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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. Only honest PM the country has had. In my time here, at least
  2. And anyone who thinks this is to benefit the poor, think again. It is about making tax filing mandatory for everyone who has never paid tax, a mind-boggling large percentage of the population. As Thailand moves from a cash to a prompt pay/mobile banking economy there will be nowhere to hide. I see it happening but am caught up in the convenience myself
  3. but its really not. says she stopped abruptly in front of him, but no context
  4. not even bothering with the pretense. I have not seen one report with a statement about future policy in Thailand attributed to the sock puppet peatongtarn
  5. where the <deleted> do folks think boat people <deleted>? Who would even think an individual be charged for taking crap in the sea? I have been crapping off boats most of my life outrage for outrage's sake, leave the man alone a prosecute (or persecute, if you will) the creepy bastard who filmed him <deleted> You, netizens!!!
  6. I'm more of a TV remote-in-the-fridge kind of guy.
  7. wow, I was hoping to read some trite cliches here today and you have certainly delivered. Colour me surprised, I thought you only talked about hookers got anymore?
  8. Ah! My face is red, thanks I'm just reading up on the current senate now.
  9. Did you get beyond the post title? i suspect not
  10. Except the army still owns the senate
  11. Sure Brits may be able to laugh at themselves, they just take it poorly when you laugh first. As for the best humour in the world. are you really making that tired claim?
  12. you don't reckon less riders on meth of any gender might be the way forward? also who is to say this tweaking assclown might not just as easily be misled into amorous assumptions by a female colleague as a foreign passenger?
  13. has noting to do with what i am saying. That iteration of pattay appeals to a very specific shrinking demographic, there simply aren't that many from later generations in queue for the barstools once they are vacant
  14. And all of them approaching elderly status. nobody sub 40 gives a <deleted> about pattaya whores enough to travel for them.
  15. Birds, booze and banter remain the Pattaya attraction for AGEING and Elderly Brits There fixed it that is because they are the same people as 30 years ago, FFS. doesn't he just look like a man with his fingers on the pulse:
  16. Just fantastic that the court is being used to bludgeon every politician in the nation from the political arena
  17. Did you miss the part where I said it wasn't necessarily a negative?
  18. not sure, I have even lost track of the number of coups i have seen in my time here.
  19. I peeked in the door, saw you two asshats sitting there and decided I din't need a drink
  20. yet the American people vote for him. go figure. From the images in the OP. he is the very definition of buffoon, yet that cannot be entirely true.
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