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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. now you are just making things up.
  2. Username checks out. aint living in the past grand.
  3. had to squeak a whore in there somewhere, didnt you?
  4. wtf is that thing? you know its illegal to force children or small domestic animals to roll joints right?
  5. if you are getting powder you are doing something very wrong. Your weed is simply too dry. find something better.
  6. try understanding that it hits different people differently. Some weed just creeps. sure you feel something while you are still holding the joint or the baong. but you dont feel the real effects for at leat 15 minutes, sometimes longer. As for smoking for 30 years, that is hardly an accompishment given the age of most on this forum. Besides there are folks out there that have been having sex for 30 years who stil don know what the fok they are doing,
  7. Canadian, smoked dope around the world. Alwyas ground. In fact i dont know anyone who doesnt grind or chop the weed before rolling or smoking in a bong.
  8. tesla is not the be all and end all in the the battery world. There are plenty of comapnys making strides on battery tech for home, mobile and marine use and they are not the bateries you use to power your phone or vape. The choice is yours, but why buy a systrem that has limited cycles AND can only be used at arount 40-50 perent of capacity.
  9. or you could just use an agent and eliminate those heaaches for a fraction of the price.
  10. my my, aint this thread the perfect example of just how badly ubonjoe is missed.
  11. Unless you are going lithium, there is little point period. Why buy a battery that is only good for half its stated capacity?
  12. Incel Gone Wild. Perhaps a few generations of a limited gene pool on show there as well. unfortunate fellow has a head that is even more square than Thaksin's
  13. Actually that is exactly true. years ago I worked at a Thai university. During the extended breaks foreign and thai teaches alike would travel and go on holiday. The office support staff would sign us each in daily until we returned.
  14. I have a history of upper respiratory infections dropping into my chest. After a short bout with COVID last year i actually developed pneumonia. It took weeks to settle in and i was left breathless. Without testing, some asshat of a doctor decided that because i had once smoked, I had advanced COPD. I continued suffering for over a month and taking expensive COPD meds before seeking out a COPD specialist. That specialist took one look at me said i hqd pneumonia and cleared it up in a week with a course of anti biotocs. go see a good doctor, it is not worth messing around with this.
  15. how do you ban something that is already illegal?
  16. you have work permit? also how close to midmarket was the exchange rate and what was the transfer fee? was the exchange done thai side or canadian side? finally did rbc sting you to receive the money?
  17. ah, ok jacko, sorry to have questioned your ability to understand the printed word.
  18. being surprised would be very silly given that everyone knows this is exactly why the junta stacked the senate in the first place.
  19. well, the list does also include Chaweng, that hidden gem rife with traditonal thai town appeal.
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