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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. like you would have changed your ways
  2. Pre Covid, I could not venture out on Sukhumvit 11 or environs without running into someone from "back in the day". It always surprised me that they remembered my name. After Covid most went to ground. For years I would meet women I once knew from back then with their husbands or boyfriends after they had settled down. But to me "the bar" had a different meaning. Back then, the demographics in the clubs and after-hours scene (Sin, Tunnel, funky dojo, etc, even the plastic chairs on Sukhumvit) were more mixed, and freelancers were often just regular women looking for a bit of fun and perhaps (but not always) a financial top-up. I only spent time in the gogo bars when a visiting friend insisted. You could meet women from the hospitality industry, travel agents, shop girls, and even the odd nurse or university student. I'd be just as likely to pull an expat office worker or teacher as a Thai.
  3. Waze was useful in the Philippines because people there did interact with it. Gave it a try when i moved back here, but soon gave up. unless things have changed in the last couple years, here in Thailand few bother to offer input
  4. Well it appears you dont need help after all. bye bye
  5. left out of nana onto sukhumvit and right onto the expressway.
  6. because google maps can do it better, quicker.
  7. indeed, that is why after I had my fill I switched back to lovers and partners with whom i shared a similar education and common ground. Dont get me wrong, occasionally I give in to my more shallow urges, but never for long,
  8. there are so few of them because there is no advantage in it.
  9. nothing in the article indicates they were working together.
  10. Wow, just wow,
  11. these ai AI-generated stories that keep paraphrasing the same idea are beyond tiresome. Then there is the remark "Despite her usual preference for dressing stylishly, Ms. Wichasri emphasized that the real reason for the shop’s success lies in the quality of her work, which has earned her a strong reputation among both new and returning clients." Stylishly, really? That rhinestone belt looks like a keeper.
  12. Ah, this is the quality sex tourist and misogynistic anti-thai commentary we have all come to know and love.
  13. Sanford is entertaining but hasn't necessarily aged in alignment with modern sensibilities. it actually irks me that I am aware of that.
  14. Id say not being Trump or Biden although negatives are fairly positive traits,
  15. how very dull.
  16. Why not just post the damn URL? Complete <deleted> the two of you are.
  17. Well done man, your sex tourist jokes never get old
  18. Why? I I have been hearing this for the last 20 years. its an industry almost as lucrative as the real estate itself.
  19. more than rarely
  20. because other peaceful folk like Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, you name it, never engage in violent iof criminal behavior. great job hiding the bigotry. Who are they again? Arabs, Russians, Chinese, or perhaps UK, or other European organized criminal entities? So hard to keep track of who to hate. Or do you just hate indiscriminately?
  21. and now they ignore the south
  22. like clockwork, the same warning every year. If i recall correctly someone predicted just after i arrived that i would be underwater today
  23. That's how my father felt until he died of sepsis because the doctor couldn't be bothered to follow up on his test results. Then his kidney stones dropped and caused a blockage, he was yellow and bloated when he died -- all avoidable. If he pushed for the follow-up, the doctor might actually have glanced at his test results before he died. only you are truly responsible for your medical care. If you think you are getting the short end of the stick, say something. you don't need to be peat, but you do need to be assertive.
  24. I was on the Bhumibol Bridge ferry from Prapadeang to Rama III yesterday and the water was silly high.
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