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Everything posted by Walker88

  1. Caffeine and other methyl xanthines are vasoconstrictors from the neck down, but vaso dilators from the neck up. That is why coffee helps people focus.
  2. What you note is part of a much larger problem, although it might be slightly off topic. What could Thailand do to wean itself from Tourism? The world is awash in productive capacity, and production is getting increasingly efficient and less human labor intensive. Thailand should build another auto plant? TV plant? Good for robots and warehouses to store the unnecessary production (China is filled with these warehouses, a lot of which is steel). Nothing is needed that doesn't already exist in the world in spades. If there's any plus side, it's that many nations are self-culling, at least not making copies. South Korea's fertility rate will be about .8 this year, which means not even replacing Mom or Dad. Thailand might drop to 1.3, which takes away one or the other, but not yet both. The downside of the self-culling is that most nations have at their core a Ponzi Scheme that requires an ever-increasing population. I would not want to be a not-self-funded retiree around age 50 or so, because that govt pension is by no means guaranteed. There won't be enough workers paying into the system so that old people can draw out. Expats in Thailand living primarily on a govt pension had better "hope" they die sooner rather than later, because whether it's a UK, Aussie or even US Social Security payment, it is either going to be cut or inflated away via printing. As AI kicks in and obviates yet more people, two things happen, neither of which is good. 1) Govt is going to have to take care of more redundant people, further straining budgets 2) Self-serving autocrat wannabes on the right are going to spew out a siren song of false promises and lies to give the obviated and redundant some form of hope, even false hope. Anyone who is paying attention can see it happening already. Finally, I wonder if those of us who never felt the urge to propagate our gene pool might realize we might as well take all the limited resources we feel like using, rather than save them for people who popped out copies and expect us to leave resources for their spawn and their spawn's spawn. Maybe the childless will just become selfish and fill the gas tanks in our Lambos and Cigarettes boats, plus aircon our McMansions and use the resources the progeny who will never exist would have used. Strange times we live in.
  3. Only an idiot thinks the idiot trump could have prevented 7 October or any war that might come between Iran and Israel. Please enlighten us, WWtD?
  4. Actually, Iran was 100% in compliance with the JCPOA. High speed centrifuges were smashed, imports were monitored, nuclear reactors filled in with cement, and UN inspectors allowed full access. The earlier Obama use of Stuxnet put fear into the mullahs that the US could do just about anything. The JCPOA had two goals: to put Iran out of the nuke game for a decade or more, and be a stepping stone to further negotiations on a host of matters, including support for Shi'a terror groups. All was going well, but the childish trump was intent on undoing everything Obama accomplished, so he abrogated the treaty. Iran immediately began to rebuild its nuke program, by getting new HS centrifuges and enriching U235. Later, when trump ordered the assassination of Gen Soleimani, Iran decided the US was eventually going to attack it, so they upped their support for terror proxies. You think trump would have solved Hamas? Gaza? Iran? Child. trump is an idiot with zero understanding of anything.
  5. I guess trump, who has no clue nor care about how the US system is supposed to work, forgets that the job of the House is to legislate, something it is not doing in any way under the whackadoodle Talibangical Johnson. trump probably doesn't even know that Presidential Executive Order isn't the only way anything gets done, but rather most Bills originate in House committees. Those 435 Reps are not Performance Artists, though anyone watching the antics of the Freedumb Cockups and the rest of the dross in the House majority Party might be forgiven for thinking otherwise. I suppose trump's use of 'good job' relates to Johnson leading the block of the bipartisan Border Bill, because trump needs the border issue around which he built his campaign, and if anything is solved, all trump has left is empty slogans and hyperbole about all the 'bestest, unbelievable' ideas he supposedly has, despite his 4 years in office proving he has no ideas at all except family grift and vindictiveness, and then insurrection when he loses.
  6. trumpers have this great ability to completely ignore reality. They always seem to 'forget' that in his first week as Campaign Chair, Paul Manafort was sent to Spain to hand GRU asset Konstantin Kilimnik detailed internal polling data from trump's campaign. "Somehow" that data reached the GRU's Internet Research Agency in St Pete, who then produced fake stories about HRC or other Dems and fed it to the social media accounts of specific voters in key Swing States. Sadly, the then-coopted AG Barr controlled the narrative when Mueller completed his investigation, and also redacted key portions of the investigation. Later, however, the Repub-chaired SSCI issued a 1000 page report that carried the entire Manafort-Kilimnik link. Much later, when the so-called Durham Investigation of the Investigators was ongoing, Durham 'decided' not to pursue the link, despite it being raised repeatedly with his team. As for trump being a paid spy, that accusation did not come from Democrats, but rather from an open-mike chat between then-Speaker Paul Ryan and future Speaker Keven McCarthy. Dems used "witting fool", not paid spy, as the Kilimnik connection, inter alia, showed the cooperation between trump and Russia.
  7. You trumpers are an endless source of amusement. "ruining the country" Record job creation, robust GDP growth, rebuilding infrastructure, new chip plants, lower prescription drug prices... Maybe you should try to ruin your own country as well.
  8. I might be on the wrong side of this issue, but here goes.... In 2023 there were 217 high school male sprinters in the US whose times were faster than the 2020 Women's Olympic 100 meter Gold Medal Winner. That is just in the US. When I was sprinting in university, I could have qualified for the Olympics in the 100-meter.....albeit as a female. As a male, the officials would have been in my way on the track as I finished or already be setting up for the hurdles. "Oh wait! There's one more guy coming!" I am not of the opinion that trans is a mental illness, as the human brain is wildly complex and can develop in different ways depending on a host of factors. Random chance should not be held against anyone, as they had no more control over their mental identity than one has over eye color or race. (I do think, however, that there is currently a fad element to the discussion, as pendulums do what pendulums do, sometimes swinging farther than reality dictates.) I love competition. I love fair competition. It seems to me a bit unfair to women that a guy who can run 10.1 in the 100 meters---not good enough to be elite in the Men's Division---can undergo procedures that allow participation with women who are world class if they run 10.8 Here are the qualifying standards for the 2024 Paris Olympics, by gender. https://olympics.com/en/news/athletics-paris-2024-entry-standards
  9. What trumpers fail to realize is that many Biden supporters are most interested in the continuation of US democracy and rule of law. Whether Biden survives 4 more years is secondary to US democracy surviving 4 more years. Under Biden, that will happen. Under trump, it is the end of the 250 year US experiment in democracy. Biden supporters take trump at his word. We believe he intends to destroy the system we have served, and that because he is a self-serving, childish, vindictive, dictator-wannabe scumball criminal. One of the fascinating aspects of trumpism is that he has drawn losers from around the world to his siren song of retribution and false promises. Oddly, those non-Americans spend infinitely more mental energy focusing on trump than trying to do anything in their own country. THAT^ is when one knows trumpism is a cult.
  10. Point out what Free Speech Biden has censored? Of course you can't. All you have is hyperbole and empty accusations, kind of like Comer and Gym "That's Strauss" Jordan. Incidentally, Biden did not try to take the one who engaged in insurrection in violation of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution (you heard of that? The US Constitution is the document trump wants to eliminate, as he has stated) off any ballot. It was the AG of CO and SecState of ME. trump stated last week that he will jail all of the members of the January 6th committee. They broke no law, but they must go to jail because they offended childish trump, the guy who DID break a number of laws. One of trump's henchmen---Bannon---said last week that "The Accountability Project" begins on Day 1, and Democrats "are going to prison". Bannon didn't mention any crime, since he has none. Fascist scum. Hey, can you point out any election loser who called his goobers to DC for the election certification day and told them "It'll be WILD!" and to "fight like hell" and "march to the Capitol"? For what purpose? A pro forma certification of an election that 50 States already certified? Only trump. Oh, and anybody else ever take TS, SCI, SAP, SITK, Codeword, HCS qand RD documents to his country club and wedding planner facility, and then lie about returning them all? Only trump.
  11. To paraphrase Kipling, it's the sane man's burden. Sometimes it takes 'tough love' to get through the vapors surrounding trumpsters....point out the reality about which they have no knowledge nor association. All those folks who were losers, weren't the cool kids in school, weren't at the top of their class, nor the football hero, couldn't get a date to the prom----they try to live vicariously through trump. trump, a loser himself with his 6 bankruptcies and dozens of failed and shuttered stat-ups, a guy who inherited half a billion dollars from his dad and had dad co-sign all his loans, understands them, and---despite the fact he thinks they're losers and wants nothing to do with them but get their votes---tells them what they want to hear. Rather than work to improve themselves so that they can take advantage of the Booming Biden Economy, trump gives them excuses. EVERYTHING is somebody else' fault. trumpers never have to face themselves and accept responsibility for their own failure, because trump gives them an out. trump exploits their weakness. "I am your retribution" appeals to trumpers, because it FINALLY gets back at all the cool kids from their youth. trumpers want a dictator. They hate democracy and they hate Capitalism, because that forces them to compete with everybody, and trumpers know they come up short, plus they refuse to accept personal responsibility and do anything about it. Like trump himself, his goobers demand to win when they lose.
  12. It takes an honest person to admit it. It could be 'cured' just by looking at the data contained in the myriad of USG websites, detailing employment, job creation, GDP growth, etc. One can also compare the endless "Infrastructure Week" that never happened under trump, but under Biden a bipartisan Bill was passed that is improving things even in Repub districts. The Chips Act resulted in the first new chip plants being built in the US in decades. There are 800,000 new manufacturing jobs since Biden took over. You can be cured of your claimed mental disorder just by looking at reality. Leave the vapors of trumpistan, apply for a visa to the Land of Reality, and all will be well.
  13. There is more than enough public exposure of trump for any psychiatrist to make an educated assessment. It isn't as if trump has been invisible and made no public appearances, done interviews, etc. Batsh!t crazy is he.
  14. Empty comment. Zero to back it up, which is so typical of trumpers. Have you noticed the US GDP relative to your country? How about inflation rate? How's your infrastructure? Any new chip plants under construction in your nation?
  15. Odd comment. Admittedly, to take advantage of the Booming Biden Economy, one needs a good education as well as skills and talents. That leaves out the vast majority of trumpers. The world has left them behind. Obviated them. They are redundant. They do themselves and their spawn no favor by reproducing, because they will pass on their lack of skills and talents to their kids. It's a vicious downward spiral of Darwinian Reality, and it will only be made worse by AI. They grasp on to the lies and false promises of trump, because if they didn't have false hopes, they would have no hope at all. Sucks to be them. For those with education, skills and talents, things are fantastic. 4th Quarter GDP was just adjusted up. The stock market continues to do well. The US economy is beating all other developed nations, and US inflation is also lower than most developed nations. Thanks to the bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, all Americans will benefit from improved roads, bridges, airports, electric grid, communications, etc. It's so good that even Repubs who voted against the Bill are going to their home districts trying to take credit for the improvements they voted against. And what does loser trump offer? "I am your retribution". As for who is working for whom, I don't think Biden got the infrastructure deal done just for his family. Same with the Chips Act, which is resulting in the construction of the first new chip plants in the US in decades. trump's goobers, if they are working at all, and not just parasiting off the Taxpayer with their SSDI and SNAP, are working for trump, sending money to his PAC so he can skim it to pay his legal bills.
  16. It would be a much greater honor---for the USA and the entire human species---if the clown was charged, convicted and executed for Sedition. Only in that way is he capable of maga-ing. And make good people smile.
  17. If one's greatest pleasure in life comes from satisfying a sweet tooth, then go for obesity. If one gets pleasure from a wide range of things---such as looking good, being nimble and energetic, not having joint problems, not suffering from Type II diabetes, and being active enough so that one can eat pretty much as he likes, then fitness is a given. Yes, it takes effort. Nothing in life is free. To enjoy good health into old age requires spending some time exercising, ideally in the gym. All the latest research shows just how important resistance training is. Muscles atrophy much slower, cognition stays solid longer, bone density declines slower, heart health is better, blood sugar remains in a good range, the body produces HGH and testosterone longer. Up to you, as this is the only life one gets. Spend it how you wish.
  18. Are You Truly a trumper? In the fever swamps of trumpistan, there are varying degrees of adoration and fanaticism. You might be ‘on the spectrum’, but where? Are you just a dilettante, or are you all the way to a 1-6-21 terrorist? With trump there is precious little ‘little’, and no ‘kind of’. You’re in balls to the wall or you’re out. You’re either committed (or is that should be committed?) or just evidencing a faddish affectation. No room for the latter. Be all-in or be gone, you tino! (trumper in name only). In order to fine tune the degree to which a trumper is a true cult member, the following panel of questions was developed to assess and differentiate. Run through the list and give yourself a point when you agree with the statement or question, and then add up your score. Use a calculator, if you run out of fingers and toes. Dare to find out just how deep in the weeds you are. Here are the grades, depending on your point total: 0-5: Ha! That’s it? You must be LGBTQ+ 6-10: Not naïve and gullible enough; you’re in need of re-education on Fox or Newsmax before you're qualified to put on your China-made red hat again 11-15: Congrats! You get placed on a mailing list for those running the Nigerian 419 Scam; you have the kind of credulity they can exploit 16-20: I bet you’ll use your SSDI and SNAP to fund a bus ticket to trump’s next rally Hate-in 21-25: Be at the Capitol on 8 January 2025; “It’ll be WILD!” 25: Step aside Kari Lake, you’re the new VP (just do your ‘duty’ on 8 January 2025 or get hung) --------- # 1: You believe trump’s “best economy ever” hyperbole (despite 70% of all Quarters since the end of WWII produced higher GDP growth) # 2: Is trump, “like, really really rich, really really smart, and a stable genius”? #3: At least once you’ve taken your kids’ school lunch money and sent it to trump’s PAC # 4: You believe trump had a right to take TS, SCI, SAP, SITK, Codeword, HCS and RD docs to his country club and wedding planner facility # 5: You believe trump “can declassify with his mind” # 6: trump has ONLY “perfect phone calls”, such as with President Zelenskyy, GA SecState Brad Raffensperger, etc. Some say nobody does a better phone call. # 7: Stormy is lying (and not just about “Not quite freakishly small, but well below average”) # 8: The 2020 election was stolen # 9: The jailed 6 January 2021 terrorists are actually “hostages” and/or “political prisoners” # 10: trump will be reinstated 13 August 2021 2022 2023 2024 # 11: Truth (sic) Social is today’s Amazon and Microsoft rolled into one; get in now or regret later # 12: Hugo Chavez rose from the grave, wrote a program he uploaded to an Italian satellite, and had the satellite alter votes on Dominion voting machines (per Sidney Powell, one of trump’s ‘crack’ legal team) # 13: You believe trump is 6’3” and 215 lbs # 14: Q is real and Hillary/Tom Hanks and others run an international cabal that kidnaps, rapes, roasts and eats babies (as trump now says has truth to it) # 15: You bought a thread from his Georgia booking/arrest jacket # 16: You think Jared is actually the biological father of Ivanka’s kids (okay, no points if your answer is “Yes”, as no DNA test has been done) # 17: You own at least one pair of trump’s Golden Sneakers AND you ordered a trump Bible # 18: You believe bone spurs are a more serious affliction than the Bubonic Plague or pancreatic cancer #19: You think trump’s NYC apartment is 33,000 square feet #20: You think trump won many club golf championships and has never cheated # 21: You believe the trump NFT of him as a buffed fighter pilot represents genuine value #22: You think a former softcore porn model (images on Google) deserved her “Einstein Visa” and was the classiest First Lady ever #23: Like trump, you use the term Deep State and actually believe it’s a real thing #24: You’re still impressed to this day by “Man Woman Person Camera TV” #25: While the 2020 election was rigged and stolen, EVERY Republican Congressperson who won on the same ballot in 2020 did so absolutely legitimately #26: You believe a truly innocent man delays delays delays his trials, rather than has his day in court quickly to prove his innocence. #27: You think the recent East Coast earthquake was---as MTG Tweeted---a 'sign from Gawd that US must repent'...(forget this question, as the USGS said the epicenter was close to trump's Bedminster Golf Course)
  19. House Repubs like Comer and Gym "That's Strauss" Jordan are anxiously awaiting your proof. They keep coming up empty, and got schooled by Lev Parnas recently. In secret, eh? But you, some guy sitting 10,000 miles away in Thailand, discovered it. Astonishing. Come on, Hercule Poirot, spill the beans! Help wipe the egg off Comer and Jordan's faces.
  20. One probably needs a Thesaurus to answer this question... Psychopath? Many psychiatrists have diagnosed him this way, as there is so much public comment from him available, that sitting down with him is unnecessary Batsh!t Crazy? That fits In severe cognitive decline? Let's ask President Obama and Speaker Haley or his wife Melanie (or E Jean). Totally self-centered, childish, vindictive, mendacious, not particularly bright, Narcissistic, greedy, slovenly, woefully insecure...... As for his "skill" without a teleprompter....LOL "covfefe" "unpresidented" "MISINFORMATES" "Marine Core" "DISINFORMATES" (from his Tweets + TS) As for his cult: naive, gullible, dumb, losers, racists, fascists, monarchist/dictator lovers (sorry, that nonsense is for failed empires and hasbeens/never weres)
  21. Oh my! You really know absolutely nothing, yet seem quite proud to announce that to the world. Sniffed way too much diesel in your career, I guess.
  22. This latest Repub silliness is targeted at those whose knowledge of the agency comes from Hollywood B-movies and pulp fiction, which is to say the kind of morons who also believe Q is real and Hillary/Tom Hanks/etc. run an international cabal that kidnaps, rapes, roasts and eats babies. There is a Dumb Demographic, and the Repubs know how to diddle them. The agency couldn't care less about that stuff. As for Repubs, they can't seem to find a credible witness, so they are reduced to making up foolish tales for their audience of low IQ goobers. Some of those they target will post here. Enjoy laughing at their idiocy and gullibility. And if you are one of those running Nigerian 419 scams, you have some new chumps to sucker.
  23. Oh goodness! The Deep State! Moonbat Alert! If you had ever been successful in life or ever been anywhere near the so-called 'halls of power', you would know that anyone who uses the term Deep State is so naive and gullible as to make others' teeth hurt. I could toss out all the usual lines about 'check your meds' or 'go get help', but someone so deep into such banal nonsense is incapable of being helped. It's malignant and fatal. So go ahead...knock yourself silly with your childish Deep State drivel. Think that you are "aware" because you "have done research". If it makes you feel special, go for it. Go stand on a street corner and scream to passersby. That being said, as a card carrying member of the Deep State, I'm catching the bathyscaph Trieste and heading down for some shopping at Titanic Duty Free. I've got to get there before George Soros beats me and scoffs up all the '86 Biondi-Santi Brunello di Montalcino.
  24. Do you understand the difference between personal notes and official USG documents with classification markings? Apparently not. Reagan, Biden and Pence took home personal notes, some of which had classified data. All cooperated with authorities when found, and a precedent was set under Reagan that no prosecution would take place. trump stole a wide range of highly classified documents, not personal notes. He is not allowed to take nor possess them. When told to give back what he stole, he lied and said he had returned everything. When the DoJ was informed trump lied, they authorized the FBI search. Perhaps you can explain why a wedding planner needs things such as war plans, identities of clandestine sources in hostile nations, the capabilities of hostile nations' militaries, etc.? Should all country club and wedding planner companies be given the same documents, as it must be an integral part of the business?
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