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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. got a link to this? genuinely curious
  2. yeah, sure. because the whole world acknolwedges he is a stupid man. Do better.
  3. the pretence is strong with this one. i realize its a personna you don for AseanNow.com (at least i certainly hope so) bur doesnt it grow old?
  4. Nothing is definitive yet, speculation is pointless, but double taxation treaties are in place, so you are not likely to be liable.
  5. pedant
  6. much more like it. that grey slop in the op just doesnt rate.
  7. if i could only eat one thai street dish for the rest of my life that would be it. needs a soft yolked fried egg on top though. That one also seems to have a serious dearth of chili. you can keep your tom yam, phad thai and somtum thank you.
  8. I dont see where i said anything of the like. I wasn't even aware this time machine you speak of was even a thing. I am also not denying that the allegations may be true. I just think the timing is mighty convienient. Your rhetorical flourishes are both patronizing and tiresome.
  9. Just do it. Keep your head down and dont publicize it.
  10. I personally beleive that your previous comment is disngenuous. Russel brand has been very publicly stirring the anti establishment pot, having recentlt given several contrvesial interviews where he has attacked the mainstream media. Whether you agree his beliefs are "truth bombs" or not, you know exactly why some interests may want him muzzled. I cant speak to his guilt or innocence, but i can definitely understand why the allegations may be coming to light now. Then there is the matter of his very public drug and alcohol abuse which no doubt led to some very marginal behavior. that, in hindsight, may prove difficult to defend
  11. i see nothing that indicsate you understand what cdb is or does,
  12. I cant see why he would care whether he has your support or not, you sound smug and self righteous as fok.
  13. in many cases its a generational thing. I reckon gen x has a far more adaptable morality than boomers, who certainly had a more lax sense of mores than the gerenations that preceeded them. I also think its cyclical. unfortunately the pendulum seems to swinging back to a community (vocal majority) enforced rather than individual morality.
  14. Im all for taking liberites, but the "i dont harm others" argument is <deleted> -- its all good that you dont want to hurt others or harm yourself until you do. the argument is great as long as your crystal ball keeps working. Be honest. in some instances you just dont care.
  15. im always amused when people humble brag about the tax they pay. When it comes to taxes im more proud of the ones i have avoided.
  16. So the guy has a rank he is willing to relinquish, what is your point?
  17. like every other ex drunk, junkie and sex addict. What doe tyhat have to do with the allegations. He was <deleted> up for years, entirely possible some "msunderstandings ensued. Im sure there was something to dig up that may not have been considered worthy of action or a payout by the "victims" until somebody made them an offer He has gained huge traction against the establishment, anyone who can't beleive that there are interests who may want him muzzled is in denial.
  18. Well ok then.
  19. Wow. Alot to be unpack there. It's like the balloon chasers of days gone by are back.
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