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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. In a true fascist weaponization of the Justice Dept, DirFBI nominee Kash Patel, the author of children's books and a crypto-schlepper, has a hit list of people he intends to investigate and prosecute, per direction of his overlord 47. The list is called "Government Gangsters" and just happens to have people on it who said bad things about the Whining Crybaby-in-Chief. The list can be read here: https://www.newsweek.com/kash-patel-list-officials-targeted-fbi-doj-trump-1994417 Should this happen, the gloves of true patriots will come off. Those of us who took the oath, and took it seriously, remember the part about "all enemies, foreign and domestic". We were given authority to take out foreign terrorists who posed a threat to the US. The oath stands. Nobody voted for fascism, or if they did, they are enemies of the State and deserve no quarter. Anywhere. The fastest way to start a real civil war would be for lackey Patel to begin going after innocent people. Darkness is descending on the United States, and the next few years are going to be worse than anything the country has experienced in its 250 years. I doubt it will survive as 50 States. I know what side I will be on, and it won't be the fascists'.
  2. That is either an over the top troll, or you are batsh!t crazy. Invited? When I'm 'invited' somewhere, I tend to refrain from bear spraying the police or beating them with flags and poles. Also, I have a habit of walking into a door held open by security or the dwelling owner. I don't smash windows to gain access to places to which I'm invited. If folks smashed windows and beat your wife trying to enter your house---and you are a Second Amendment kind of guy---you would A) take your gun and shoot them, especially if they had erected gallows on your lawn and threatened to hang your wife, or B) serve them camomile tea and biscotti ? Anyone who entered the Capitol should have been gunned down as the terrorist scum they are. They should NOT be pardoned under any circumstances.
  3. I think it's a fad that had its day, and is now in decline, except among certain other demographics like obese old expats. On those occasions where I have mistaken an agogo for a museum, and thus wandered inadvertently inside, I have noticed fewer tatted women as of late, and in conversation have been told by many women that they never intend to tatt up. That leads me to believe it's winter for the tatt fad. Coming soon: clean skin will be all the rage. Tatts limit job opportunities, should these women ever wish to take a massive cut in pay and move on. The colored ink has recently been linked to cancer, too, and any tatt can cause autoimmune disorders, especially Lupus. Is a dying fad worth that? When I walk by tatt parlors with windows, the folks I tend to see on the couch getting stuck tend to be older foreign males. I cannot remember the last time I passed a shop and saw a Thai woman getting inked. I've also noticed a few clinics advertising laser tatt removal, and plenty of people sitting inside waiting for their appointment. Sadly, I don't think those full back tatts come off. Your skin is your personal canvas, and folks are free to put whatever graffiti they want on their one body, but I have never seen anyone who would not look better absent the tatts. Lots of guys in my gym spend hours getting pumped, but the results are lost under the noise of arm, leg, back and neck ink. Perhaps I'll engage in some more 'research' at an agogo and observe the percentages of tatted vs clean.
  4. If I stole even one classified document, despite having had a TS/SCI clearance, I would be in jail pending a trial, no matter how long I delayed it, and after conviction likely get a dozen years in jail. 45 stole hundreds of TS, SCI, SAP, Codeword, HCS, SITK and RD docs and kept them in his wedding planning facility where anyone ponying up $200K---including Chinese MSS agents---can join. Pssst! Wanna buy some secrets?
  5. I'm trying to think of something appropriate to say regarding this pardon and its effect.....Ah, I found something on this very site: Drink Deep, my brothers, of the delicious tears of the maga cult! Pardons are traditionally abused as a President prepares to go out the door. Clinton pardoned Marc Rich. Rudy tried to arrange tributes (payoffs) for Friends of 45. 45 also pardoned guys who helped orchestrate the 2016 campaign cooperation with Russia (Stone and Manafort, and for those who will scream "wichhunt!":, go read the Republican-written SSCI report on Russiagate). 47 says he will pardon terrorists who tried to overthrow US democracy. As 45 he pardoned a truly vile person, and just named the same miscreant as US Ambassador to France.
  6. Will he appoint Mr Smoot or Mr Hawley as US Trade Rep? Trade wars worked so well in the 1930s, right? What did Teddy Roosevelt NOT say? Speak loudly but carry a small (nickname for Richard)? During the 2016 campaign, he said (on CNBC Squawk Box) that he would consider defaulting on US Treasuries owned by foreigners. Hopefully he doesn't mouth off like that again, as foreign governments still own 25% of all US Treasury debt, and are required buyers in UST auctions. Absent them and rates soar. What's that I smell????? Tariffs to juice inflation and higher rates to squelch growth. Stagflation? All of his faux bully talk---tariffs, NATO, etc.--- suggests he thinks it's still September 1945, and the rest of the world is in shambles, while the US is relatively untouched by the just-ended war. The ongoing US global dominance is a function of two things primarily: rule of law and robust and massive capital markets. I have no doubt 47 can do egregious harm to both. A guy who can bankrupt 5 casinos, where folks line up to lose money to you, is probably not competent enough to deftly maneuver on the global stage.
  7. The really stable genius is in actuality the Poster Child for the Dunning-Kreuger Effect and the Downing Effect. He thinks he knows more than Jefferson and Madison, David Ricardo and Adam Smith. Toss in the dozens of times he has stated, "Nobody knows more about [XXX] than me", and the clown is a disaster waiting to happen. The only thing left for rational people is just to embrace the schadenfreude to come.
  8. Yea, economic growth that dwarfed what he oversaw as 45, plus a 64 year record of months with UE under 4%...oh, and GDP growth 3 times higher than other G7 nations since 2020...such sabotage! The guy so incompetent he failed 5 times in a business where people line up to hand you their money (casinos) is not going to improve on the Biden Economic Boom, nor is there anything he can do for the folks the modern tech economy left behind due to lack of marketable skills and talents. If you failed to boost your wealth during Biden's 4 years, there is something wrong or unnecessary with what you bring to the economy. That is simply a fact, and the fault lies within, not with Biden or Dems. It isn't going to get any easier under 47 or with the continued introduction of AI. Those who can, do; those who can't, voted for 47.
  9. The President-elect clearly does not like the very first thing Madison and Jefferson put into the US Constitution, which just happens to be called the First Amendment. He does not like Freedom of Speech, absolutely does not like Freedom of the Press, and neither does he like the Right to Peaceful Assembly nor Freedom of Religion. He posted and spoke of ABC and CBS having their licenses to broadcast revoked, he said he does not want journalists to be free from revealing sources. He has made threats against journalists and TV Talking Heads who criticized him. You might also recall that he ordered stormtroopers to use violence and gas to break up a 100% peaceful protest in Lafayette Park, just so he could go hold a Christian Bible upside down in front of a Christian church as a photo op. Just in that act alone he showed his disdain for parts of the First Amendment (Peaceful Assembly and Religious Freedom). Only fools would think that performance art had any meaning to him other than pandering to the Christian Nationalists, with a shout out to fascists. His cult will come in and diss this, perhaps fabricating some 'alternative facts' or maybe try to play the whataboutism game, but as usual, they will be dead wrong and they're heads full of fever swamp vapors, altering whatever rational judgement they might ever have had, if indeed any of them ever did or ever understood the ideals upon which the United States was based.
  10. I have a rough idea what “American Exceptionalism” means to those who use the term, but I also think exceptional isn’t clearly defined. To some extent. America is an acquired taste. I do think the original goal of the Founders is exceptional, and what they intended the country to work toward is now taken for granted by the majority of people around the world, which is that everyone is equal by law and has unalienable rights simply by virtue of existing. Madison and Jefferson borrowed from Locke, Rousseau, Descartes and others, and they also seemed to know the Founders were flawed men, so they set up a flexible and dynamic system that could and would adjust as social mores changed. Thus, what started out as rights primarily for white male landowners developed over time to include both genders and all ethnicities, and became independent of wealth. That foundation drew in people seeking more freedom and a chance to become whatever their skills, talents and ambition could make them. I do think it was, and remains, easier for anybody to rise to the top of society in the US, regardless of place, manner or circumstances of birth, than anywhere else in the world. That belief makes for greater efficiency, as brilliance is not held back because of wealth or lack thereof, of family connections, of ethnicity or belief system, or gender. It is hardly a surprise, given that view plus a sizeable population, that the US regularly leads in invention, discovery, Nobel Prizes, etc. Whether this continues or not is a matter open to speculation and discussion. The trend toward excessive nationalistic views, often falling along racial lines, and the current political system that attacks what the Founders specifically established, threatens everything the US became. Tossing out the Constitution (for the Bible, per some elected officials), changing the 1st Amendment as 47 has said he would like, and the Supreme Court recently obviating equality under the law by determining a President is virtually a monarch, do not bode well for continued exceptionalism, but rather a decline into mediocrity or worse. The Constitution and the system of checks and balances, where three branches of government share power, have worked pretty well for 250 years, but it is all at risk right now. Of course there are other matters that detract from anything approaching exceptional, if that term is to be defined positively. High rates of violence and high rates of incarceration are hardly positive. The qini coefficient is pretty high, but not even as high as Thailand. Lack of understanding basic civics and what the actual founding principles of the country are---which even the Supreme Court seems to have forgotten---add to the risk it can all fall apart. America was late to toss out slavery, too. On the other hand, the US is probably the reason Colonialism and Imperialism died. For example the US could have simply taken over all Middle East oil fields, playing like everyone in history from Alexander to Genghis Khan to the British Empire, but it didn't do it. Having the power to do virtually anything it wanted---especially right after WWII---and NOT doing what it easily could have done, is rather exceptional. The country always has been a work in progress, with periods of time things became better and moved toward the goal of total equality under the law, and periods where the country fell off trend. It is falling off trend now, and its survival is by no means assured. Personally, I do not think it survives the next four years as a single, united unit, but breaks down in a combination of social upheaval and perhaps even a number of States seceding, a la 1860, albeit this time for freedom, not to oppress on the basis of skin color.
  11. You 'winners' can cash in your celestial credits upon expiration and claim your eternal reward. What men and women choose to do is not my business. I guess that's just my view. I also know that 50-100 years from now, neither the players nor their critics will be above ground, so none of what folks do or refrain from doing out of some personal moral code means diddly squat. Some people will have had happy memories or earned a little dosh, while curmudgeons and the morality police would have been properly outraged and could pat themselves on the back for their ethical superiority. Everybody wins. You'll feel better about yourself if you can feel negative about someone else. Back home, if I asked a woman to a dinner date, I would invariably pay the tab. Does that make her a hooker and me a loser? And if after dinner, we went to my place or hers, and engaged in a little intimacy, does THAT make her a hooker? If I pay the meal tab, but not extra for the intimacy, I guess that's okay. If I send her flowers or chocolates tomorrow, is that whore-ifying? If she schtupps me because she's horny, rather than doing it for cash to feed her family, she's a good girl, right? Horny sex is okay, but compensated sex is wrong, correct? I'm just guessing here, but since you seem to know the rules, perhaps you will offer righteous judgement.
  12. I think she's an enormous benefit to national security. Putin and Russia will know absolutely everything about the capabilities of its adversaries as well as any clandestine penetration any adversary might have of Putin's inner circle or military. Oh, did you mean US National Security? Whoops! My bad.
  13. If your greatest pleasure in life is 'drinking liberal tears', then you have a truly meaningless, sorry-arse life and would do yourself and the species a favor by climbing in the box. Or maybe just grow up, if that isn't too much to ask. Most of us 'libs' hoped for the best, hoped the career criminal would finally pay a price for his miserable life, and hoped the country would survive. We lost. We accept that, unlike 45 and his cult in 2020. Democracy, with all its inherent faults, prevailed. Those of us with alternatives have moved on, and will always find something on this planet to relish and enjoy.
  14. I find the same percentage of appealing and attractive women today as I ever have, maybe even more. On the other hand, I find men infinitely less appealing---and I'm talking as friends and acquaintances, as I'm 100% hetero and happy with my traditional pronouns. The NYU Biz professor and entrepreneur Scott Galloway---who is a stat jockey---says that in the US in 2008, 8% of men reached age 30 as virgins, while today almost 33% reach age 30 as virgins. I think I understand why. They have no game, think being a 'man' is dominating women and 'keeping them in their place', are likely insecure, and think having 'game' is saying, "Yo, look at my Call of Duty score." Guys on this site are forever disparaging women, Western women in particular, claiming they are money grubbing, not feminine, and all fat. Well, the expats I see in Thailand are hardly lookers, nor do many seem as if they had successful careers. Fat and tatted, thinking women owe them something, and with meager funds hardly screams 'a catch'. So the only option they have is pay for play, and even there the average agogo woman makes more money than the typical retired expat. Women have done much better educationally and financially over the last decade, especially in the West and in Japan. They are looking for at least an equal, in terms of education and career success. It's getting more difficult for them to find someone who matches their own success. For the men who are educated, fit, and financially successful, it's never been better. A larger pool of interesting women is chasing a smaller pool of equal or more accomplished men. I don't know what flighty means, except maybe women who run screaming from guys who think they are owed something simply because they are male. Guys who are not succeeding with women have only one person to blame: the guy in the bathroom mirror.
  15. Kind of reminds me of the famous chant "Lock her up!". I recall that at the 2016 RNC Convention, one of those who led that chant---suggesting a lack of belief in the phrase "innocent until proven guilty"----was a woman named Pam Bondi. Not so coincidentally, and not so surprisingly, she has been nominated to be the new Attorney General. Go figure.
  16. Never have I heard a louder scream of I N C E L !!!!! And misogyny runs deep in your post, too.
  17. There are two kinds of people in the world: 1) Those who know 47 schtupped Stormy and then engaged in fraud to cover the hush money payment and 2) Those suffering cognitive dissonance, who on the one hand look at pics of Stormy back then and fantasize about 'gettin' me sum a dat', and those who defend their messiah at all costs, despite knowing deep down he's a serial philanderer plus had his misogynistic philosophy captured for all time in his silly boast on Access Hollywood. They also can relate physically to their messiah in that they note Stormy's description of his 'not quite freakishly small, but well below average'. (Prepare yourself for one Vespa-rising poster to chime in and claim Holmes-ian like status.)
  18. The OP is providing a major public service. It isn't so much the information and truth you post, but the fact you are giving the lonely old men on this site a reason to be. If not for people like you, OP, these political threads are just an echo chamber. Absent a few rational voices like you, the cult here would be living a life bereft of meaning, invisible and irrelevant, and with no reason to wake up in the morning. They are living the tail end of an Eleanor Rigby life, grasping for a reason to go on. You are giving them incentive to live another day, rather than climb in the box or self-immolate and be poured into the urn. I smile at the way they prioritize issues facing the world. The most significant problems are not the threat of nuclear war, nor pandemics, nor the changing environment, nor the not-so-nascent rise of popularism and fascism, nor disease and poverty, nor even the potential dangers in developing technologies like AI. No, the key threat to 'geometry and theology' is excessive pronouns or bathroom admission policies. I enjoy looking at who becomes most vocal whenever an iconoclast posts something that points out the stark reality of the messianic clown behind the curtain. To say anything less than glowing about their messiah gets their blood flowing, when otherwise rigor mortise is already setting in. Anyway, the framework of the Forum notes those with the most posts per thread. Look who they tend to be. Heck, iconoclastic posts even got Sparktrader/BigNok/susanlea/etc. to fabricate yet another identity (albo) and turbo post. Now THAT guy must be living a rich and meaningful life....LOL! We've lost some folks who used to work on the side of all that is good and decent. One former poster sitting on the right side of rationality and reason, whom I won't name, likely has gone off to enjoy the $500 million fortune he earned after selling his tech start up. Good for him. Like those of us in the know, we get the last laugh.
  19. Of course I know that. For example, I know there's a little short guy who rides around Pattaya on a red Vespa claiming he's some sort of babe magnet, when the reality is he couldn't get a woman to hold his hand without dipping into his USG pension. As for what I write, just pay attention to the news if you survive the next 4 years. I'm either right or an anonymous fraud, but only time will tell. Veritatem Cognoscere
  20. Let me add a specific…. I know what al Qaeda’s long term goal is. They will sanction little individual hits and terror acts, but their real goal is to unleash a bioweapon inside the US. al Qaeda long worked on how to weaponize smallpox, but they have moved up the bio chain by looking into altering genes and viruses. They have some truly brilliant members who were sent to the best undergrad and doctoral programs in the world to study biochemistry and genetics. These guys are more than capable of creating something on a scale that would make the Bubonic Plague seem like a sniffle. Also, because they believe in a reward for taking out infidels, they do not care if their invention also takes them out and their families out. They are without fear, because they have a much more powerful superstition. I know how the US gets its intel on terrorist intentions, and it relies heavily on many nations, each of whom might have their own ‘sources and methods’. The US absolutely cannot do it alone; it needs cooperation from allies. Nobody trusts 47. Liaison cooperation stops on 20 January 2025, if it hasn’t already stopped, as they know he’s coming. Even previously shared intel is being deleted at the request of friendly liaison services, as nobody wants it in the system when 47 takes over. The US will be at much greater risk. Absolutely al Qaeda is excited about the US election results, because they know their field will be much more wide open. Elections have consequences. Yes, we lost. So did the other side; they just don’t know it yet. If and when you and your family are dying horrible deaths from an al Qaeda success, I hope you take solace in the fact Haitian pet eaters have been sent home and the list of allowed pronouns is back to 1970 level, since those things are far more important than you and your family's lives. Yea, you would have shown us radical lefties a thing or two. I know I have one more reason NOT to be in the US for the next 4 years, and it isn’t just because I don’t like 47. Good luck.
  21. This is good news for people like me who still hold lots of secrets from our days in the agency and carrying TS/SCI and (actual) Q clearances (not the silly Q as in QAnon, but Q as in a clearance to see nuclear related intel at the DoE). It's okay to use highly classified material in any way we so choose. Eff US national security. Monetize the secrets if that is to one's advantage. I was fortunate enough to become wealthy after I left the agency, but folks still working there, who now know both intelligence and the US itself are dying or dead, might as well use their knowledge for personal advantage. Imagine what Putin would pay to know whom in his inner circle is a clandestine asset for the CIA ! Even al Qaeda is flush with cash, and they would pay to know what US intel knows. And then there's weapons systems...China and Russia would love to know what the US military can do, and what is in the pipeline. Ka-ching! It's auction time! 45 stole highly classified intel regarding everything from nukes to weapons systems to order of battle to identities of clandestine assets in hostile nations or areas. I have no doubt whatsoever he intended to monetize it, as clearly he needed cash (why else would he schlepp silly NFTs, golden sneakers, commemorative coins, Chines-made Bibles, Chinese watches, and now rip offs of Les Paul guitars?) If it's good for the goose..... SC Smith is wise enough to know the system is broken. Institutions failed. The rule of law no longer exists in many ways. Some folks are above the law. Even the stacked Supreme Court says Madison and Jefferson were wrong and that the US is kind of a monarchy. Little guys---like a guy who took a doc or two home to work on the weekend---get 12 years in jail, but a guy who put national security and the identities of clandestine assets and programs at risk gets re-elected to the White House. The people got what they think they want, but it will come with consequences. Liaison cooperation is finished for at least the next 4 years. No more Five Eyes. Also, no sharing of intel with non-Five Eyes nations like France, Japan, South Korea, Israel, etc. They all know 47 cannot be trusted, and neither can Tulsi Gabbard be trusted. The risks that were thwarted because of liaison cooperation now have a wide open door to get the US. So be it. That's what the democratic majority wanted, so give it to them in spades. Terror attack, dirty bomb, bioterror, disrupt the electric grid, poison water supplies....enjoy! In the meantime, my former colleagues, see what you've got and think of who might make your 401K sing paying for it. Anybody want to know what Putin has on 47 and who told me? It's going to cost you.
  22. The shift in wealth in this modern tech and asset shuffling economy (confession....I was the proverbial asset shuffler as a hedge fund manager) has been even more staggering than the days of the Robber Barons. No way is it going to stop under 47, as he will bend over backwards to curry the praise of the Musks and Griffins and Thiels of the world. His entire life has been about trying to gain the acceptance of his 'betters'. He was always a joke in NYC. He tried to manufacture status with his golf resort and wedding planner facility and its $200,000 membership fee, but he only drew in gauche nouveau riche types or perverts like Jeffrey Epstein. He saw he could appeal to the great unwashed when he finally had financial success with his Game Show, and he used that to catapult himself into the White House. Even his followers on this site think he's a 'successful businessman', when he always bled his father's money (evidenced by his leaked tax returns) until Mark Burnett saved him with the game show. His various nominees either come from entertainment or big wealth. His choice of Bessent, who followed Rogers and Drunkenmiller in the Soros Organization, was quite a surprise given Soros' 'devil incarnate' status among magas that you noted. Let the Trojan Horse meme begin! 47 is a 'man of the people' who hates the people he is the 'man' of....and I use the term 'man' loosely, as the whining crybaby butterball is only a weakling's epitome of a man, just as he's a poor person's idea of a rich man and a dumb person's idea of a smart man. What he has most in common with his cult---and why they think he is one of them---is because he's fat and out of shape, a whiner and crybaby, and always thinks his own failures are others' faults.
  23. Harming oneself physically? How? I think 47 is a bloated, pathologically lying, insecure, racist, misogynist, self-serving, serial philandering, willfully ignorant, pile of useless blubber, but it doesn't cost me anything to have that view. I'm not caught in the madness of crowds. I accept he won. I know he will create carnage in the US on a scale almost unimaginable, but I am fully prepared for it, as I have secured isolated properties and acreage in several different countries. His rallygoers and cult members will be living Cormac McCarthy/The Road soon enough, but I'm lucky enough in life to be able to afford to not be near folks like that when the zibel hits the fan. I find the endless victory laps his cult is undertaking quite amusing, as if they think somehow his Administration is going to benefit them. I find it rather adorable that many of them think he actually gives a flying eff they exist. He got the only thing he ever wanted from folks even he thinks are losers: their vote. He has no further need for them. They will hopefully find psychological fulfillment in distinct XX and XY bathrooms, and limited pronouns, because they are not going to get anything in the way of economic prosperity. If they failed to get wealthy during the Biden Boom, they sure as heck are not going to get flush during the 47 Recession. If limited pronouns are their main priority, godblessem. They can knock themselves silly and think they own people like me. They're just clowns who don't know the joke is on them. I'm an old school liberal, not into the woke thing, but neither could I ever be a Kool Aid drinker who thinks 47 is anything but an embarrassment as a leader and as a man. As for my health, I just finished one of my daily workouts. I benched 333 lbs (150 kg) 4 times on my last set, so I guess my 'natty' muscles still work. BP is 105/60, VO2 Max was last measured at 58, resting pulse is around 50, I have a 30 inch waist on a frame over 6 feet and carrying 185 lbs. Cortisol (which would rise if under chronic stress) is generally low, my HbA1c is below 5, and testosterone runs a healthy 680 naturally. No prescriptions and never needed a blue pill to rise to the occasion. I'm a little concerned that my % of body fat fell below 10% on my latest DEXA and checkup, so I'm now eating a little extra carb to build up a reserve. Of course I could switch to the Macs and KFC Diet of Plumpions, but I prefer to NOT look like the typical MAGA-loon, most of whom look 7 months pregnant and haven't seen their own junk since before puberty. Probably no female has seen it either, unless they flashed or dipped into their beer money to buy someone.. Thanks for your 'genuine' concern about my health, however, but it's okay.
  24. Oh my! To me, what I read there is evidence of next level naivete. The slurping at the trough from guys like Musk, Thiel, Griffin, etc. is going to top Krakatoa on the decibel meter. 47 got the votes from people he himself calls "losers". They no longer have any value whatsoever to him. 47 has long sought acceptance from people he wishes he could be, which is to say successful in their own right, not silver spoon legacy kids. He will do whatever it takes to win their praise, and they will give him all the false praise he seeks, so long as it benefits them. Just like he sucked up to Jeffrey Epstein, he now sucks up to the new elite. Once somebody has a few 'units', he or she is immune from the havoc and carnage they know 47 will create. There's a reason so many built bogout bunkers in New Zealand or Hawaii or other isolated places. They will take whatever largesse 47 gives them, always ready to gas up the Gulfstream and let the masses have at each other.
  25. What you call the 'mess [Dems] have inflicted on the country' is what others call growth and low unemployment. To remind those who truly need reminding: Biden inherited 6.8% UE and a Recession. US growth since 2020 is running 3 times the average of G7 nations. UE is ~4%. Name a country that has done better since 2020. 45, soon to be 47, inherited a growing economy and 4.8% UE from Obama. He was a disaster in terms of the economy, and FAILED---in 4 years, with 2 of those years accompanied by a Republican House and Senate---to get an Infrastructure Bill passed. Biden got it done with bipartisan support. Oh, and 45 was the first President since Herbert Hoover to leave office with fewer Americans employed than when he took office. Those enamored of Hoover will probably love 47. If failure and economic decline is what those in the cult want again, I have no doubt 47 will give it to you in spades. The guy failed 6 times trying to run businesses---casinos---where losers actually stand in line to give you their money, yet he could not pull that off. The self-proclaimed 'successful businessman' is only not pouring Slurpies in a 7-11 on an Interstate highway because his daddy not only gave/willed him over $500,000,000, but co-signed all of his loans back when decent banks still loaned him money (vs the SIVs using Russian oligarch money structured by Deutsche Bank, and bragged about by both Uday and Qusay Jr & Punxsutawney Eric.) Admittedly, when Mark Burnett made him a Game Show Host the guy finally made some money as well as becoming a hero to the forlorn. His leaked tax returns show just how UNsuccessful the blowhard was---even with his daddy's help. His years of constant hyperbole and self-promotion---which was a running joke for years in NYC and Wall Street circles---just goes to show Abraham Lincoln was dead right: "You can fool some of the people all of the time". What his cult fails to realize is that the world has changed in ways that make unskilled human labor as cheap as last week's losing Powerball ticket, and there is absolutely nothing 47 can do to change that, other than offer false hope to those the modern world has left behind. They are about to learn the harsh reality. Two types of people were beneficiaries of the booming Biden economy: those with marketable skills and talents, and those who can never have enough, and thus voted for 47 so that they get yet more tax breaks like 'carried interest', the deficit be damned. Call this latter group the New Robber Barons, as wealth and political clout has accumulated in the hands of the elite in ways unseen since J.D. Rockerfeller, the Melons, Fricks and Carnegies. Today their names are Musk, Thiel, Griffin, Ackman, etc. They ain't you, and they ain't "the poorly educated" 47 claims to love so much, only so long as he needs their votes. When I see people who champion 47 as some great and powerful wizard, I know those are folks who missed out on the Biden Boom. It's a simple equation: love 47 = You failed. That they so regularly broadcast their failure by championing 47 is an odd thing, but it's most definitely a "tell". Sorry if you missed out on the Biden Booming Economy. It was so easy to make money and sock it away. In fact, not only is consumer spending up, but also consumer savings. Those who can do; those who cannot voted for 47. That was the last chance to make hay while the sun shined, because it's not Reagan's "Morning in America", but as all will soon see, it's Mourning in America. The carnage is coming. Act accordingly.
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