my, my brian, don't you have great eyesight. You are able to pick out details that don't exist in a low light, low-res video.
As for being manhandled, she seems to be giving far more than the dude she is protecting
i live in a house with a large wild(ish) lot next door in the middle of lower sukhumvit, its like bloody wild kingdom, snakes, skinks, squirrels, and all sorts of creatures in between. No shortage of mosquitos year-round.
Great bird watching too.
before i discovered freshket a couple months ago I bought most of my meat and vegetables there. I was there at least once a week, i never once noticed it was deserted
that and the fact that sex tourists and mongers are a rapidly dying breed.
Edit now that i think of it has literally been years since I had a guest that wanted to visit nana, cowboy or Patpong. Everyone wants to go out, just not to a gogo.
I have had a few close calls. I remember a rain full moon party where the entire bar structure was live to the touch.
I also had a maid nearly burn my house down using a phone charger her husband had repaired.
Did he happen to mention how the government plans to compensate business owners who acted in good faith for the consequences this massive, idiotic example of backpedaling?
my last transfer took 20 minutes rather than being instant. When it happens though WISE status is sending rather than sent. once it says sent, I get the bank notification. It has happened twice now, but in each case it took less than 30 mins
not given to conspiracy theories, but I do wonder if has anything to do with the imminent new tax laws and thai banks working on their reporting.