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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. I have tried it. if you are comfortable with balancing sports, it is fairly intuitive. Skateboarding also teaches you how to bail without getting hurt.
  2. no harder than any number of types of sports equipment including a bicycle, unicycle, or skateboard.
  3. I suspect its bluster, but why would you even consider employment that toxic?
  4. Whatcha gonna do? bore them to death with your self-righteousness and tales of cypto?
  5. sure you will big man, sure you will
  6. I doubt I would have noticed, I don't check bills unless they seem very out or I'm confirming that I was charged for the 2 for 1 special. If I did notice, I would likely have been at home already. As for the cashier, very unlikely they would have been punished. The cash they recieved would match what they rang out. The farang theory is just plain stupid.
  7. I don't disagree you can do it on your own. But, in my freinds case, she could have settled for dismissal without severance, but the was a UK company involved, local reps, and a set of contracts promising years of work. Without a lawyer she could not have sued and won salary for over a year and compensation for relocation both here and back. So a few hundred thousand vs a few million.
  8. Christmas in Thailand is infinitely tolerable. In the Philipines, Christmas begins with 'Ber (the season of months ending in ber -- its a real thing there). That means the carols and decorations start appearing September first. That is the definition of hell.
  9. Anyone growing up in a culture dominated by a particular religion is going to take on some cultural traits whether they practice the religion or not. Culturally, America has inescapable Christian underpinnings. Even Muslims in Thailand must adopt some very Buddhist traits to function in society. it is the same with non-muslims in Muslim-dominated countries. I know Indonesian Christians who don't eat pork. Often Agnosticim and Athiesim are reactions to that cultural influence. to deny something you need to acknowledge its significance to others. It is naive to think a religion's influence doesn't extend beyond devout practitioners
  10. personally i would not inform them This is true, but if there is real wrongdoing on the employer's end, and the potential for a real payout, a lawyer can make a huge difference.
  11. The Labour Department is intensely employee-centric, foreigner and Thai alike. It doesn't matter. prepare every document you have and get down there to lodge a complaint. I don't know the circumstances, but if they did not follow severance procedures to the letter with warnings etc, you may be in for a settlement as well as your severance. The chance is high your employer figures you won't squeal and pays up as soon as labour contacts them. I know of a few folks who have been paid out in the millions (baht), with and without going to court. Over COVID a close friend of mine went to court and received a years salary plus relocation compensation because her employer moved her to Thailand with a multi-year contract and then lost the business they hired her to fulfill. they tried to fire her without reason or notice and they lost big in court.
  12. when all is said and done, you are simply a dull, attention-seeking troll.
  13. Not at all. I don't go to the mall.
  14. Yes, pre-COVID covid i was coming and going regularly from the Phils. I was asked to show an onward ticket and had not purchased one yet so I told the agent I would book one online stepped out of the queue. Because i didn't know when exactly i was leaving i edited an old confirmation. I showed the agent and away I went. I prepared one in flight on a few occasions but was never asked to show it again
  15. Back in the day most drugs were .1 shy of a gram
  16. 1. Take PDF Confirmation from last hop out of Thailand 2. Edit Travel dates on PDF 3. Email PDF to self 4. Present PDF on screen if questioned. Simple innit.
  17. what does this have to do with anything? I have friends who have been in Thailand for decades that read thaivisa once 20 years ago and never returned. The post is certainly <deleted>, but join dates and number of posts mean nothing. In fact some of the biggest fokwits on the site have the highest post count
  18. I don't believe a word of it.
  19. Perhaps not in Thailand in general, but it would seem that a large portion of Aseannow can only relate to women in the context of a financial transaction.
  20. deleted double post
  21. I think the issue is not gay content itself, but forcing the agenda and equating sexual preference with identity. But then I'm irritated by overblown hetero or political bull<deleted> as well.
  22. Thats funny i saw this dude walking up Sukhumvit yesterday afternoon as i rode by on my bike
  23. nice story, walter mitty
  24. I find that hard to beleive, your post history is littered with references to you walking away from your family and advising others to do the same.
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