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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. You and your sig sauer bore me. Why wait? bugger off and be reunited now.
  2. Seems you can't differentiate between experimentation and addiction, but then I never figured you for a thinker. perhaps it's time for another beer.
  3. great answer, now perhaps try it in English as relates to the actual topic of mixing weed and meth you responded to. better yet don't bother. And I have had a great lifestyle traveling the world, working, and raising a lovely daughter.
  4. the whole anti-Farang media bandwagon is getting out of hand. anyone who even gets a sideways glance from a foreigner can go viral these days. how is that worthy of national or international coverage The fact that the media reports on the internet is pathetic. not saying these guys are right, but if you have a complaint, report it to the cops, not facebook.
  5. it is here again because it fits the current predilection for publishing news stories that portray foreigners in a bad light.
  6. I think its great that local netizens have the sensitivity to be offended by acts nobody actually saw As for this, given that we are talking about Pattaya, it is pure comedy gold.
  7. Its not about the police work, its the media promoting an anti-marijuana narrative
  8. Mayhap, but in my direct experience weed only lightly takes the edge off a meth high, it does not exacerbate it. To be clear I do not actually like meth, and have not made it a habit, but I have experimented with a wide range of substances over the years, because, well, because I could. I'd love to hear about your first-hand knowledge on the subject.
  9. indeed, every day for years I have woken up and said to myself, "I hope today they start arbitrarily revoking visas and deporting people without due process."
  10. when someone I know is not where they are expected, the police are the very last of a long list of potential actions
  11. This one is a twofer -- managed to get foreigners are all murdering criminals and marijuana is the devil's lettuce all into one story. happy days
  12. Its part of the crackdown on misbehaving foreigners. they have a clear mandate, to make the busts and feed the story to the media. It's highly unlikely he was given the option to pay to walk away. That's only an option when there isn't a more public agenda.
  13. hardly indicative of the entire population. seems you have married into quality
  14. but publishing that he was high on meth highlights a way bigger problem and doesn't fit with the anti-marijuana narrative conservatives are pushing.
  15. What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you blind to the greater context? how can you not see that the media is working overtime to normalize anti-foreign sentiment and it is not a matter of "I am a good, law-abiding boy and my mommy loves me." How are you not aware of a different flavor of scrutiny as you go about your day-to-day business? The Phuket govt has already admitted categorically that it is engaged in a crackdown specifically targeting foreigners How can you not see that the policies implemented by a Thaksin-led government are already negatively affecting you? Im not saying you should be paranoid or afraid but ffs, be aware.
  16. I'm aware of the context and I'm not offended, I'm disgusted. I'm also unsure why it is so important to you that we all know you can still get it up.
  17. because its a reasonable suggestion. if she wants him to sign she should give up the ring.
  18. I can't even fathom feeling the need to share this here.
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