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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. The term on Wall Street for that action on Tuesday is "Dead Cat Bounce".
  2. Cash Crunch donny is now suing the co-founders of Truth (sic) Social, claiming---despite the fact the platform was their idea and they introduced trump to it when Twitter banned him---the two men "mismanaged" their own idea. trump wants a judge to grant him all of their shares in the company. The two guys---Wes Moss and Andy Litinsky---were originally contestants on trump's game show The Apprentice. Some might remember another contestant on his game show---Omarosa Manigault---was later appointed as an Assistant to the President when trump was in the White House. Omarosa secretly taped meetings in the WH Situation Room, eventually quit/was fired (up in the air, though she has a tape of her last day), and she subsequently wrote a book "Unhinged", about her time inside the White House, in which she claimed trump was a racist and in deep mental decline. trump tried to sue her for violating a Non Disclosure Agreement, which ostensibly prohibited her from ever saying anything negative about trump or his family, even covering her time as an employee of the US Taxpayer. The court ruled the NDA was improper and ordered trump to pay Omarosa's legal costs of $1.3 million. Let's see how Moss and Litinsky do in court.
  3. It's already the most heavily shorted stock on the exchange, which is pure Rodney Dangerfield ("I tell ya, I get no respect"). Since borrowing a new issue to short is not easy, there is the possibility of a short squeeze. Everyone would see that possibility, yet they're still short and seemingly unafraid. Crazy. There is that book by Rick Wilson "Everything trump Touches Dies". I guess that is what the market believes.
  4. Two things: 1) There's an old saying on Wall Street..."a paper gain is a paper gain, but a paper loss is real money" 2) I do hope you wash your hands thoroughly after pulling something out from where the sun doesn't shine.
  5. At its high on date of issue, just its 9 million subscribers were 'valued' at $1000 apiece, even though most are probably low income trumpers fantasizing about getting on a rocket-ship-to-the-moon stock. They are not exactly a sought after market demographic, except maybe for chewing tobacco, RC Cola and Moon Pies. At its current value, Twitter (X) subscribers are valued at about $120 a piece, but they tend to be from a much wealthier demographic than trumpers. Even forgetting the fact trump's company had only $4 million of revenue and $60 million in losses, valuing it per subscriber (even allowing it a Twitter value), it would be a $9 stock. With the losses, its incompetent management, and the risk its main "draw" will soon be in jail and lack access to social media, adjusting for risk the stock might be worth 21 cents. Growing its subscriber base is also likely a fantasy, as trump's cult is probably all already on board, at least those who want to be. While it is heavily shorted now---and borrowable stock is not easy to find---a short squeeze is possible. Longer term it's probably a good candidate for a cabinet trade, meaning a short one never covers because the company goes bust. There are still people short Pets.com, and because they never covered, there arises an interesting question of capital gains liability. A position never actually closed is something tax authorities must find.
  6. Not easy to short a new issue. To short you must borrow stock (and pay the interest, which is particular to the stock in question, its availability to borrow, etc.). Borrow-able stock on a new issue is not easy to find. The more heavily shorted a stock is, the higher the borrowing cost will be. Sometimes you can 'naked short' provided you cover before the settlement date. Day-trading naked short is easier.
  7. Oh my! Apparently $4 million in revenues and $60 million in losses do not make Cash Crunch donny as rich as he thought. In mid afternoon trading his stock is down 23% on the day, and down 40% from where his goobers bought it the other day. I think donny wanted the whole market to tank, not just his loser stock.
  8. Wow. morbidly obese donny whined like a two year old 77 times on Easter on his Truth (sic) Social. I guess he didn't have time for church. 77 posts in one day is going to make Sparky feel inadequate. Sparky is only averaging 70 posts a day in his latest iteration.
  9. When I first opened this thread I instantly chuckled, but the knee-jerk outrage was a little surprising. Maybe it was an IQ test, and those who failed are a part of the internet forever.
  10. When you're at the bottom of a hole, put the shovel down. Perhaps soon you'll understand what I mean. BTW, is it Goat or Goad?
  11. I guess others with a child's maturity would similarly see no problem with it.
  12. The morbidly obese, convicted sex offender, convicted charity fraudster, convicted bank and insurance fraudster, twice impeached, under 91 felony indictment pile of festering mutant scum had best be careful. His post could be construed as 'threatening the President', which is a crime. The arrested and released on bail fat guy is free ONLY so long as he doesn't commit a new criminal offense. That is the primary condition of any bail. If his post is viewed as a threat, that is a crime, and he could be jailed while awaiting any of his many trials. I bet the coward would give up his delay strategy if he was placed in Rikers Island with his perjury-convicted financial guy.
  13. "Trump's cabinet is going to endorse Biden." True. And then donny will call all of them "losers" or "just coffee boys". By October, the outcome is going to look certain, so trump will start claiming "RIGGED!" and in his usual way, encourage his goobers to violence. That will just add to his felony charges. When the results come in, of course he will claim "STOLEN!" and try to get the House to block certification again. The morbidly obese crybaby whiner will pull out all the stops, knowing he's unlikely to be either free nor alive come 2028, so no second term.
  14. Perhaps it's time for a Kathy Griffin encore. Of course, she's just an entertainer, not someone "Presidential" like the bloated orange one.
  15. If the market crashes.....Biden's fault! If the market soars...Everybody expects I will win in November I believe it's "having his cake and eating it, too", is why he's morbidly obese. In his case it's a bucket of KFC with a couple of Big Macs on the side.
  16. As I'm sure you have already learned, the more 'poorly educated' the poster, the more sure they are of all their scientific "theorems". Some are saying a second here or there won't affect them, but apparently they missed the part about computer systems, particularly how few are capable of subtracting a second. Of course such things would only matter in the modern world, and many choose to live in the Dark Ages, when computers didn't drive everything from air traffic control to power systems to nuclear reactors to street lights to...... If any problems arise from this rotational and tangential momentum changes, the usual suspects will blame "woke libtards" or maybe vaccines.
  17. trump being trump.....which is to say trump being a lowlife dollop of festering scum. Perhaps some of his sycophants here will say how what trump did is just 'free speech'. The gag order did not (yet) include the judge nor his family. trump immediately made up a story about the judge's daughter, and then posted it on Truth (sic) Social, including her name. Other than fawning butt-kissing morons, everyone knows the sole purpose of that is to scare the judge, who knows trump's goobers will make threats against the daughter. Perhaps someone will post detailed data on where trump's grandkids go to school, what their schedule is, the license plates of cars that drop off and pick up the little varmints, etc. Isn't that just 'free speech'?
  18. Don't flatter yourself. I responded to one message you wrote, because you are a weak and insecure old man who feels the need to disparage anyone who says anything remotely interesting about their own life experiences. You were compelled, for reasons related to your personal ennui, that someone had a more exciting life. You had to take a shot at trying to cut me down, in order to make yourself feel as if an interesting life hadn't passed you by. You should ask yourself why you feel the need to do that. Has your life been so void of interesting experience that you cannot fathom anyone besting you? Go back and look at what you wrote, that had me respond. Ask yourself why you had to write that. Be honest, if you are capable of that.
  19. The latest from Cash Crunch donny, the fake billionaire.... He's schlepping Bibles, which he claims is his favorite book (violation of one Commandment for lying), for $59.99. LOL Nicolle Wallace: ‘If he were selling waterbeds or condoms fine’: Reaction to Trump’s bible grift (msnbc.com)
  20. That's some funny stuff, fella. You presume to speak for 'ordinary Americans'? Are these the trumpers in Red States on SSDI and SNAP, the kind of people who scream, "Keep government out of my medicare"? I do understand why the poorly educated and low skill trumpers would hate the booming economy and soaring stock market, because the world has left them behind. But guess what? trump could care if they die (after getting their vote) and is incapable of doing anything for them. Better luck next life, because in this iteration, trumpers lost the Birth Lottery. For everyone who is not a trumper loser, it's biscuits and gravy time in the Booming Biden Economy.
  21. I just took a look at the US Constitution. Nowhere does it say a perp is only allowed a judge appointed by someone of his political Party. Thus, the judge is as good as any. Eastman was the architect of the Fake Elector scheme. Perhaps this will come as a shock to trumpers here, but that is illegal. In the US lawyers who break the law are normally disbarred. Former President Clinton was disbarred for his behavior in the Whitewater investigation (the one that cost $38 million, began as a real estate deal gone bad, and ended with a stained blue dress). Not sure if the Arkansas judge who disbarred him was a Dem or Repub, but I know for sure Clinton did not whine about it like the typical trumper.
  22. Folks barking about the gag order interfering with Freedom of Speech might ask themselves this: If someone joined Truth Social and posted trump's word salad from the other day after the hearing, would that person be banned? If someone joined TS and kept calling trump Cash Crunch donny or Dementia donny, would that person be banned? I suspect that in trumpistan, only his speech is free.
  23. It's a big world, Bob, but life is short. For some people---maybe this fits you---it's best not to get wedded to one place for the duration. Too much out there to experience. Thailand has its good points, as well as its bad. So does everywhere else. Stay while the good outweighs the bad, and depart for greener pastures or new horizons when the bad takes center stage. I passed through Thailand dozens and dozens of times over the years, and eventually chose to make it home for a while. Having lived in many countries, I know how to fit in and accept whatever idiosyncrasies might exist, while trying to focus on the positive. We each have our own likes and dislikes, and each of us comes with some level of patience, though this can vary widely from person to person. Many foreigners come here, fall into a relationship, and marry. Good for them. I've had relationships here, but none that could go the distance. I accept our differences, and know I would eventually be bored to tears. Likely she would be, too. We're all embedded in the culture of our upbringing, and for me the gap is just too wide. I have no faith, and could never stay long term with someone whose life revolves around superstition and---my opinion only---willful ignorance of the world, the Universe, history, etc. Family, Tiktok and Facebook does not a life make, at least not the life I want. Some guys come here seeking little more than sex and a housekeeper, and good for them, if they're happy. I can do my own chores, sex is pretty easy, but I also want stimulating conversation, and that in the home, not with mates in a bar. For the time being, however, Thailand is pleasant enough and entertaining. When that ends, I will find the next stop, as you are (maybe) now doing. I know you throw curveballs, but I suspect you actually do have sufficient wealth to go where you want when you want. It seems to be time for you to do that. The next stop might get old eventually, but wealth allows you to move on as you wish. There is always something new and exciting to explore. Time to go find it.
  24. I think Hamish Day and his brother now have their defense strategy.
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