
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