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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. How dare that little Talibangical Johnson dare to actually try to legislate! Doesn't he know the Repub House members are Performance Artists and not legislators! Wait until their love muffin Dozo the Clown wakes up from his court room stupor. There'll be hell to pay, in the form of nasty Truth (sic) Socials and probably even a new nickname!
  2. You haven't stated a single fact, Sparky. Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the meaning of the term.
  3. Must have missed those. Would they be "alternative facts", like Kellyanne Conway? You've yet to produce a single fact. You state opinions only, which you do not base on, nor evidence any indication whatsoever of, law. Just trumpish gibberish about "weaponization", i.e., "I am above the law and immune from prosecution" or "You can't prosecute me; I'm running a campaign!" Sorry, pork. It doesn't work that way.
  4. The jury is still out on that, as you've produced no evidence in your favor.
  5. Wow, you must be some sort of legal scholar. Maybe Justice Brandeis come back to life? LOL Apparently you know more than the entire Justice Dept, and think stealing classified documents, lying about it, fomenting an insurrection (it qualifies to sane people as a terrorist attack; the term was even used by the DirFBI trump appointed, Dir Wray), pressuring a SecState of GA to alter votes, violating clearly-written FEC laws, altering business records, etc. are all okay, especially if you're running for higher office. How about Dem crimes? Can you point out any of those, which would justify Dozo the CLown's "retribution"? Logic is not one of your strengths. Neither is connection to reality. Nor knowledge of law. You think the DoJ should just say, "Oh shucks, donny just wanted to win really badly, so all of his felonies can just be excused. And if he wanted to jeopardize national security by stealing all those documents, no problem; it's not as if any MSS assets joined Mar-a-Lago. (they did)" In your latest AN-style "Buddhist" incarnation, you are drifting even farther from Nirvana. There is no direct route to there from trumpistan.
  6. Oh my, woe is Dozo the Clown. If he can't do the time and can't pay the dime, he shouldn't have done the crimes. What a wonderful excuse! When will the next alleged felon claim he cannot be tried now, because he is running for President?
  7. Nobody can be so idiotic, can they? In your silly fantasy land of cultish worship, apparently it's ok to: -Steal documents classified TS, SCI, SAP, SITK, Codeword, HCS and RD -Lie about returning the stolen documents -Attempt to subvert a fair election -Foment a terrorist attack against the US Capitol -Sit on one's fat arse while watching goobers on TV chant "Hang Mike Pence" -Attempt to coerce a SecState to to alter votes -Violate FEC laws -Falsify business records Goobers call that "weaponziation" of the justice system, while sane people call it abiding by the rule of law Perhaps you might consider pulling your head from your messiah's voiding canal and catch a whiff of reality.
  8. Some people say nobody does irony better than Dozo the Clown. trump is whining because he might miss the high school graduation of his spawn in mid-May, because of a trial related to the fact trump was schtupping a porn start just after the kid was born, and Mom#3 was home taking care of him. Oh, poor donny..NOW you care about the kid? LOL
  9. Is that you, Sparky? In the Booming Biden Economy I've ordered a new yacht, and I'm going to float it on magatears when trump is both jailed and loses in November.
  10. I doubt you are capable of understanding, but what you call TDS is a projection of how you cultists sniff every vaporous flatulent from trump's bowels and thinking it smells like lavender.
  11. Perhaps we should ask an economist: If you printed $8,400,000,000,000 in new debt in just 4 years (Jan 2017 to Jan 2021), the equivalent of $25,000 for every man, woman and child in the US, and the equivalent of $1010 for every person on the face of the Earth, might it lead to inflationary pressures down the road?
  12. Goodness! I thought you trumpers were in favor of releasing "hostages" who beat police and got arrested. 140 police suffered injuries on 6 Jan 2021, and your messiah says he will pardon them on Day 1 of his new administration (sic).
  13. Darwin always wins. Best you get used to that, because with AI coming, it's only going to get worse for the redundant and superfluous. The US economic system is Capitalism. The strong survive and prosper. trumpers, not so much.
  14. trump is catadonic He sleeps so much in court now, he probably thinks it's his home, and soon enough he'll be storing stolen classified documents there.
  15. Admittedly the Booming Biden Economy does require a good education and being able to bring talent and job skills to the market. Sorry if that leaves you out.
  16. Unlike trump and most of his goobers, I have read the US Constitution, including the First Amendment. Perhaps I missed it, but I did not see "Hang Mike Pence" in there as protected speech. Generally, threats against the President or Vice President are felonies, not an exercise of free speech. Also, beating police officers with trump flags, shooting cops with bear spray, and sh!tting on the floor of a Federal Building do not constitute speech. It seems the courts agree with me, not you, which is why the idiot thugs are in jail.
  17. Just as one would have expected, the cultish goobers are claiming "STOLEN!" as they watch the stock tumble, now down 71% from its first day high barely 2 weeks ago. "Sick of MY investment money being stolen!!" one user wrote in a Truth Social post, as quoted by WaPo, accusing Wall Street of unfairly shorting the stock. "They’re stealing peoples [sic] money and you’re allowing it!!" Others are so moronic they still believe, as Britney sang in "Do it to Me One More Time": "I know good and well it’s in Trump’s hands, and he’s got plans," 71-year-old Oklahoma City native Jerry McClain, who invested in the stock, told WaPo. "I have no doubt it’s going to explode sometime." (I do think he meant "implode".) The "plans" trump has is what his plans always are: try to enrich himself off of his goobers' idiocy, naivete and gullibility. Still others claim (lying, trying to play the sweet lemon card) that they just wanted to help trump by giving him some of their money. (And if anyone believes that, they probably believe trump is innocent of the myriad of felony charges against him.) "If I lose it, fine. If I make a profit, wonderful," prominent conservative commentator Carol Swain, who put in $1,000, told WaPo. "But at the end of the day, I wanted to show my support." Yes, Carol Swain, the 'billionaire' messiah needs your $1000. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-supporters-horrified-value-truth-141358796.html Ah, yes...trumpers....I guess somebody has to be way left of the mean on the IQ Bell Curve.
  18. Two things to note in this long thread.... One is that, since the advent of the internet, most people's IQ has jumped 50 points. This seems to be due to the ubiquitous nature of self-directed IQ tests available online with scoring via the honesty method. Personally, I put more faith in expert-administered tests in a controlled environment, which are somewhat rare. I guess I'm particular in that way, or just a Luddite who hasn't completely adopted "online lying learning". My second point---and I state this knowing you tried to make a distinction between bargirls and non-bargirls---is that I am not really sure there is much of a difference. From my admittedly limited experience after a decade or two visiting and now living in Thailand, I have not developed much confidence in the Thai education system, even if someone took it all the way through university. While I am sure there are Thai women out there with an excellent degree of general knowledge and a keen intellect, I cannot help but think they are either all rare as unicorns or else the more savvy members of this Forum have already scoffed them all up. They had to use those genius IQs for something. Having lived in many countries, I know that certain cultural beliefs and idiosyncrasies get inculcated into citizens, and some are too difficult to bridge for folks from other cultures and societies. As a non-Thai example, even if a woman was in my university classes, if she believes a woman must dress like a giant eggplant, because some deity demands it, I doubt we'd have much in common to cover years of marital conversation. An Ayaan Hirsi Ali would be okay, but she is not common. Rula Jebreal even better. I feel similarly about beliefs of the predominant Thai faith, especially how it is practiced at the retail level. Belief systems can rarely be hidden or sublimated, so they will arise over the course of a sustained relationship like marriage. If I had to listen, over time, to such silliness, I would quickly become a fan of TikTok videos of people doing cute dances, and immerse myself in hours of that banality, rather than listen to my partner spouting her 'spiritual knowledge'. No thanks. I can get along and enjoy many Thai women over limited periods of time, but there always comes a point when topics of mutual interest are exhausted, and the silence ensues. I am sure I would become just as much of a bore to them, as what holds their interest and what they believe is alien to me. For those Western men who can do it, good for them.
  19. I always get a chuckle when people worry about the NSA or CIA monitoring them. How little these people know about what can and cannot be done., or even if these entities care about nobodies. Most people give everything away via social media or online purchasing or just using a credit card. Amazon and Facebook know infinitely more about people than the NSA. Also, both use what they know to target individuals. Phone companies know where you shop and know how much time you spend in each aisle, so they know your spending habits and can sell the data to whomever is interested. It is even possible to know if a female is pregnant before she knows it, because hormones will impact her behavior and interest while shopping, and she will spend extra time in certain areas of food stores. I wonder if people know what their home Amazon devices can do (which is record every conversation and send it to Amazon). I wonder if people who own Chinese-made cars know everything they say inside the car is captured and forwarded back to the manufacturer, who then forwards it to the MSS. It might be aimed primarily at domestic Chinese drivers, but the system works just as well wherever Chinese cars are sold. Even German auto manufacturers have installed the same system, though it's unclear if this is intended to get customer feedback in order to improve the driving experience, or forwarded to the BND. Already there is precious little privacy for anyone who uses modern conveniences.
  20. Reasonable people know nobody is coming back, so they want to maximize this one iteration and be as healthy as possible until closure and entropy wins. The OP noted taurine supplements have some evidence to suggest it helps prolong this one shot at existence. Certainly the folks suffering severe dementia have already left the building, save for their body organs not yet shutting down. Whatever they were in terms of thought and personality is gone. Those still maintaining their neurons and frontal cortex can try to avoid any of the things that lead to dementia, at least the things that can be prevented.
  21. If you do the needful from a young age, Viagra will never be necessary and best avoided. Many men go into their last years never needing any more than a sexy woman. I give you two anecdotes: I cannot find the research, so readers can take this as apocryphal, but I read years ago that some clinic was doing research on how quickly a man could go from flaccid to ejaculation. They had different age groups as subjects. The "winner" took something like 11 seconds, and he was 83 years old. The second involves the assassination of Kim Jong-un's brother at the airport in KL. Two unwitting women applied VX to the face of the brother. Apparently VX is extra potent (absorbed much faster) against guys who regularly use Viagra, and the brother was known to be a regular user. BOOM! Dead. The two women washed their hands and didn't absorb enough to do them harm, besides not being Viagra users. An aside to this aside....Kim Jong-nam spent a lot of time in Macau. He often could be found sitting in a bar having a drink or two, and was more than happy to strike up chats with fellow bargoers. Someone I know had a chat with him and was told by Kim that "I once killed my chauffeur with a 7-iron". Nice family, those Kims.
  22. While theoretically true, Cohen is rather pedantic about keeping documents and recordings of phone calls. Also, if trump's defense takes that route, the prosecution will pull out all the stops to prove trump's (alleged) affairs, which means Stormy and McDougal on the stand and asked very 'delicate' questions where their descriptions would corroborate each other. While trump's team could still argue Cohen took it upon himself, the fact his account was made whole by "somebody" can be traced to specific bank accounts and authorizations. Besides, I really don't think trump wants the case to include detailed descriptions by the women who allege affairs. Remember how upset he got in the first Repub debate in 2016 when Marco Rubio commented about trump's 'tiny hands'.
  23. There are two facts that will be difficult for trump's team to defend: 1) Stormy was paid $130,000 for 'some reason' 2) Karen McDougal was paid $120,000 (I think, may be slightly different) for 'some reason'. The man who actually orchestrated the payments admitted he did so, and was subsequently prosecuted and served time for that, plus other things (Michael Cohen). Unless Cohen just had some uber-altruistic tendencies and decided to give these two women a gift, there's a larger story behind all of it. It all points to trump, his affairs, and his fear of public knowledge of the affairs affecting his election chances in 2016. Of course it will be up to the jury to decide if there is a link, and if the link represents felony or misdemeanor behavior. Let trump have his day in court (finally) to either prove his innocence or pay the price for his alleged crimes. There have been more than enough delays, and the voters have a right to know if one of the Presidential candidates committed felonies or not. To delay all of trump's criminal trials to after the election is unfair to the voting public. If trump is innocent of all 91 felony charges, let's find that out. If he's guilty, best we know that before giving such a person the nuclear codes.
  24. Interesting how time creates its own reality. When I had access, I did a lot of looking into the Mossadegh coup, and tried to parse it against the narrative that is in print. Major differences. Kermit Roosevelt had a CT (career trainee), a secretary, a $500,000 budget, and little more. He used the funds to buy printing presses and paper, and provided that to anti-Mossadegh forces in Iran. I find it hard to believe that his efforts alone, in a nation of (then) 18 million, toppled the regime. Even if it wanted to do so, it's very difficult for the agency to take any meaningful credit for the coup. Of much greater import seems to be what the Brits, and British Oil did. Their efforts were much more large scale and involved significantly more money. Ultimately the Iranian anti-Mossadegh forces prevailed, and the brutality of the Shah and Savak years ultimately resulted in the mullahs and a theocracy. Of course there is no denying that the US, under a host of Presidents from Eisenhower to Carter, supported the Shah.
  25. Having experienced many Songkrans and Maha Thingyans (Myanmar), I can say that neither Thailand in general, nor Pattaya in particular, can hold a candle to Yangon. Despite being limited to 3 days, Yangon is absolute madness. The city sets up pandals (grandstands) near lakes or in major shopping districts. A thousand water-pump driven hoses are available for those on the grandstands. Every truck within 100 miles of the city is rented out, and folks jump on board and ride around the city, slowing down in front of each pandal they encounter, getting soaked or even blown off the truck by the force. Many cars have their doors and trunks taken off, so as to hold more passengers, and these follow the same pattern as the trucks. People sit on the roofs and the front hood. It isn't uncommon for some to fall off while the car corners, and accidents also happen because the (drunk) driver has his view blocked by people on the hood. To quote from the boy in the movie The Sixth Sense, "You see dead people". One year I was in Yangon someone put a bomb under one of the pandals and killed several people. Others die in fights, or else get run over after falling off a car. And on the 4th day.....the lines to enter a major pagoda for prayer are a mile long, all of the previous days' madness seemingly forgotten. Back in Thailand, what I have noticed is that most Thais, while having fun, are polite in how they douse people, and most seem to put the guns down at sunset. It's the foreigners, drunk from a day swilling beers, who keep it going until the wee hours.
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