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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. Unless the policy has changed the appointment system rules out Vientiane unless you book months in advance. Ah, I see you said that already.
  2. that is the definition of a batch. fentanyl can change that equation, but with fentanyl she would not have made it home.
  3. no. he cant blackmail you or black list you, "your friend" is an idiot. ill withold posting my opinion of you "both" for beleiving a gaslighting trangender hooker has any genuine pull with the police. what a silly <deleted> question. i love this remark:
  4. yes indeed, but i was hoping for a ballpark figure from someone who has purchased either medication here before,
  5. ok, you win the internet for today. congratulations.
  6. Does anyone out there take Brilinta and know how much it cost to renew the prescription? Also curious regarding the cost of plavix or genric equivalent. I tried a search but came up with nothing conclusive.
  7. the claim that he paid no tax is untrue. Personally i have spent my entire life avoiding taxes wherever i can. I am also beloden to no government for healthcare or benfits. If the law allows for a trust it seems unrealitic to blame an indivudual for taking advantage of that. your issue should be with the lelgislators.
  8. got any pictures of your regular squeeze or the last woman you slept with to set the bar?
  9. As recently as the 1930s thai women in certiain regions did not wear tops.
  10. truly a great loss for the community, He helped me out more times than i can count over the years. he was one of the very few contributors or miderators on this site worthy of genuine respect.
  11. but that is not true is it. the trust pays a 6 operent tax every 10 years. while it is not the full 40 percent, over the course of a lifetime it is certainly more than nothing.
  12. given his age, thats bloody unlikey
  13. What is he actually in charge of beyond a few ceremonies and symbolic duties, pray tell? If a country wants to shrug off the "yoke" of the commonwelth i see it making absolutely no difference whatsoever
  14. Canada is moe worried about trans rights and limiting speech than it is about the commonwealth.
  15. jesus, reduced to stealing a bag of weed. I could understand something expensive and addictive, but weed?
  16. i guess the question is why bother putting together such a richly detailed lie?
  17. given the recent heatwave, its a horrible time of year to have to foot the electricity bill for a refrigerated coffin
  18. there a re plenty of Indian families with generations of history in thailand and full citizenship.
  19. https://www.bmw.com/en/automotive-life/break-in-a-new-car.html#pwjt-4 BMW reccomends a light break in. Mrecedes reccomends similar for 1500 km Corvette C7s and C8s actually put a breakin redline on the tach until 1500 km On the C7 Corvette, to give owners a guide to driving responsibly while the driveline components bedded in, engineers programmed "a variable red line on the tach to give drivers a visual indication on when it would be advisable to take it easy on the car.
  20. my my arent we a sensitive lot. One of the people directly involved in the legalization of marijuana in thailand points out the current market is awash with vendors (some forein) selling illegal imported product and you turn it into a race war. well done.
  21. im flying my kid in from the US for the summer and the lowest price i could find is 2400 USD. Dat focking hurts
  22. well done posting an article behind a paywall.
  23. sure, its a nice thought. Then you take a look at the car in the picture and see it is early to mid 90's
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