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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. glad he's feeling better.
  2. dude, you need to check the meaning of the term consent
  3. sure it is. Anyways Aroma 100% Arabica, many of Bluekoffs offerings etc. it is not hard to find decent affordable coffee here at all, but you need the machine and -- just as important -- the grinder to make it happen.
  4. Classic Thaivisa. Well done folks.
  5. classic. a bigot that can't spell. What are the chances?
  6. no worries, unless you want to be insured. Do you want us to tell you its alright?
  7. I believe it, I have always been particular in my recreational choices. When I was in the Philippines I encountered enough tramadol "enamored" brits and people snorting diet pills to know firsthand why to stay away from <deleted>ty highs
  8. but the question was in the context of recreational Lyrica use by a youtuber there are far too many that would beg to differ
  9. That doesn't even scratch the surface or go into its off-label use as an anti-depressant, let alone its popularity as a recreational high in the UK and especially Ireland
  10. yes indeed. Because venice, phuket, and pats have so many other things in common.
  11. And what evidence and authority do you base this diagnosis on? All I see is unsupported speculation. Clean or dirty, was he "ill" when they at shot his car, too?
  12. First of all, where in the op or anywhere in this thread does anyone mention cycling? Next, when you say never been a cyclist in Thailand does this count? Last 4 Weeks Activities / Week 6 Avg Distance / Week 198.6 km Avg Time / Week 8h 3m 2024 Activities 73 Distance 3,116.2 km Elev Gain 4,033 m Time 128h 43m
  13. perfectly indeed. I admire (though I do not share) your confidence.
  14. Walking around Thailand brandishing a gun -- even a plastic pellet shooting replica -- at soi dogs is downright idiotic.
  15. Err as a name Ilan is about as hebrew as it gets.
  16. where does it suggest he had everything on his person?
  17. So how bad was it, and when? 30 years ago Bangkok was bad, but it showed significant improvement over the years only in the last decade has air quality started to deteriorate again. To my recollection air quality has never been this poor.
  18. that western education in action
  19. funny. I always figured you more for a hide-behind-a-hooker type of fellow
  20. but the vegetables are anemic and the product selection is <deleted>, especially outside a major metropolitan area. If you cook Western-style food you will always be searching for ingredients or trying to come up with a replacement.
  21. usufructs are a very common strategy, but as someone has pointed out, building deep in family territory is just plain stupid as the family can make your life a living hell no matter how many documents you can wave.
  22. prenups are legal in Thailand, in most cases, however, they are pointless in a contested divorce where the court determines the enforceability of such clauses and compliance with Thai laws. In short, Thailand prenups are only valid when both parties are in agreement.
  23. Medical cocaine and ketamine solutions suspended in saline for injection were available in drug stores in Phnom Penh not even 20 years ago. Heroin was even easier to find on the street
  24. Because so many Indians are called Nadiya Servina and have a Slavic spelling of Warsaw (Varshawa, Varshawa) for their last name
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