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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. and here you are again arguing bull<deleted> semantics when you know the true meaning and intent of a statement. Do you hold an actual opinion on the matter, or would you just prefer to spend the day bickering over individual words?
  2. forgive me the hyperbole. but why else would a normal citizen feel the need to demand visa checks?
  3. While i dont condone the man's actions I think doxing the man here is completely reprehensible. You had better hope you are never perceived worthy of such attention.
  4. Oh did it not? it certainly seems Mr Thakorn was hoping to achieve something similar. The man was fined for his actions, yet the complainant demanded more. 3 hours ago, webfact said: Mr. Thakorn expressed his concern to the news team, emphasizing his desire for the police to thoroughly investigate Mr. Matio's background.
  5. it is an interesting nuance, but MW, Dictionary.com, Collins, Oxford and Cambridge would indicate the self is redundant.
  6. The narrative is taking hold. exactly. we are increasingly living in a situation where every aggrieved local feels an obligation to run to the authorities and petition for deportation. even 12 months ago that was nearly unheard of.
  7. to the contrary, I think your own strident calls for justice reflect far more badly on our demographic
  8. please explain the fine nuance between just plain entitled and self-entitled, I'm dying to know. is self-entitled like self-selfish? and I'm not sure how promoting caution in demanding investigations into individuals you take exception to is entitled. In your earlier post you said nothing about the business.
  9. Sorry, I thought you would be conversant in common idiom. bought it means believed, as in "the only issue is that you believed it" hah I don't claim to know, I'm commenting based on the information you provided. moving in a girl you met in bar -- one with a long-standing history with your acquaintances no less. It would seem you are a glutton for punishment. Say no more.
  10. It simply doesn't make sense when legal abortion is available on demand in Thailand
  11. ah, another new guest poser, er poster, to drum up activity on this dying mockery of a current events and Thai discussion board
  12. Yes, dogs in the lower Sukhumvit area simply don't exist that much anymore. I live across from a 7-11 and it has been 10 years since I have seen a sleeping stray out front of its doors.
  13. Be careful what you ask for. Encouraging a precedent for scrutiny that borders on harassment for every transgression affects every expat in the country. it's just stupid when I hear it from the likes of you, but the fact that regular Thai citizens are calling for investigations into every foreigner they dislike or feel wronged by puts us all on a very slippery slope. Witchunts harm both the guilty and the innocent
  14. I think any relationship where the partners are vastly unequal is just as damaging and dangerous.
  15. not seeing the toxicity here. You had your fun she upped the ante, and when you balked she walked. It all sounds quite amenable. As for "love bombing", it is a common tactic for most local professional girlfriends -- I remember when I first got here decades ago being amazed and put off by the fact that a woman I had slept with once could claim to have fallen in love with me. That pattern repeated itself numerous times over the years and i always walked away. The only issue there is that you bought it. That tactic is the reason I have only settled down with one Thai woman in all the time I lived here. That blew up after a few years, but at least it wasn't due to bull<deleted>, but a mutual amicable growing apart.
  16. and the moral of the story is "keep your cocks well in hand"
  17. purveyor of non-sequitirs and irrelevance that you are, I would still like you to explain how a past nazi collaboration, real or imagined, is relevant in the here and now.
  18. The fact that you are reading it here means it already has. this is hardly a site known for a fresh take.
  19. i reckon that is the point of the news coverage. The fact the owner was a farang is the whole of the story. It been a while since we have had a good bad Farang story. Whether owned by farang or Thai, in the south there is a long-standing tradition for beachfront property owners to own dogs that chase strangers off their beach. I remember running the gauntlet from Bantai to Haadrin along the beach years ago chased by threatening dogs. If you didn't stand up to them you could get a nasty nip. many an uninitiated beach walker ended up walking in the sea to avoid confrontation. That said this Mario fellow is <deleted>.
  20. been a while since we had a new troll. I'm sure you will fit right in
  21. <deleted>. Dribble is commonly misused for drivel by illterates, but that doesn't make it correct
  22. What they dont tell you about is the locals he trained and employed
  23. He is not a barber he is a qualified stylist with credentials and experience out the wazoo. As for who? Women who want their hair professionally colored pay that much. Proper dye and treatments can easily cost that much, then there is the cost of the expertise required to apply it. It is a process that involves multiple steps and takes several hours. In the West similar service can cost several hundred dollars easily I had a girlfriend whose bi-annual highlights and cut cost over 10k baht in Bangkok a few years ago and she would come home with an additional few thousand baht worth of shampoo to maintain it. She thought it was a bargain compared to what she spent in the UK.
  24. Damn, a few years back he cut my hair on many an occasion. Interesting fellow. seems to have put on a bit of weight though!
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