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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. Okay, Mr Truck Driver, enlighten us with all of your legal knowledge and tell us what crimes Gen Milley, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, etc. committed. Should be fun to hear your explanation.
  2. Some of the usual MAGA fanboys are as giggly as schoolgirls today, but to quote a line from the movie The Departed, “It doesn’t make your dick any bigger”. You’re all the same guys you were yesterday…..no more successful, no more handsome, no more likely to move up to elite level, no better in any way. You'll just have to salve your egos by pretending YOU are "owning the Libs". Embrace your delusions!
  3. The guy claimed during his first term he nixed the security clearances of some of those people, but in reality he never did, because nobody knew how to do it. I know some of those folks, and their clearances remain active. Also, many of those people were not read in to the laptop issue, so any comment they made was merely an opinion, not a claim of fact. The Snowflake is ipset at opinions, just as he is upset when people do their job. If he would be consistent, he would remove the clearances of anyone who questioned his 2016 Campaign's cooperation with Russia, as that was a reality (just Google Manafort and Kilimnik, for starters). People in positions of authority had to follow up on that intel; it would have been a dereliction of duty to ignore it. Even SC Durham gave those who did their job a clean bill of health. It is somewhat ironic that the man in charge of SSCI when it issued its final report on the Russia issue, which noted all of the evidence and concluded there was willing cooperation between 45's campaign and Russia, has been nominated for Secretary of State.
  4. Better to look at the big picture, rather than focus on the façade. The names change, but the concept is always the same: the masses are left behind, they want more than their skills and talents can give them in open competition, they become aggrieved, and then someone steps in with an easy answer that pacifies the masses for a time. Then rinse and repeat. This move to the right has nothing to do with “woke” nor does it have anything to do with the discredited ideologies of Socialism and Marxism. Capitalism has been the recent driving force in every country from the US to China, but the problem is not everyone can win. A country like the US can (theoretically) make everyone equal under the law, but it cannot make everyone equal in terms of the ability to succeed and prosper. Skills and talents are not handed out evenly by the impish Universe. Never were, never will be. All societies have winners and losers. In the last 100 years or so, many societies have found ways to carry their less gifted citizens. This was achieved through a combination of social programs, wider access to debt, and government spending that improved basic conditions, so that even the poor could live a reasonably comfortable life. All such programs are a form of Socialism, but most countries limited it to things viewed as basic human necessities, while Capitalism and free enterprise drove the rest of the economy. The period where a rising tide lifts all boats is coming to an end. Labor is being obviated. Those with marketable skills and talents have seen more wealth fall into their hands, as well as the control of more of society’s assets, both physical and financial. Qini coefficients are rising everywhere; the rich are getting richer, while their control over assets is making it more difficult for low wage earners to live comfortably. There is no easy solution to this problem, especially since technology is exacerbating it. Those who “have” can get more pretty easily, while those who don’t have cannot catch up. Those being left behind at this juncture, where Darwinian Capitalism and competition hold sway, are tending now toward what they call ‘conservative’ ideologies. The term ‘conservative’ is a euphemism for racism and misogyny. Rather than face the reality of their own Darwinian weakness, they demand entitlement. They don’t want to have to compete with people who don’t look like them, because they need to feel themselves inherently superior. They want a world where they are automatically put at the front of the line, bypassing other ethnicities. Their masculinity is challenged because they see skilled and talented women outperforming them. One result of this emasculation is they demand to control women, such as telling women what women can do with their own bodies They want to restrict others’ freedom. They disparage women who are not susceptible to their ‘charms’, which is to say they can’t ‘get any’. The Incel movement is a visible result of this, as is the trend toward seeking what they think are compliant women in less developed countries. Those left behind, because neither their skills nor charms arm them for success in either careers or relationships, are absolutely susceptible to slogans like “Make America great again”. They cannot define what that greatness might be, other than a time when they would have been entitled by their ethnicity or gender. The concept of “freedom” to these folks means entitlement for them and restrictions on others. As for “greatness”, that means when women were kept ‘barefoot and pregnant’ and certain ethnicities became ‘strange fruit’ or at least sat at the back of the bus. Into this step opportunists and charlatans, people who promise the moon and tell society’s losers nothing is their fault. When necessary or useful, “outsiders” are identified as the source of the problem. This resonates, since most people are incapable of accepting personal responsibility, nor are most able to accept the fact they lost the Birth Lottery, and that there are people much smarter and more able to navigate the world and succeed. Heaven forbid those better performers are female or of another ethnicity. The charlatans need not be logical. Neither do they need to be truthful. Lies are cheap and can spread quickly. The aggrieved in society will grab anything that allows them a chance to express more outrage and anger, which is the outlet for their fears of failure and falling behind. Notice how so many get apoplectic about what they call “woke”, which is an attribute driven by a vocal, but ultimately quite small part of the populace. The masses don’t really care if somebody insists on a new pronoun; they are angry at frustrated about their own failures, but project that onto others and onto totally unrelated things. Each outrage draws the forlorn closer to the charlatans who are manipulating them, and then the opportunists and charlatans feed it even more (usually with lies and hyperbole, such as “They’re eating the pets!”). Since these charlatans are totally self-serving, they portray themselves as strongmen who can make everything “great” again, despite having no clue how to do that, even if they wanted to (which they don’t). They merely want power, and will tell the populace whatever people want or need to hear, just so the wannabe autocrat can gain power. People are easy to fool and manipulate, especially if they are fearful and aggrieved. Tell people what they want to hear, and one can become their champion. Of course, the joke is on those who see a hero in someone who is a self-serving fraud, because if the fraud is successful and takes power, he will do nothing to benefit the masses whom he has fooled. He couldn’t care less about those who supported him, as all he needed (in a democracy) was their vote. This trend will continue for a while, with more nations moving to the right. Soon, however, even the clueless will see all that has happened is that wealth and power have become even more concentrated in the hands of the elite, and none of the promises made by their hero come to pass, or at least result in any benefit to the masses. Eventually the pendulum swings too far, and sentiments do a flip flop. Those who still can’t make it eventually get attracted by the kind of mandated equality that goes by the name of Socialism or Communism (but is nothing of the sort). It’s really just another side of the same coin, this flip flop. The losers just choose a different path in the hopes of finding some sort of success. Communism became “attractive” when wealth and power became too concentrated in a limited number of hands. The former heroes get the Tsar treatment or Mussolini’d or Qaddafi’d or even Ceaucescu’d. Then a new ideology takes hold, which will also be abused by those in charge, and it will eventually fail. The bottom line is that Darwin is always in charge. An elite will always rule, whatever the supposed underlying ideology might be. The elite become king of the mountain until somebody can knock them off. The strong find a way both to rule and appeal to the masses, whether the structure is monarchism, tribalism, fascism, capitalism, socialism, communism or nihilism. Today, the trend is toward fascism. This, too, shall pass. The masses eventually will embrace another ideology, and the Darwinian elite will manipulate whatever that next ideology is for their own ends. Plus ca change.
  5. Today? Why celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, of course. Apparently there's a gaggle of snowflakes who will avoid a little cold weather and go inside, where they will swear on a book they've never read and claim an oath to a document they hate, all while laughing at the goobers they fooled.
  6. The so-called "woke progressives" are a small fringe element of the liberal side of ideology. The OP usually demonstrates his lack of knowledge by adding in "Marxist/Socialist", which just tells me those of his ilk lack what it takes to make it in the modern tech world, and have been left behind in the Biden-Harris economic boom. The guy clearly has no clue what those words mean, as Capitalism has been the hallmark of the Biden years, with the growth and prosperity to prove it. In contrast, the fascist right is ubiquitous on that side of the ideological spectrum. They are also snowflakes, whining incessantly about "witch hunts" and "UNFAIR!!!!" and "Fake News" and other words and phrases they get from their bloated childish messiah. They seem to miss the actual fake news, such as Fox and Dominion Voting Systems, or "stolen election" or "best economy ever" (when even before Covid 45's economy was in the bottom 30% of all economies in the US since the end of WWII). They're also deathly afraid of young Central American women who drag their kids and walk 800 miles in the hope of finding economic freedom and freedom from gang violence. If such women are "all rapists and murderers" (ironically stated by a guy convicted civilly of sexual assault and who the judge in that trial said was likely guilty of rape), the MAGAs should hope these women do give them a little nooky, as otherwise the MAGAs are Incels. By the way, proper immigration is a major plus for the US; the Lankford Bill would have solved many problems, but 45 needed an issue, so he told his lapdog Speaker to squelch that Republican Bill. The good news is after Monday, MAGAs will have a plethora of strawberry and lettuce picking jobs, plus janitorial work---even truck driver jobs if the deportation also includes illegal Sikhs---available to them, so they can finally get off SSDI, the major "employer" of Red States like KY, TN and WV. Here is an inconvenient truth of time under Biden-Harris: the best GDP growth since the late 1990s, highest # of jobs created ever under any POTUS, actual infrastructure repairs, instead of endless talk and false promises, three times the growth of the average G7 nation since 2020, longest period of sub 4% unemployment in 64 years, inflation brought down faster than any other nation (the world suffered high inflation since the end of Covid), lower prescription drug prices, with power taken from Big Pharma, lower violent crime rates than under 45....the list goes on. I understand that those who lack the skills and talents to succeed in the modern economy have been left behind. That is not Biden's fault, though MAGAs are incapable of accepting personal responsibility, weaklings that they are. And yes, ignorance also played a role in Harris' loss, since the oft-told lie resonates (47 is a true pro at lies, mendacity being one of his key qualities, along with being a crybaby.) Well, a plurality took the election, which is still democracy. Of course elections have consequences, and the MAGAs are going to learn that the hard way, because if they failed to grow their net worth during the Biden Boom, they are only going to suffer more when every policy will be geared toward existing billionaires. Sorry, but 47 got all he needed from his cult---their votes---and he doesn't need folks he calls "losers" anymore.
  7. You mean like these guys, who---along with their messiah---refused to accept the "will of the people" in 2020?
  8. I think like his SpaceX rocket breaking up and falling on the Turks and Caicos Islands is a fitting metaphor for what is likely to happen to President Musk. I don't know what ails him mentally, though obviously something does, as he is becoming more bizarre by the day. Immense wealth might do that, or it could be he knows he is getting credit for ideas that were merely ideas: the heavy lifting has been done by brilliant engineers he has hired. The guy is taking advantage of false perceptions (Elon did not invent the 'chopsticks' that catch rocket boosters nor even write the code that lets cars drives themselves with the beta version sometimes taking the car and its passengers through red lights). He has decided that since many people think Elon knows everything about everything, he has to offer his opinions on everything from Covid to slashing government waste, and everyone should believe what he says. I don't remember anybody ever asking Albert Einstein for his view on post-modern art or transgender people. Elon should stay in his lane, but he wanders more than a Tesla on the beta version of self-drive. What will contribute to Elon's tumble won't just be his apparent emotional decline, but the fact he is taking too much of the stage from someone more emotionally weak than even Elon....the incoming US President. So threatened is POTUS 47 that he has had to note on several occasions that Elon is NOT the President. Maybe the first target of 47's barking little chihuahua at FBI (Kash Patel) will not be Liz Cheney nor Adam Schiff nor Jimmy Kimmel, but instead Elon Musk.
  9. A blizzard is coming to DC on Monday in the form of the World's Largest Snowflake, a Beta Man so weak he rage Tweets at 01:30am about a late night talk show host. This is what he Truth Social'd the other night against a host named Seth Meyers: “How bad is Seth Meyers on NBC, a ‘network’ run by a truly bad group of people. I got stuck watching Marble Mouth Meyers the other night, the first time in months, and every time I watch this moron I feel an obligation to say how dumb and untalented he is, merely a slot filler for the Scum that runs Comcast. These are not shows or entertainment, they are simply political hits, 100% of the time, to me and the Republican Party. Comcast should pay a BIG price for this!” This guy is going to be in charge of ~8000 nuclear weapons and preside over a $35,000,000,000,000 economy, yet what occupies his addled and Adderall'd brain just days before he pretends to be assumes the role of Commander-in-Chief is a talk show host. And so delicate is the guy, despite his more than ample layer of insulating blubber, he has ordered his Inauguration indoors, as the forecast is for a temperature of 28 degrees F (-2C) with the wind chill 12 F (-11 C). Apparently he fears doing an impersonation of William Henry Harrison. It should be noted that a real man, a Hawaiian-born man named Barack Obama, held his 2009 Inauguration in biting cold that came in at 10 F (-12 C). I attended that Inauguration, and the record crowd stretched from the Capitol all the way across the National Mall to the Lincoln Memorial, a distance of more than 2 miles (3.4 km). Yes, it's going to be tough for the guy to claim "biggest crowd ever", as he lied in 2017, when he gets sworn in in the building where he sent his goobers to beat law enforcement officers and to defecate on the floor and rub their excrement on the walls, back on 6 January 2021. Also, I doubt this time there will be gallows erected on the Capitol lawn, nor will there be folks chanting to hang the VP. Of course he will make a worse stench than those terrorists did 4 years ago. The sycophantic cult members he actually thinks are "losers" (but he needed their votes, so he promised pie-in-the-sky and "owning the Libs"), will not be invited in to witness the proceedings. Those spots inside are reserved for the world's Right Wingers and for billionaires like Elon Muck, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and Ken Griffin. The incoming Chief only plays a "man of the people" on TV, but it's good enough to fool the forlorn of society.
  10. And Attila the Hun was a woke progressive.
  11. I agree. I find intelligent women quite sexy, which means I would never be attracted to a MAGA-ette. There is zero intersection in the Venn diagrams of "Intelligent women" vs "MAGA-ettes". It's the empty set. Besides, they tend to be obese, like their messiah, and fat shows total lack of discipline and self control. Also, I instantly ignore anyone who uses the phrase "do your own research". Invariably that means conspiracy theorist and whackadoodle moonbat. As for Jeebus freaks, so long as they let me sing the praises of Zeus, I can tolerate them....sort of. If they can be atheist in terms of Zeus, I can be atheist in terms of their superstition. OP made a wise choice.
  12. Let's see....US DoD....$840,000,000,000 yearly budget, 3,000,000 employees Qualified? Hegseth ran two non-profit organizations (Veterans for Freedom, Concerned Veterans for America) and was fired from both due to documented evidence of financial mismanagement, as well as sexual impropriety and misconduct. Staff at Concerned Veterans of America say Hegseth was regularly drunk, often had to be restrained, and even passed out in drunken stupors. He later set up a PAC---MN PAC---where he used a third of the donations for staff Christmas parties. Yup, in MAGAstan, he's absolutely qualified. If a couple of Repub Senators had a pair, rather than being in abject fear of a mean Tweet, he would not be confirmed. Senators such as Thune, McConnell, Lankford, even the "confirmed bachelor" Lindsey Graham, know full well Hegseth is unqualified, but all lack the balls to stand up to 47. There are no real men in the Republican Party, just pretend Alpha males, like the Snowflake-in-Chief.
  13. A MAGA is never the smartest guy in the room, even when he's alone. They're the guys who bought threads from his booking jacket in Georgia, bought the NFTs where he pretended to be an astronaut and fighter pilot, probably "attended" his fake university, have an autographed Chinese-printed bible, and donated their kids' school lunch money to the supposed "billionaire's" defense fund so he could pay his lawyers. At least they can wear the sneakers, though they will look rather silly.
  14. Not sure if the proper response here is plus ça change or 'there's nothing new under the sun'. There will always be dreamers who think they've finally found true love in a woman a few decades their junior. There will always be scheming women who see a mark and exploit his needs. Sometimes two people might even find each other and develop a real relationship, but I suspect the odds are skewed against such success. Age and cultural gaps are tough to bridge. Kudos to those who have made it happen. I do think Thai women can be quite endearing, but I go back to my standby Groucho Marx-ism: I'd never mate with a woman who would have me as a partner.
  15. Degraded? Really? And you know that how, Rambo? Fake Alpha males like Hegseth and his (possibly) future boss have a Colonial/Imperialist mentality, where they fancy themselves superior to "s-hole" countries and cultures. Show me someone who calls himself a "warrior" and I'll put money down on a new war. To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. A guy who fancies himself a warrior is wont to send someone, perhaps himself (though not for the guy with bone spurs), into a conflict. The US will go to war with Iran in the next 4 years. Also, Hamas lost its leadership, but has as many of its own "warriors" as before 7 October, perhaps more. As former DCI and SecDef Robert Gates used to say when he was informed some terrorists had been taken out, "How many more did we create today?". More than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since the outbreak of the war. Likely that has led to the creation of tens of thousands more Hamas warriors. Does the new Administration have a plan to address that? To address Iran, which re-started it U235 enrichment and nuke program after 45 abrogated the JCPOA? Oh, and let's not forget Panama and Greenland. The soon-to-be POTUS never says anything he doesn't actually intend to do. Last time he had some sane and rational guardrails around him, such a Gen Mattis, SecDef Esper, Gen Milley and a few others who got in the way of his insanity. With Hegseth, Patel and others, he will not have any guardrails this time. Also, as soon as the Repubs halt assistance to Ukraine, Putin wins and his eyes will shift to Estonia, and maybe eastern Poland. China will see lack of US resolve and---as economic problems cause unrest in the Middle Kingdom---will move on Taiwan. By the way, anybody out there think Repubs like Lankford, Thune, Rubio, even McConnell and Graham, believe Hegseth is actually qualified to run an $840 billion entity with 3 million employees? Hegseth is an armchair warrior's view of a leader, besides being a drunk.
  16. LOL No, fella, it's quite real. Sorry, but lots of people are significantly more wealthy than you. I wanted another place outside of the US, and searched for about 2 years. I saw the property I now own and instantly made an offer. Paid cash. I also wanted to do the renovation the right way, and spent some time finding the right artisans to do the work. While I enjoy it, and visit several times a year for a few weeks at a time, I take some satisfaction knowing I am helping to preserve not only history, but the incredible skill of the folks, long since dead and gone, who cut and shaped the oak timbers, gathered and fashioned the stones that make up its 3 foot thick walls, laid the floors, put in all the fireplaces, and made a structure that has lasted centuries. I am told the original church was destroyed during some religious unrest, but rebuilt ~550 years ago. Out buildings include a massive barn and a foundry, used to make all the fixtures and iron bars on the lower windows, as well as the coopering straps for wine casks. As I noted previously, the property was once a working winery, and the structure where the wine was aged still has giant oak casks. Some of the casks fell apart over the years, so the artisans doing renovation use some of the old oak for indoor structures and finishing work. That oak is incredibly hard and quite difficult to work. I insist on using only period materials (save for modern bathrooms and electricity, and a working kitchen), so pointing is done with limestone plaster and any painting uses natural ochres. When a floor needs replacing, I source reclaimed wood. Often in the evening, before sunset, I pour a glass of wine and stroll around the exterior, continually marveling at the work and toasting the folks who long ago built the structure. I've gotten papers from the local commune office that note owners and residents going back to the mid 1400s. Coming from a country where the oldest structures are maybe 200-250 years old, I have an appreciation for things that are much much older. People in my commune swear the structure is haunted, but in all the time I have stayed in it, often alone, not a peep from a ghost. Sometimes a piece of rock will fall from a wall in a nearby room, but as far as 'strange' noises, that's it. Sourcing furniture has also been fun, and like the building itself, I enjoy studying the workmanship long dead artisans could do with less-than-ideal tools. I have brothers and sisters, but I've yet to propagate my own gene pool, so either a sibling gets it, or the state can take it over. In the meantime, I get to enjoy it for the next few decades. And no, I'm not going to post any images. I prefer anonymity, especially since there's lots of crazy folks online. If it makes you feel better thinking this is all a fantasy, knock yourself silly. I don't give a flying eff what anyone thinks. Getting back on topic, Spain might consider that there are structures in their country the average Spaniard is not going to call home. Allowing foreigners to buy and renovate historical structures, without imposing a 100% tax on the buyer, benefits Spanish society as well as Spanish artisans.
  17. Perhaps we have an expert in the Forum who can tell us how they would have withdrawn from Afghanistan. The folks who now run the country were in jail until 45 released 5000 Taliban prisoners. Most were battle-hardened jihadis, and quite likely they were involved in the airport attack. Had the withdrawal been protracted, both US soldiers and contractors would be targets in a turkey shoot. How many would all you MAGAs have been willing to sacrifice? When soldiers are in harm's way, invariably some get killed. Just like in Mali under 45. As for migrants, please post the numbers on illegal entrants under 45 vs under Biden. Even if things were done wrong, one of you MAGAs might explain why 45 called SotH Johnson to kill the Republican-written Border Bill, which Biden would have signed. 45 is a self-serving hypocrite, who cares more abouty re-election (to stay out of jail) than actual security. Remember he stole thousands of highly classified documents and kept them in his country club. He really cares about US security? Please, only idiots believe that. Biden brought NATO back together again to stop Putin's aggression in Ukraine. That was the right thing to do. Biden got a bipartisan infrastructure bill passed, rather than perpetually claim "Net week is Infrastructure Week". As for inflation, the combo of the R-led ta cut, endless deficits, and Covid created the kindling for that. Inflation is not brought down in a day, and requires many measures, including Fed policy. The US under Biden did better and was faster getting it down than any other nation...and inflation was worldwide. Under Biden, the US recovered from Covid, the Recession left behind by 45, and the 6.8% unemployment 45 left behind, quite quickly, growing from 2020 at 3 times the rate of the average G7 nation. Noting the damage from supply chain disruptions during Covid, Biden presided over the creation of 800,000 new manufacturing jobs in the US, plus breaking ground on the first new US chip plants in 40 years. As for energy, Biden did not send mixed messages; he took a realistic and long term approach that considered both fossil fuels and new tech (45's bestie Musk rather likes new tech, such as electric cars). The result was that the US now produces more energy than it consumes, and still has over 9000 approved drilling leases nobody has chosen to take. 45 was the first President since Hoover to leave office with fewer Americans working than when he entered; under Biden more jobs were created than under any President, and during his time the US saw more consecutive months of UE under 4% than any time in the last 64 years. All that is not bad for a man facing the onslaught of old age, and what Biden accomplished dwarfs anything 45 did. I do take exception to the student loan forgiveness, and would have preferred---if one is to do it at all---that it come with a requirement for public service. I also am critical of him pardoning his son. I understand a man who lost one son to cancer, and who has little time left, would want to do what he did, but I still do not approve. Bottom line is Biden inherited an absolute mess from 45, and he will leave with the economy still going gangbusters, the equity market still strong, the labor market overheating it's so strong, a rebuilt NATO, the Russian economy close to collapse, US infrastructure on the mend, and the US respected around the world, save for the fever swamps of MAGA-stan. I guarantee the next 4 years will be far worse.
  18. MAGAs live in a fantasy world, where their messiah is more infallible than a Borgia pontiff. They attack any critic as if the critic is a Danish cartoonist drawing haram images. A cult is a cult is a cult. Just imagine if Kamala had 'done the right thing' and refused to certify the election, and Biden was intimately involved (according to his own appointed staff) with a fake elector scheme. Imagine if Antifa set up gallows next week in Lafayette Park and began chanting "Hang 47". 45 is guilty, only saved by endless delays, the pitty-appointment of Garland as AG, and a corrupt and captured Supreme Court. Just as egregious as 45's behavior re the election he knew full well he lost, is his theft of highly classified documents, for which ANYONE else who pulled that stunt would be jailed AWAITING trial, not the beneficiary of a clown judge hoping to get a seat on the Supreme Court. We will have a convicted felon as POTUS, who would have had many more convictions if actual justice had been served. That a plurality voted for him is an indication of what George Carlin said about the intellect of the average person. SO be it. Those of us who know better have schadenfreude to enjoy as 47's total incompetence and---my opinion---psychopathy wreak havoc on the United States. It's going to be social and economic mayhem on a scale never seen. MAGAs who disagree....just remember this post a year or two from now.
  19. Not sure about Spain, but in Italy and France, 'outsiders' often buy old, historical properties in various states of disrepair, and then put in lots of funds---using local licensed artisans---to bring the property back to livable and historical standards. A few years ago I bought an 800 year old castle and have done govt-approved repairs that make it a landmark. I have slowly furnished it with antiques that match the feeling of the structure. The estate also has its own church, which has similarly been brought up to standard, plus buildings where wine was made and aged for hundreds of years. I have cared for the grounds and left a hundred acres of old growth forest untouched and open to locals who wish to hike or view the abundant wildlife. I have no heirs, so someday the property will be returned to the country. Spain ought to consider some outsider purchases as FDI.
  20. I am reminded of the argument the soon-to-be #2 at DoJ made or influenced when arguing Presidential Immunity at the Supreme Court, and especially before the Circuit Court. POTUSs make morally difficult decisions in regards to actions that might be taken against individuals who represent a threat to the homeland. Usually such individuals are ten thousand miles away in the tribal areas of Pakistan or Afghanistan. 45's team argued that anything goes when one is sitting POTUS. Obviously Biden has more character than 45 or 45's legal team. As for the indictment and conclusion resulting from SC Smith's investigation, MAGAs will not read the report, nor care what witnesses, who were appointed members of 45's Administration, not "Dems", "Radical Leftists", "Marxists/Socialists", etc., testified under oath in front of the Grand Jury. All MAGAs do is repeat what they have heard in the fever swamps they inhabit and what their mendacious messiah says about "witchhunts". Scratch a MAGA find someone who is either willfully ignorant of American ideals, or else a traitor to those ideals. There is no other possibility, especially if they read SC Smith's report. Certainly MAGAs cannot use actual facts to argue otherwise, as the facts of the investigation are beyond doubt. All MAGAs have are false claims of "weaponization" or epithets for anyone engaging in blasphemy against their messiah. Legally questioning results of an election is okay. Engaging in fake elector schemes, fomenting a terrorist attack against the Capitol, pressuring the VP to break the law and sitting idle when watching terrorists on TV not only erecting gallows on Capitol grounds, but chanting "Hang Mike Pence". MAGAs, let me ask: If folks not enamored of 47 erect gallows on White House grounds or nearby in Lafayette Park, and begin chanting "Hang 47", you would be okay with that, call it free speech, and say it was really a "Lovefest" (as 45 described the Capitol attack). What I suspect is that if such an event occurred, 47 would run down into the WH bunker, as he did when a Code Pink protest of mostly 70+ women showed up on Pennsylvania Ave (and after which 45 said whoever leaked news of his abject cowardice Zeta-male behavior to the press should be executed for treason).
  21. That whole Francis Bacon and his Scientific Method are just so 16th Century. Doctors and scientists...what do they know about anything? It's time we went back to bloodletting, leeches or stable geniuses who know that an injection of disinfectant cures Covid in a snap. Embrace ignorance. It's all the rage now, with RFK, Jr and his boss leading the way back to the Dark Ages.
  22. What is this "disaster"? MAGAs are always barking about some disaster, but I can't seem to find it. I do know that in December 2020, before Biden-Harris took over, the US was suffering a Recession, 6.8% Unemployment, and was in the midst of a pandemic and a lockdown. 45 was the 1st POTUS since Hoover to leave office with fewer Americans employed than when he entered. To me, that all kind of sounds like a disaster. Today, the US has seen GDP growth since the end of 2020 that runs 3 times the average G7 nation, the US has been best at taming worldwide inflation, unemployment is ~4% and set the longest streak <4% in 64 years during Biden's term, the first new chip plants in 40 years are being built, the infrastructure is being fixed, prescription drug prices are down, and 800,000 new manufacturing jobs have arisen. The stock market---and everyone's 401K---has soared. In a true rarity, both Consumer Spending and Consumer Saving grew in 2024. If all that is a disaster, can we please get more! I understand not all boats have been lifted by the rising tide of the Biden Boom, but that isn't Joe's fault. The modern economy does require that folks bring talents and marketable skills to the table. Apparently, MAGAs are not in the demographic of talented or skilled, save for the billionaires wanting more tax breaks. Sorry you missed out. Maybe it's kind of courageous you admitted that. Maybe you can join the military and be on the front lines in the Battle of Greenland. Just a thought. The last 4 years have been an incredible wealth building opportunity, the best since the Clinton years. Batten down the hatches now, because the champion of American Carnage will be sitting his bloated fanny behind the Resolute Desk in a week. Woe is us.
  23. Your money, eh? I guess you also make or made 8 figures a year? It's always guys who make maybe $100K a year who beef the loudest about "their tax dollars". They're not even a rounding error. I would prefer people do have something they owe society if society pays them, but the Welfare Mom meme is kind of overblown. I'm going to guess much more Federal money is wasted on all those MAGAs on SSDI in Red States. The top "employer" in KY, TN and WV is SSDI, and all three are Red States. Personally, I don't mind helping the less fortunate. I don't think I need another tax cut, nor do I think Elon is ever going to worry about his Nick Cannon-level of offspring getting their next meal. I think $400 billion is enough. He'll get by without having to play guitar in front of a subway entrance, hat in front. The last tax cut went almost exclusively to those who don't need the money, and the claim that corporate cuts would lead to domestic investment was a shibboleth. Because rates had been zero for years, no corp was starved for funds, so "repatriating overseas profits" was a Repub lie. Corps used the tax cut for stock buybacks and bonusing executives. Corporations are now debt heavy, which doesn't bode well if the economy slows, as it absolutely will do as the Biden Boom ends and the second coming leads to yet another Republican-created Recession.
  24. 47 is the polar opposite of Teddy Roosevelt ("Speak softly, but carry a big stick"). He's all hot air and silly hyperbole. Obama was more Teddy. He spoke softly with Iran, but carried a big stick, or Stuxnet. That put genuine fear in the mullahs (when their high speed centrifuges wobbled and exploded due to power fluctuations caused by the Stuxnet virus). That fear drove them to the negotiating table, resulting in the JCPOA and a total moratorium on nuke development, U235 enrichment, etc. 47 loves to claim credit for "crushing ISIS", but he did nothing, save for allow the policy put in motion by Obama to continue. 47 then subsequently abandoned the Kurds (not the first POTUS to do that), which resulted in lots of US allies getting wiped out. So unafraid are the mullahs of 47 that after he ordered the assassination of Gen Soleimani, Iran attacked US bases in Irbil. They subsequently restarted their U235 enrichment program (after 47 abrogated the JCPOA), upped their hacking of US databases as well as learning how to hack US drones (and passing that knowledge to China), and upped their support for Hezbollah and other Shi'a terror groups.
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