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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. My oh my are you in for a shock. Better you than me.
  2. You must be blind, plenty has changed in the last 10 years. that is not necessarily a negative but it is pointless to deny that things do change.
  3. indeed, during his reign as prime minister -- back in the day, not this time around -- summary executions were the way forward.
  4. I find the whole topic creepy as <deleted>. Not the morality, but the need to proudly shout from the rooftops and seek validation. Live your life, but shut up and fek off
  5. You could not make it up.
  6. He is officially ruling the country, even the press has given up all pretence that the girl has any input. Was she even in attendance while he established government policy? As for vehicle leasing mortgages accounting for 91% of household debt, I say bull<deleted>-- unless they are not counting credit cards.
  7. Its good to see him stepping back. Do you reckon anybody over at the Pataya Mail noticed the headline has SFA to do with the "news" story?
  8. The vodka cheese diet has seen me through tough times
  9. So you are used to being wrong?
  10. like broken bloody record. Dont you ever tire of typing the same thing ver and over?
  11. Most hot slim women stopped working in beer bars the moment they realized the internet is a far better lead source.
  12. I reckon he could use a short time -- ease the pressure, dontcha know.
  13. Is somebody else using your account? you seem to be contradicting yourself today ignore/don't ignore, professional writer/ just a reader. Anyways you have earned my respect, as my mother once said, anybody working in the sex industry earns every penny. I'm just amazed you find the time to compose your single paragraph novellas in the midst of it all!
  14. we cant all be the incredible hulk.
  15. so much for ignored, you better get on that my good fellow. As for professional writers, what did you make writing for the tech industry last year?
  16. so you are just a bigot when it comes to the large among us. gotcha. I have never been over 69 kilos in my life lil buckaroo, Currently hover around 64-65, just like in my teens
  17. But i still get the joy of your earnest ramblings and endless paragraphs. so its a win
  18. Wow Fred, you really are a Renaissance man, is there anything you havent done?
  19. its pretty obvious you are a reformed fat fok with a fitness obsession.
  20. what is ridiculous is feeling a need to discuss it online with other dinosaurs in this last bastion of Thailand's dying whorefokking bar culture.
  21. you may have head start there me old mucker. have a safe day, wouldn't want you tripping on a loose shoelace.
  22. great, meanwhile you just stay on the sofa racking up posts and composing a list of all the things you are afraid to try.
  23. I have not disregarded reality. Do not alter my words. I said in many ways it is safer to cycle here than the US or Britian. I did not mention Europe where there is an actual cycling culture and infrastructure, and folks have a different attitude towards bikes. The fact remains that in car-centric countries like the US and Britain (and Canada and Australia to a lesser but very real extent) anti-cycling sentiment, and the dehumanization of cyclists by drivers is on the rise USA cycle casualties show similarly high numbers What is most concerning is an alarmingly high incidence of cyclists in the US and UK, reporting harassment, and threatening behavior where drivers purposely cause accidents or chase and try to scare riders. In the US a favorite trick is to roll coal, or blanket riders in black diesel smoke I have friends in Florida who say this happens to them a few times a year. In the UK, people on mopeds stalk cyclists to steal their bikes. Again I have friends in various cities in the UK that report similar activities near them. I have one friend who was chased. So yes i get angry when folk who have no idea what they talking about make false claims about the danger. Cycling comes with inherent risks, they are not necessarily any worse here. if subs like r/cycling are any indicator a huge number of riders are harassed or put in danger in "civilised" nations. NONE of these things happen commonly in Thailand.
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