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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. what is your point, captain obvious?
  2. They are cute as <deleted> but that is not the point. If the poster took the picture thenselves, reposting it a <deleted>ty thing to do. If they are reposting, then its simply pathetic.
  3. it sounds bizzarre. Why would they have required hopsital treatment, at best they needed a nap unless there was something more to the weed than weed. This is another one of the many anti-marijauna stories so common in thai media. And what the hell does "losing full control of themselves" mean? Did they crap or piss themselves of start sobbing uncontrollably?
  4. Why would you feel the need to post that?
  5. What pathetic dramatics. she would have taken you for every penny she could and disappeared, not killed you,
  6. my local wine connection is a cesspit of first tinder date preteniousness and social lubrication
  7. are they now? So its only the 10 percent I see driving around in new cars, eating in restruants or buying property?
  8. you know him do you? then why does he pubicly contradict every claim about him you make?
  9. there are also those uf us do not think in bull<deleted> trems of beta alpha or of couse sigma, the new favour of the day. personally i live my life as i sse fit. it is not about domination or masaculinity its abut what works for me. if you are hung up on all this crap you have issues you need to deal with.
  10. heeeey what did i ever do to deserve a novel with spurious percentages? just stop that <deleted>.
  11. Bless your earnest socks. you'd need a long memory to remeber what it was you were trying to say when you began one of your epic pargraphs.
  12. whatever gave you that impression? it certaily wasn't reading the site,
  13. Well constructed troll, but i call bull<deleted>. either that or you are such a weak waste of skin you deserve no genuine response
  14. Do you now, Fred? What would you do, bore him to death with overly long paragraphs?
  15. Wow, i actually used them once problaby 15 years ago, when I was between jobs and hadnt yet figured out the non-O game for folks with a thai child. It was the only land border bounce I have ever done. It was unbearable. The ride was interminable, and to decribe the casino and the coffee shop as a <deleted>hole would be a kindness. As for a ghost run, there was no such magic service, we were physically trotted past the agents
  16. Russians are a drop in the bucket and hardly an issue in Bangkok. They have inudated tourist locations, not so much the mahankorn itself. Chinese crime on the otherhand has for some reason become a major bugbear. I think the authoriies who were turnng a blind eye to the whole thing were caught out by just how far the Chinese criminal influence has spread. Now they are doing domage control and trying to save face.
  17. Seems like you are a prime candidate for an agent. If i were in your shoes i would dedicate a single day to getting it done and if i falied id simply throw some money at the problem.
  18. Divorce her and walk away. Be sure to cut all ties, she will start borrowing money or gambling next if she hasnt already.
  19. coffee shop, yeah right.
  20. It should be rather obvious, the context is all there -- you have to do the visa run in person, you cannot just send your passport to be stampoed in and out
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